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What if you KNEW there was a God.


And who would prefer to spend eternity playing harp with individuals who think that you can take lives at will just because you made them?

I would take it as a badge of honor not to share place with those, divine or not, and gnash my teeth instead.


- viole

Whose wins games in heaven? Do both teams win at basketball?

Also, if I was in heaven, and I just had to sit there all eternity in heaven watching my family members and friends burn forever, than I don't see how a state of heavenly bliss could exist anyways. Also, what's up with those four-winged griffins?


Well-Known Member
It is only fair that whatever we can create we should also be able to destroy.
Does the creator of something also reserve the right to do whatever they wish with their creation? If an advanced scientist created a woman from scratch, atom-by-atom, would he be completely within his rights to force her to marry him even if it was against her will? Or, would it be better to give her the free choice to marry him or not, with the consequences for choosing to not marry him being her own destruction? If you were the very woman in question, would his terms seem reasonable to you?
Does the creator of something also reserve the right to do whatever they wish with their creation? If an advanced scientist created a woman from scratch, atom-by-atom, would he be completely within his rights to force her to marry him even if it was against her will? Or, would it be better to give her the free choice to marry him or not, with the consequences for choosing to not marry him being her own destruction? If you were the very woman in question, would his terms seem reasonable to you?

According to some religions we are just toys for some higher power to play with as it pleases. Such a being acting this way cannot have much respect or concern about the life it created. Good luck getting people who subscribe to these religions to admit that themselves.
Yes I do!

So a being created by humans who was self aware, intelligent, had emotions, could feel pain, looked like us, and had the same basic desires and needs as us would be nothing more than an object to you? You would have no more compassion or mercy for this being than you'd have for a car or chair? Is this how your god views humanity? We are just toys to be used and broken?


No. They lied about why they were going there and they were under no threat. To this day they have not given a single good reason why their bombing of Iraq was justified despite being asked many times. Furthermore the are not God and have no right to remove people out of this world without a good reason: which they have not provided.
It is interesting (read: horrific) that you give Saddam the right to remove innocent people out of this world without any good reason, but you object to USA removing guilty people out of this world with good reason. If you really want to find God, instead of just the fairy tales you were brought up with, the path to God goes through an understanding of the 2003 Iraq war.

I won't offer you a "single good reason", I'll instead give you many good reasons. See here: http://www.mutazilah.org/enlight.htm (and make sure you click on the first link you find there)

Actually, read this first, it's much shorter and written by someone else: Anti-Subjugator: succinct pro-war argument
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Well-Known Member
Does the creator of something also reserve the right to do whatever they wish with their creation? If an advanced scientist created a woman from scratch, atom-by-atom, would he be completely within his rights to force her to marry him even if it was against her will? Or, would it be better to give her the free choice to marry him or not, with the consequences for choosing to not marry him being her own destruction? If you were the very woman in question, would his terms seem reasonable to you?

What will? How do you use Atoms to create a will?


Well-Known Member
It is interesting (read: horrific) that you give Saddam the right to remove innocent people out of this world without any good reason, but you object to USA removing guilty people out of this world with good reason. If you really want to find God, instead of just the fairy tales you were brought up with, the path to God goes through an understanding of the 2003 Iraq war.

I won't offer you a "single good reason", I'll instead give you many good reasons. See here: http://www.mutazilah.org/enlight.htm (and make sure you click on the first link you find there)

Actually, read this first, it's much shorter and written by someone else: Anti-Subjugator: succinct pro-war argument

I'm not too interested in the propaganda. If there really were all those good reasons they would have been provided BEFORE the war not after we all realised the WMDs story was a lie. Your country's government is extremely corrupt. So I am not impressed when they topple another corrupt government.
I have no tears for Saddam but I have tears for the hundreds of thousands that have been killed and are currently being killed because of US meddling.


Well-Known Member
So a being created by humans who was self aware, intelligent, had emotions, could feel pain, looked like us, and had the same basic desires and needs as us would be nothing more than an object to you? You would have no more compassion or mercy for this being than you'd have for a car or chair? Is this how your god views humanity? We are just toys to be used and broken?

If you created those feelings you would know they are fake. E.g. Computer programmers create characters who say Ouch! whenever they are hit. The programmer has no issues deleting the program whenever he feels like it since he knows those "feelings" are just responses he has programmed the character to give.


I'm not too interested in the propaganda.
It is YOU that is peddling the propaganda that Iraq was better off under Saddam than as a free people.

If there really were all those good reasons they would have been provided BEFORE the war
They WERE provided before the war. Decades before the war in fact. And not just about Saddam, but about ALL countries living under cruel dictators like the USSR was. We weren't opposed to places like Cuba because they had WMD. And you've got this entire thing the wrong way around anyway. It is YOU PERSONALLY who should have been opposed to cruel dictators like Saddam, and it is YOU PERSONALLY who should have written to the US government BEFORE 2003, imploring them to liberate the Iraqi people from this cruel dictator. Ditto for other dictators like Iran. What sort of religion do you follow where you yawn when Saddam is chopping out someone's tongue, and to add insult to injury, when someone (the US) chooses to expend blood and treasure in a venture that will end LEGAL TONGUE-CHOPPING, you actively stand in the way. A disgusting religion, that's what!

not after we all realised the WMDs story was a lie.
Wrong. Moral people like me were arguing for liberation of the whole world, not just Iraq. And Bush himself gave more arguments than just WMD if you had bothered to actually listen to him.

Your country's government is extremely corrupt.
I'm Australian, which, like most western governments, including the US, is quite clean. What are you comparing Australia/US to, in order to claim that they are corrupt? Certainly not comparing to Saddam's Iraq. And why do you (pretend to) care about corruption in Australia/US when you don't give a SINGLE DAMN about LEGAL RAPE (Uday abducting women off the street) in Saddam's Iraq?

So I am not impressed when they topple another corrupt government.
Only because you have no moral compass at all. The choice is between a holocaust under Saddam, with legal rape, torture, mutilation and murder, or a democratic Iraq where those things are outlawed, and if someone rapes you - no matter who - you can turn to the police, the courts, the media to seek redress.

I have no tears for Saddam but I have tears for the hundreds of thousands that have been killed and are currently being killed because of US meddling.
Why do you only have tears for those killed BY TERRORISTS (illegally - not legally) in a democratic Iraq, and have zero tears whatsoever for the MILLIONS who died under Saddam's regime? Your crocodile tears fool absolutely no-one, and you will never find God until you hang your head in shame and say "oh my god, what have I done?", similar to the soul-searching the Germans did after WW2.


To this day they have not given a single good reason why their bombing of Iraq was justified despite being asked many times.
Next time, please be honest and say "well, I've been given plenty of good reasons why the liberation of Iraq was a good thing, but I refuse to even read it, because it will expose and possibly shatter my entire disgusting and fragile worldview".


If there really were all those good reasons they would have been provided BEFORE the war
In late 2002/early 2003 I was absolutely horrified that opinion polls in Australia were showing the public was split 50/50 on the proposed Iraq war. Previously I had been living under an illusion that Australia was THE greatest liberator the world had ever seen. We were the ONLY ones who showed up on-time to every international war we could get into. And indeed, in Desert Storm opinion polls showed more than 90% of Australians supported the war, and only one single politician voted against the action. I was proud of this record. Despite being born here, and having spent most of my life here, I couldn't understand why the figure was 50 instead of 90. I debated and debated, but wasn't able to budge anyone, no matter what human rights abuse I presented. Then (before the war), Bush pointed out that Saddam was even ordering the rape of Iraqi women, and that if this wasn't evil, then the word has no meaning. I thought that pointing out that Iraq had institutionalized rape would surely sway the 50% anti-war Australians. It didn't. They didn't budge. It was at that time that I realized I didn't understand Australians, and that the War on Terror needed to be fought in Australia, not just Afghanistan et al.

P.S. Also see this: Anti-Subjugator: Thanks America

P.P.S. I also consider people who opposed the liberation of Iraq as accessories to rape.
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Well-Known Member
Why do you only have tears for those killed BY TERRORISTS (illegally - not legally) in a democratic Iraq, and have zero tears whatsoever for the MILLIONS who died under Saddam's regime? Your crocodile tears fool absolutely no-one, and you will never find God until you hang your head in shame and say "oh my god, what have I done?", similar to the soul-searching the Germans did after WW2.

How many millions did Saddam kill?
In late 2002/early 2003 I was absolutely horrified that opinion polls in Australia were showing the public was split 50/50 on the proposed Iraq war. Previously I had been living under an illusion that Australia was THE greatest liberator the world had ever seen. We were the ONLY ones who showed up on-time to every international war we could get into. And indeed, in Desert Storm opinion polls showed more than 90% of Australians supported the war, and only one single politician voted against the action. I was proud of this record. Despite being born here, and having spent most of my life here, I couldn't understand why the figure was 50 instead of 90. I debated and debated, but wasn't able to budge anyone, no matter what human rights abuse I presented. Then (before the war), Bush pointed out that Saddam was even ordering the rape of Iraqi women, and that if this wasn't evil, then the word has no meaning. I thought that pointing out that Iraq had institutionalized rape would surely sway the 50% anti-war Australians. It didn't. They didn't budge. It was at that time that I realized I didn't understand Australians, and that the War on Terror needed to be fought in Australia, not just Afghanistan et al.

Saddam Hussein was a despicable person who deserved to be killed, but the war in Iraq was a destructive utopian folly with almost zero chance of installing a functioning democracy. Therefore it was stupid and immoral.

Just cos someone is a bad man doesn't mean that bombing him is undeniably good or moral. Do you actually think Iraq is better off now?

Democratic countries certainly shouldn't support dictators in the name of 'stability' (a la Egypt), but they need to realise its hubristic to think that you can go from Brutal dictator to functioning democracy overnight in a country with no history of democracy and few of the requirements for a functioning democracy.

If Iraqis or Iranians or whoever want to live in a democracy then it is their job to create one, other countries can help them achieve this, but ultimately it is the Iraqis and only the Iraqis who have this ability. This 'white man's burden' pie in the sky naive utopianism doesn't actually help anyone.

I'm amazed that there is even a single person who can't see that this is the obvious reality. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. just because your heart is in the right place doesn't absolve you from the consequences of your actions, and we can see the consequences in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
P.P.S. I also consider people who opposed the liberation of Iraq as accessories to rape.

Calling it a liberation is something of an over-simplification, though. For one thing, it overlooks the blood price paid, which includes the fact that it basically created ISIS.


How many millions did Saddam kill?
Sorry, I'll concede it was hundreds of thousands rather than millions. Something like 200,000 were killed because of the pointless war he started against Iran: Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and 30,000 in Desert Storm: Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

Regardless, my point remains the same. Losses caused just so that the dictator Saddam could stay in power are pointless losses. Any losses in the 3.5 week war to topple Saddam are a necessary blood price to be paid for freedom. My country has paid a large blood price in the cause of freedom too, and we don't consider defeating Nazi Germany etc to be pointless. Why shouldn't good Iraqis have the right to pay a blood price for their freedom too? Regarding those killed by terrorists after the 3.5 week war - giving in to terrorism is not something that we should expect Iraq to do any more than we expected Britain to surrender to the IRA. If you don't see a problem with Iraqis dying in car crashes (and thus, don't call for cars to be banned in Iraq), then there's no reason to tell them they should surrender to terrorists to avoid dying in terrorist attacks.

P.S. I should have also added the 150,000 in the 1991 uprising: 1991 uprisings in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Saddam Hussein was a despicable person who deserved to be killed, but the war in Iraq was a destructive utopian folly with almost zero chance of installing a functioning democracy. Therefore it was stupid and immoral.
I totally disagree. Its democracy may not be the world's best, but it's a damned sight better than it was when Saddam was getting 100% of the vote. Also note that the Iraqis have more parties to choose from than the US does, and a higher turnout rate too. So by some measures Iraq's democracy is SUPERIOR to the US. Regardless, Utopia is not something I ever expected to achieve overnight (or ever), and I'd like you to provide evidence that even 1% of the pro-war were expecting overnight Utopia.

Just cos someone is a bad man doesn't mean that bombing him is undeniably good or moral. Do you actually think Iraq is better off now?
Yes I do, and so do about 50% of Iraqis, according to opinion polls. If I were Iraqi, I'd be in that 50% category too, and I would challenge you to explain why I shouldn't be allowed to vote for my government and should instead be subjected to the threat of having my tongue cut out by my own government. I would make that same argument to the immoral 50% of Iraq who don't give a damn about me having my tongue chopped out too.

Democratic countries certainly shouldn't support dictators in the name of 'stability' (a la Egypt), but they need to realise its hubristic to think that you can go from Brutal dictator to functioning democracy overnight in a country with no history of democracy and few of the requirements for a functioning democracy.
Again you use the same straw man. Show me evidence of even 1% of the pro-war believing that. Personally I had no idea what percentage of Iraqis were going to support liberation. We had data from Afghanistan showing that 85% supported the invasion, but the only "figure" we had from Iraq was 100% allegedly supporting Saddam. Actually, I did guess that the Iraqis would have a similar figure of support as the Afghans, but I was wrong. It was 50% instead of 85%. Part of fighting the War on Terror requires answering that exact question - why are we getting 50/50 in Iraq instead of 85/15 in Afghanistan, and in fact, why isn't the number 99.9/0.1? What's going on?

If Iraqis or Iranians or whoever want to live in a democracy then it is their job to create one,
And indeed they are doing exactly that in Iraq already.

other countries can help them achieve this,
Which is exactly what we did.

but ultimately it is the Iraqis and only the Iraqis who have this ability.
Again. They are. Their democracy has fielded forces to protect their freedom. What more do you want them to do? They are shedding blood and treasure to maintain their freedom. The West only provides air support and training.

This 'white man's burden' pie in the sky naive utopianism doesn't actually help anyone.
That is a misnomer. It is not "white man's burden" it is "free people's burden". South Korea has just as much responsibility to help the Iraqis obtain freedom as France does. And indeed, that is exactly what happened. The South Koreans did in fact help out. It was the white French who turned a blind eye to institutionalized rape, not the South Koreans.

I'm amazed that there is even a single person who can't see that this is the obvious reality.

I'm amazed that there's a single person who would conclude an argument with "and that's why we should have let Uday abduct and rape Iraqi women for as long as he felt horny".

As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
So if you saw a woman being raped outside your house, you would refuse to intervene, or even call the police, and just call out to her "sorry love, can't help, the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? And if it is YOUR daughter being raped, you want me to say the same thing to her?

just because your heart is in the right place doesn't absolve you from the consequences of your actions, and we can see the consequences in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.
The consequences of the actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are ALL a case of replacing an enemy dictator with a friendly democracy. It is YOU who isn't to be absolved from the fact that you are an accessory to institutionalized (legal!!!) rape and torture and murder and mutilation. That was the consequences of YOUR action - opposing freedom.
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Calling it a liberation is something of an over-simplification, though. For one thing, it overlooks the blood price paid,
We say that France was liberated (from Nazi Germany) in 1944. Is it wrong to call it that, given the blood price paid by both the allied forces and the French population?

which includes the fact that it basically created ISIS.
Well ISIS first arose in Syria, where there was no western military support. Are you saying that the Syrians were wrong/bad for attempting to rise up against their dictator, because the dictator was better able to keep Islamic terrorists at bay?

What do you want from these poor Arabs? They spill their blood in Tunisia, Libya, Iraq and Syria. They are freedom-loving people just like you and me. And still you give them a hard time because they're not perfect in some way? The American "revolution" was in no way possible without France doing the heavy lifting. Why do you expect so much more from Arabs than you do from Americans?