But I just got done explaining that you cannot see God as a separate thing. How then can you look for it as one? You can however see God in all things, if you can get past your mind seeing only an ant, if you can get beyond your concept of an ant.
You misunderstand. If God is real, then God is a distinct being with objective existence. If God is imaginary then God can be anything we want.
Unless you're saying that 'God' is a synonym for 'everything', in which case I prefer to say 'everything' since that's nice and clear; and then ask you why anyone would want to worship everything as such.
Existence is not a quality. It's a reality.
To be real, a thing has to have objective existence, to exist independently of the concept of it in any brain. Otherwise its only existence is as something imagined by a brain.
Can you see "art" as a thing apart from the painting? Or do you see art expressed through and in the painting? Is the painting "not art" simply because it is paint on canvas?
'Art' is an abstraction, a human judgment, not a real object. Art is whatever a human chooses to call art, whether sculpture, painting, music, literature, design, architecture, sequences of scent or texture, this photo but not that one, a toilet bowl, wallpaper, a planned garden, on and on. No human present, no art present.
The super-scientist is not the Ground of all Being. The super-scientist has a beginning and an end.
Says who?
The quality of God is the Source of all existence, hence not separate from existence.
This is where you need to tell me how God can be distinguished from mass-energy. Once again, if God is a synonym for mass-energy, I prefer to say mass-energy, and ask why anyone would worship it.