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What is God made of?


Well-Known Member
Is spirit an interconnected, infinite web of subatomic particles of which everything (or atleast a lot of stuff) is made? This is actually what makes the most sense to me in terms of the mechanics of God that makes his existence plausible, especially once we start throwing in some extreme physical concepts such as omnipresence and omnipotence. Although, some of the qualities that are put forward present very serious mechanical problems that unfortunately cannot be wished away. Well, they can be. But it doesn't work that way for some of us anymore, which is a good thing.
Bible gives reference to that which is seen being created from that which is not seen.
Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
This had to be revealed.


if God is real, he is made of something.

Is God made of Energy? Matter? Sub-atomic particles? Quarks? Waves? Particles in other dimensions?
I believe he (and we) are made of logic. When you dream, what are the characters in your dream made of? If they decided to start examining themselves - what they were made of, what would they find?

When you play a game of Pacman - let's say Pacmen had Artificial Intelligence - what would the Pacmen see if they started examining themselves or their environment? And if the Pacmen asked questions about god (that would be us), such as what is god made of - what would be an appropriate answer to give them?


if God is real, he is made of something.

Is God made of Energy? Matter? Sub-atomic particles? Quarks? Waves? Particles in other dimensions?
If you are real -- than you are really very "Intelligent", and...
If your "Intelligence" is real, it might be made of something ? :D

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Is spirit an interconnected, infinite web of subatomic particles of which everything (or atleast a lot of stuff) is made?

Not sure if this is what you mean,...if one views the subatomic particles are matter, then spirit is the invisible and undetectable space/vacuum that fills all space in which particles have their existence.

That quantum vacuum is not really a vacuum for it is comprised of cosmic energy known as Zero Point Energy (ZPE) which is omnipresent though out the Universe,

Now different theories use different names for this universal field, in religions it is Spirit, in metaphysics it is Aether, for some scientific researchers it is the Zero Point Field, and for contemporary particle physics it is the Higgs Field (The Higgs field is theorized as being invisible and undetectable by contemporary science, and existing through the whole universe)

Now my personal understanding is that matter particles are spherical 'standing' waves of cosmic energy/spirit which take their place, matrix like (according to those points in space where it so happens that there is an equal balance of incoming energy and outgoing energy), in the universal 'ocean' in which all exists. So 'God' is immanent in all things and simultaneously transcendent to all things. Nothing can be ever added to the universe nor can anything ever be taken out of it for there is no other place in existence to add to or take from....:)

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everybody has a opinion
I believe god is everything even us...everything is made up of matter and atoms but the question who made that which is to say who made god


Veteran Member
I believe god is everything even us...everything is made up of matter and atoms but the question who made that which is to say who made god

According to Psalm [90v2] God is from everlasting to everlasting.
God always existed and will always exist.

God [YHWH] is Creator. Nobody created the Creator.

As Creator then God created out of his dynamic energy.
-Isaiah 40v26; Psalm 104v30

Me Myself

Back to my username
I believe god is everything even us...everything is made up of matter and atoms but the question who made that which is to say who made god

God is what composes the atoms, subatomic particles, quarks and maybe even tinier forms of energy we yet ignore.

And also trascends this manifestation. That is the panentheistic view.