It was photographed by hundreds of people all over the world. It wasn't rocket science. Anyone could do it in their kitchen -- and did.A Wiki page where someone says they tested it is not evidence. Evidence is photos, videos, published papers. As a scientist, why don't you run the experiment yourself (very easily done, as you claim - hundreds of housewives have done it on video) and provide us the photos and video. This reluctance to experiment sounds like you are not a serious scientist at all or have no faith in your own abilities/beliefs.
It worked with porous statues, but not usually with solid ones. It worked with statues of gods, animals, and various humans, including politicians. It worked with fruit juice, water, wine, &al. It worked through the statue's mouth, ear, forehead, or back.
The excitement apparently died down when facts like these became known.
See above.You are quite right. But videos are better than mere words. Anyway, I trust you not to fake it or alter it. Please perform the experiment - it will be so easy. You will be the only person in the world who has a video debunking this phenomenon.
See the videos I linked to. Google. There are plenty more.
Do you have a statue of Jesus or the virgin Mary at home? Try it.