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What is God's definition of sin?


Well-Known Member
But is a mirror not just a reflection off of a shiny surface? So how can you see any deeper than that which is reflecting? Even if you look into water, once you penetrate the surface, you no longer see yourself or the reflection, but that which dwells beneath. And it is never what is shown on the surface and it is then distorted by the ripples.
Some people have their very lives and actions dictated by such reflections.


Well-Known Member
No mirror can show the depth of what a person has within. The reflection is only the appearance of what is seen on the surface.
Maybe, but what you do with that reflection can reveal the depth of what a person has within.
So it is also with a man who has his own heart revealed to him through his religion.


It is what it is
If there was a god, her definition of sin would be spending your whole life worshipping her to get into an imaginary after life, instead of appreciating how wonderous it is that we are in this time and place right now.

Sin is not making every day of your short, precious life as fun, rewarding and fulfilling for yourself and those around you as you can, and not realizing the mega lottery we have each won.

Sin is being healthy and alive with food in our belly and wanting more than that.


Doyamo Luminachi
How does following blindly the opinions of others reveal anything but indoctrination? Truth lies in the Spiritual connection with the Divine. It is when you question the status quo and reach for absolute truth that you find the depth of your soul. The words of men on paper are just that. Though they may be Divinely inspired, they are still fallible and subject to the deceptions of man.

If your bible is truth, then why are there versions? What are they versions of? I have searched for 26 years for an original text of your bible, and there are none to be found. The truth was offered up to the god of ecumenical politics long ago.


Well-Known Member
How does following blindly the opinions of others reveal anything but indoctrination? Truth lies in the Spiritual connection with the Divine. It is when you question the status quo and reach for absolute truth that you find the depth of your soul. The words of men on paper are just that. Though they may be Divinely inspired, they are still fallible and subject to the deceptions of man.

If your bible is truth, then why are there versions? What are they versions of? I have searched for 26 years for an original text of your bible, and there are none to be found. The truth was offered up to the god of ecumenical politics long ago.
Once again, are you looking at the literal words themselves and a literal meaning or the direction they actually point you in .
The bible is a mirror to your own heart and what you choose to do with the reflection that is revealed to you is also a reflection of who you are.
You can use the bible to find a path to the Divine spiritually or you can use it fleshly and religiously for suppression and greed.


Doyamo Luminachi
So then you have to read between the lines? Sounds suspiciously like politics. Personally, I know exactly where I stand with the Divine and it is hand in hand. We walk together without using smoke and mirrors, only truth. Divinity always points me in the direction I need to go without having to consult the words that man wrote down and changed and without having to seek the opinion of any other human. With this guidance I have always found my way in light and truth and it is this path that has served me well. I know exactly who I am, not in my eyes, but in the eyes of the Divine for I was shown in a full 3D living color in my living room. I know what I am to do in this life and where I am to go. My path is one of servitude towards the unity of man without pushing any doctrine upon anyone and without judgment or fear of punishment. Just love.


Veteran Member
You should drive a Honda as well since in the book of Acts all the apostles were in one Accord.

Did have a Honda.

While in the Honda we used to apply the words from Acts to 2nd Cor 4vs8,9 that we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; [cramped beyond movement] we are perplexed, but not in despair [with no way out] Persecuted, but not forsaken [left in the lurch], cast down, but not destroyed.
Sin originated in the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, both Adam and Eve were made in perfection. Though perfect in mind and body, God established the first moral boundaries, what is right and wrong, by telling Adam and Eve that "from every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction, but as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die."(Gen 2:16, 17)

Because they partook from the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad", they lost their perfection and became worthy of death, returning to the same state of non-existence as before their creation.(Gen 3:19) All of the fruit trees of the garden of Eden were free to eaten from, with the exception of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad" that was excluded by God as one that was forbidden to even touch, by right of his Creatorship. Adam and Eve now became sinners, having crossed the moral boundary established by God after having been warned by him of the consequences. The apostle Paul wrote that "through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned."(Rom 5:12)

Sin is from the Hebrew word chat·ta’th´ and in Greek, the usual word is ha·mar·ti´a. In both languages the verb forms (Hebrew, cha·ta’´; Greek, ha·mar·ta´no) mean “miss,” in the sense of missing or not reaching a goal, way, mark, or right point. At Judges 20:16, cha·ta’´ is used, with a negative, to describe the Benjamites who were ‘slingers of stones to a hairbreadth and would not miss.’ Following their eating of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad", Adam and Eve became imperfect, ' missing ' the mark of perfect obedience to God.

Greek writers often used ha·mar·ta´no with regard to a spearman missing his target. Both of these words were used to mean missing or failing to reach not merely physical objects or goals,(Job 5:24) but also moral or intellectual goals or marks. Proverbs 8:35, 36 says the one finding godly wisdom finds life, but the ‘one missing [Hebrew, cha·ta’´] me (wisdom) is doing violence to his soul,’ leading to death. In the Scriptures both the Hebrew and Greek terms refer mainly to sinning on the part of God’s intelligent creatures, their missing the mark with regard to their Creator.

Thus, sin is anything not in harmony with, hence contrary to, God’s personality, standards, ways, and will; anything marring one’s relationship with God. It may be in word, as David said: "I will guard my ways to keep from sinning with my tongue." (Ps 39:1), in deed (doing wrong acts), as at Leviticus 20:20, in which it says that "a man who lies down with his uncle's wife has laid bare the nakedness of his uncle.They should answer for their sin", or failing to do what should be done, such as a "man who was clean...and neglected to prepare the passover sacrifice, that soul must then be cut off....For his sin that man will answer",(Num 9:13) or in mind or heart attitude, for Proverbs 21:4 says that "haughty eyes and an arrogant heart, the lamp of the wicked ones, are sin."

Hence, God, by right of his sovereignty, established what is right and wrong. And he is the one we all will ultimately answer to. At Deuteronomy 30:19, through Moses, God told the nation of Israel, that "I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order to keep alive, you and your offspring."


Admiral Obvious
Sin originated in the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, both Adam and Eve were made in perfection. Though perfect in mind and body, God established the first moral boundaries, what is right and wrong, by telling Adam and Eve that "from every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction, but as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die."(Gen 2:16, 17)

Because they partook from the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad", they lost their perfection and became worthy of death, returning to the same state of non-existence as before their creation.(Gen 3:19) All of the fruit trees of the garden of Eden were free to eaten from, with the exception of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad" that was excluded by God as one that was forbidden to even touch, by right of his Creatorship. Adam and Eve now became sinners, having crossed the moral boundary established by God after having been warned by him of the consequences. The apostle Paul wrote that "through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned."(Rom 5:12)

Sin is from the Hebrew word chat·ta’th´ and in Greek, the usual word is ha·mar·ti´a. In both languages the verb forms (Hebrew, cha·ta’´; Greek, ha·mar·ta´no) mean “miss,” in the sense of missing or not reaching a goal, way, mark, or right point. At Judges 20:16, cha·ta’´ is used, with a negative, to describe the Benjamites who were ‘slingers of stones to a hairbreadth and would not miss.’ Following their eating of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad", Adam and Eve became imperfect, ' missing ' the mark of perfect obedience to God.

Greek writers often used ha·mar·ta´no with regard to a spearman missing his target. Both of these words were used to mean missing or failing to reach not merely physical objects or goals,(Job 5:24) but also moral or intellectual goals or marks. Proverbs 8:35, 36 says the one finding godly wisdom finds life, but the ‘one missing [Hebrew, cha·ta’´] me (wisdom) is doing violence to his soul,’ leading to death. In the Scriptures both the Hebrew and Greek terms refer mainly to sinning on the part of God’s intelligent creatures, their missing the mark with regard to their Creator.

Thus, sin is anything not in harmony with, hence contrary to, God’s personality, standards, ways, and will; anything marring one’s relationship with God. It may be in word, as David said: "I will guard my ways to keep from sinning with my tongue." (Ps 39:1), in deed (doing wrong acts), as at Leviticus 20:20, in which it says that "a man who lies down with his uncle's wife has laid bare the nakedness of his uncle.They should answer for their sin", or failing to do what should be done, such as a "man who was clean...and neglected to prepare the passover sacrifice, that soul must then be cut off....For his sin that man will answer",(Num 9:13) or in mind or heart attitude, for Proverbs 21:4 says that "haughty eyes and an arrogant heart, the lamp of the wicked ones, are sin."

Hence, God, by right of his sovereignty, established what is right and wrong. And he is the one we all will ultimately answer to. At Deuteronomy 30:19, through Moses, God told the nation of Israel, that "I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order to keep alive, you and your offspring."
Ah yes.
The classic "God set Adam and Eve up to fail so that he could punish all mankind" sermon.

You, along with a whole host of others, have blamed God for the failure of Adam and Eve that has had a death-dealing effect all through history upon mankind. Proverbs 19:3 says that "it is the foolishness of an earthling man that distorts his way, and so his heart becomes enraged against Jehovah himself."

Adam and Eve were created as free moral agents, given the right to choose whether to obey or not. King Solomon wrote that "this only I have found, that the true God made man upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans."(Ecc 7:29) Moses further said that God is "righteous and upright", but that man has "acted ruinously on their part."(Deut 32:4, 5)

Eve could of easily have rejected the "serpent's " suggestion to eat of the "tree of knowledge of good and bad." However, she chose otherwise. Likewise of Adam, for he could have rejected Eve's offering of the fruit from the "tree of knowledge of good and bad", but he chose to disregard God's warning. If a person is warned of potential dangers, and the person goes against this notice, where does the fault lie ? If a father teaches his son right from wrong, what God loves and what he hates, and the son goes and commits a wrong, should the father be blamed ?(Eph 6:4)

A principle is found at Ezekiel 18, whereby the father of a son was not to be condemned for the sinful acts of his son when the father neither taught nor committed them.(Eze 18:10-13) Thus, God did not "set Adam and Eve up to fail so that he could punish all mankind."


Admiral Obvious

You, along with a whole host of others, have blamed God for the failure of Adam and Eve that has had a death-dealing effect all through history upon mankind. Proverbs 19:3 says that "it is the foolishness of an earthling man that distorts his way, and so his heart becomes enraged against Jehovah himself."

Adam and Eve were created as free moral agents, given the right to choose whether to obey or not. King Solomon wrote that "this only I have found, that the true God made man upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans."(Ecc 7:29) Moses further said that God is "righteous and upright", but that man has "acted ruinously on their part."(Deut 32:4, 5)

Eve could of easily have rejected the "serpent's " suggestion to eat of the "tree of knowledge of good and bad." However, she chose otherwise. Likewise of Adam, for he could have rejected Eve's offering of the fruit from the "tree of knowledge of good and bad", but he chose to disregard God's warning. If a person is warned of potential dangers, and the person goes against this notice, where does the fault lie ? If a father teaches his son right from wrong, what God loves and what he hates, and the son goes and commits a wrong, should the father be blamed ?(Eph 6:4)

A principle is found at Ezekiel 18, whereby the father of a son was not to be condemned for the sinful acts of his son when the father neither taught nor committed them.(Eze 18:10-13) Thus, God did not "set Adam and Eve up to fail so that he could punish all mankind."
Still singing that worn out tune?


Ah yes.
The classic "God set Adam and Eve up to fail so that he could punish all mankind" sermon.

I have to agree with Mestemia here. BTW, why would a God do this to his creation?
Did God say, "Yea, I wanna, uh, create somethin and then condemn it and then make a fiery pit that you can stay in for eternity and Im gonna make Lucifer so that he can become the devil and persuade people to hate me so I can punish them more." I really dont think any god would do this!

Also, the Judeo-Christian God appears in the bible to lack omniscience, omnipotency, and transcendence.


Veteran Member
Ah yes.
The classic "God set Adam and Eve up to fail so that he could punish all mankind" sermon.

God did not set up failure. God was clear: You disobey you die.

How could one [1] tree out of all the trees on earth be a set up for failure?
Like how many trees are on earth?

Adam is our family head. Adam chose, not God, to disobey God.
Adam lost his perfect healthy human perfection of mind and body.
Adam could only pass on to us his human imperfection.

God does not punish us with human imperfection. Adam chose disobedience.
Satan is the one who uses our human imperfection as one tool to trick us into not serving or obeying God. - Job 2v4.

God sent Jesus so that during Jesus 1000-year rule over earth Jesus will reverse the damage Adam did to us. Including doing away with death as Rev 21v4 says. Obedient mankind will obtain the healthy human perfection of mind and body that Adam originally had before his sin brought human imperfection to him and through Adam to us.


Veteran Member
I have to agree with Mestemia here. BTW, why would a God do this to his creation?
Did God say, "Yea, I wanna, uh, create somethin and then condemn it and then make a fiery pit that you can stay in for eternity and Im gonna make Lucifer so that he can become the devil and persuade people to hate me so I can punish them more." I really dont think any god would do this!
Also, the Judeo-Christian God appears in the bible to lack omniscience, omnipotency, and transcendence.

According to Scripture Satan is the father of the lie.
Satan uses religious lies. Acts chapter 20 mentions how wolf-like clergy dressed in sheep's clothing would be here to fleece the flock for their own agenda. [often political]

God created Adam to live forever.
In Scripture 'fire' is often used to stand for destruction.
So the fiery pit, so to speak, is not literal but symbolic of destruction.
For example: the definition of the lake of fire is: second death.
Death is the absence of life. So destruction or annihilation awaits only those that are judged as wicked. -see Psalm 92v7; 2nd Peter 3v9 B.

Satan made himself into Satan the Devil. Satan has free will to choose and Satan choose to have mankind worship him by having us disobeying God.

God has foreknowledge, but because of his gift of free will to us God does not interfere with our choices. God makes no one [heavenly or earthly] worship him.

Satan wants us to think the dead are alive.
Scripture teaches the dead are dead.
Ezekiel wrote the soul that sins dies.
There is no part of a person that is alive after death.
That is why Jesus taught the dead sleep the deep sleep of death.
[ John 11vs11-14; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Daniel 12v2,13; Ecclesiastes 9v5- the dead are not conscious of anything.]
So that means that while Jesus was in hell [hades/sheol] Jesus was in a stone-cold grave. Hell being the common grave of mankind.
Hell ends -Rev 20 v13,14.
Hell [gravedom] dies a symbolic death of no returning.
-Acts 2vs27,31

Adam chose to disobey God. That disobedience cost Adam his eternal life.
Adam's disobedience cost us having healthy human perfection of mind and body that Adam had before sinning. God sent Jesus to reverse what Adam did to us including ending our last enemy death.
[Rev 21v4; 1st Cor 15v26]


Admiral Obvious
God did not set up failure. God was clear: You disobey you die.

How could one [1] tree out of all the trees on earth be a set up for failure?
Like how many trees are on earth?

Adam is our family head. Adam chose, not God, to disobey God.
Adam lost his perfect healthy human perfection of mind and body.
Adam could only pass on to us his human imperfection.

God does not punish us with human imperfection. Adam chose disobedience.
Satan is the one who uses our human imperfection as one tool to trick us into not serving or obeying God. - Job 2v4.

God sent Jesus so that during Jesus 1000-year rule over earth Jesus will reverse the damage Adam did to us. Including doing away with death as Rev 21v4 says. Obedient mankind will obtain the healthy human perfection of mind and body that Adam originally had before his sin brought human imperfection to him and through Adam to us.
Let us look at the set up, shall we..
Please feel free to correct any errors you see:
God is all knowing
God is all powerful
So god knew the outcome before he even started, right?

What tree was the apple from?
Where was this tree?
So Adam and Eve did not know right from wrong before they ate from the tree of right and wrong, which happened to be positioned in the middle of the garden, right?

Then god allows the satan to enter into the garden.
Cause with god being all knowing, he knew that the satan was in the garden and with god being all powerful, god could have prevented the satan from interacting with Eve.
So since god did not prevent said interaction, God was just fine with said interaction.
Do I need to continue?
I mean it is plain to see for anyone without the special glasses that God purposely set Adam and Eve up to fail in the garden of Eden.

Unless of course you think that god is not omni anything...