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What is God's definition of sin?


Admiral Obvious
Now here we have some examples of what ' human love ' can be like. In our eyes we see little wrong in the examples above but God looks at them and judges them differently.
Therefore we can not say that human love is pleasing to God. It is way wrong .
It is true we can come to Christ in our sinful state but his laws and his love will clean us up IF IF IF we allow him into our heart and mind. That means we are to take it further THAN JUST KNOWING HIS WILL , we also DO IT Jas.1&2. Heb.5v9. Salvation requires obedience - says scripture.
I would ask that you do not use my posts to preach, seeing as it is against forum rules.


I would ask that you do not use my posts to preach, seeing as it is against forum rules.
While you're on forum rules, one should walk the talk;Some of your own replies were deleted because of forum rules, remember ? (My thread, Nobel prize.... )..
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Admiral Obvious
While you're on forum rules, one should walk the talk;Some of your own replies were deleted because of forum rules, remember ? (My thread, Nobel prize.... )..
Yes mr moderator...
Oh wait...
you ain't a moderator...
Nope, just a punk looking for a fight.

Seems to me that YOU started that one.
Seems to me that you also had a post deleted.
Seems to me that your post was before mine.
Glass houses...stones.. and all that.


Yes mr moderator...
Oh wait...
you ain't a moderator...
Nope, just a punk looking for a fight.

Seems to me that YOU started that one.
Seems to me that you also had a post deleted.
Seems to me that your post was before mine.
Glass houses...stones.. and all that.
You were preaching to Beta in your last reply about forum rules..I did not say nothing. All I'm saying is, don't complain about other people (Beta) not following rules, when you yourself had posts deleted..and oh, try and control your temper..I see that in many of your replies, hmm..like now


New Member
The sin is to go against the will, and intent, of your God.
To me, God is not written, so sin lies within each of us.
Your words, of your God, were written by mere men. He,
who writes as God, is flawed. All "mere men" are flawed.
My God is not written, therefore, my God is not flawed.
God is the wind of the day, the river that flows, the earth
I stand upon.
Can than be any other?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
God's definition of sin?

Why don't we figure out a coherent definition of god first, before trying to figure out what he/she/it thinks.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Now that is a great question indeed.
Can I put it this way ?
To begin with all we have is our human love and the way we apply it. God can not expect better at this early stage since the love of God is not in man at that time. So we will love God with a human love which is basically inward-looking, for our own benefit and satisfaction. But after reading His Word it must become obvious to us that God requires things from us we are not very happy to comply with, or at best find it difficult and therefore read over it or turn it to our advantage. Let's take xmas or sunday-worship. Neither are requested or commanded in the Bible - so what do we do ? Christianity has continued in it for centuries.
What does Jesus say ? " I have kept my Fathers Commandments....and always do those things that please him " God commands the keeping of the 7th day sabbath the 4th Command.
If we read through the chapters of 1John we can learn what it means to love God with a Godly love. After all we are to GROW in the Grace and knowledge of Christ and that means change.
This is my understanding of the scriptures.
Okkkkaaayyy!!!! Now do we fulfill the two commandement by using God's love or man's love?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
It matters not how slowly I read it...
It matters not that i read it backwards...
It matters not that I read it up side down...
It STILL does not say, nor even hint, that anything not done of love is sin.
Obviously you read anyway you want.

So you forget to mention this verse when presenting them?
It was, as stated, a generic presentation.

For sake of argument, I will play along.
Playing by yourself seems to suit you.

Unless of course that love is between two people of the same sex.
Or two people who are not married.
Is the sin doubled if it is an un-married same sex couple?
So, obviously your usage of "obviously" is misleading at best, flat out wrong at worse.
Do you always confuse love with sex?

The mental gymnastics revealed.
Obviously your mind is like any other muscle...

Perhaps you could point out a flaw in there somewhere?


Well-Known Member
SW , you are trying to pin God down to one thing or another. Things are never as clear cut as all that.
We start out with human love but when we grow in understanding we end up doing things God's way in His love. Can't explain it any better than that , the only way I understand it.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
SW , you are trying to pin God down to one thing or another. Things are never as clear cut as all that.
We start out with human love but when we grow in understanding we end up doing things God's way in His love. Can't explain it any better than that , the only way I understand it.
Ambiguity doesn't solve anything.

Scripturally God is clear, anything we do on our own is insufficient.


Admiral Obvious
Obviously you read anyway you want.
There is that word again.
I would have thought that you would have stopped using it, since it makes you look like an idiot more often than not.

It was, as stated, a generic presentation.
So generic that it doe snot even imply what you think it says....

Playing by yourself seems to suit you.

Do you always confuse love with sex?
I sure don't.
Didn't in this thread either.
But you sure did.
Sad you think it was some sort of slight towards me.
Even sadder that you went to such lengths to not address the points.
Oh well, I guess you have nothing better to present.

Obviously your mind is like any other muscle...

Perhaps you could point out a flaw in there somewhere?
You started out good with the Bible references, but then after the first one, you stopped referencing the Bible.
Why is that?

And you have STILL not shown how those verses even hint to what you claim they say.
Not that I am holding my breath for you to.


Well-Known Member
Ambiguity doesn't solve anything.

Scripturally God is clear, anything we do on our own is insufficient.
I don't see anything doubleminded in my post. I clearly stated that man starts out in life with human love (because that is all we understand) but that we progress to Godly love as we grow in knowledge of God.
Growing and changing to Godly ways is the whole purpose of human existence if we desire eternal life.
You are right - if we continue in our own ways and understanding we will miss the target. Even humanly we need to grow up and change from our Baby-ways (as an example). :)

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
There is that word again.
I would have thought that you would have stopped using it, since it makes you look like an idiot more often than not.

So generic that it doe snot even imply what you think it says....


I sure don't.
Didn't in this thread either.
But you sure did.
Sad you think it was some sort of slight towards me.
Even sadder that you went to such lengths to not address the points.
Oh well, I guess you have nothing better to present.

You started out good with the Bible references, but then after the first one, you stopped referencing the Bible.
Why is that?

And you have STILL not shown how those verses even hint to what you claim they say.
Not that I am holding my breath for you to.
A completely meaningless post. Obviolsly you have no leg to stand on.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I don't see anything doubleminded in my post. I clearly stated that man starts out in life with human love (because that is all we understand) but that we progress to Godly love as we grow in knowledge of God.
Growing and changing to Godly ways is the whole purpose of human existence if we desire eternal life.
You are right - if we continue in our own ways and understanding we will miss the target. Even humanly we need to grow up and change from our Baby-ways (as an example). :)
Another unrelated post meangless to the topic.


Admiral Obvious
A completely meaningless post. Obviolsly you have no leg to stand on.
Yes, completely meaningless.
I mean it only pointed out the fact that you have as yet to make your case concerning what you claim the verses say.

But since I strongly suspect you were merely trying to cloud and divert the issue....

No matter.
You failed to show that you know what you are talking about and just looking for an excuse to post your favourite verses.....

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Yes, completely meaningless.
I mean it only pointed out the fact that you have as yet to make your case concerning what you claim the verses say.

But since I strongly suspect you were merely trying to cloud and divert the issue....

No matter.
You failed to show that you know what you are talking about and just looking for an excuse to post your favourite verses.....
I made the case. It is you who seems incapable of understanding it. Sorry.:shrug: