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What is Hell?


Rogue Theologian
I wouldn't be so sure.

Also, why would God cast anyone out of Heaven? Is He egotistical enough that He must be worshiped?

Took a look at the article offered.....it skipped a point.

I know pain. I know shock.
I know the relief the body provides when hit hard enough.
I know when the pain stops and the severe injury remains.

The pain will return....and the injury will still be there.
Too bad the ride to the hospital...and the paperwork... take too long.
The doctor had to apply man-made chemistry to replenish what nature had provided.
If my fellow man had been quicker the stitch work would not have hurt at all.

And no....you are grossly confused.
Chemistry has nothing to do with peace.

And worship can provide peace...when understanding fails.
Better to kneel before an Almighty, rather than greet Him as friend....
when that privilege is not yours to assume.

But I will start a fresh topic for that.


Veteran Member

How would Abraham feel about Not greeting God as friend? _________ James 2v23
Or for that matter, how would God feel about Not greeting Abraham as friend?


Rogue Theologian

How would Abraham feel about Not greeting God as friend? _________ James 2v23
Or for that matter, how would God feel about Not greeting Abraham as friend?

A strained relationship...don't you think?

Was it not Abraham that believed God would ask the life of Abraham's son?

Would any of your friends do that to you?


Veteran Member
A strained relationship...don't you think?
Was it not Abraham that believed God would ask the life of Abraham's son?
Would any of your friends do that to you?

Strained? Abe was so truly confident in his friendship with God because at Hebrews [11vs18,19] Abe was positively sure God would resurrect [raise Isaac up].
So by going through the motions, so to speak, the deed was as good as done in God's eyes. That is why God provided the sacrifice for them instead of Isaac being killed.
Seems as if Isaac too was confident and trusting because Isaac did not fight back his father.

As God's friend, God made Abraham the promise that because of Abraham all families and all nations of earth will be blessed. [Gen 12v3; 22vs17,18] God is keeping that promise to Abraham through Christ Jesus.-Rev 22v2

Don't we all have the opportunity to show or demonstrate our love for God?


Rogue Theologian
Strained? Abe was so truly confident in his friendship with God because at Hebrews [11vs18,19] Abe was positively sure God would resurrect [raise Isaac up].

This is incorrect. God gave command of sacrifice....and no assuredness of restitution.

So by going through the motions, so to speak, the deed was as good as done in God's eyes. That is why God provided the sacrifice for them instead of Isaac being killed.
Seems as if Isaac too was confident and trusting because Isaac did not fight back his father.

The boy was bound.

As God's friend, God made Abraham the promise that because of Abraham all families and all nations of earth will be blessed. [Gen 12v3; 22vs17,18] God is keeping that promise to Abraham through Christ Jesus.-Rev 22v2

Don't we all have the opportunity to show or demonstrate our love for God?

Quoting the new testament to support an old testament story is a method full of hazard.

Try to be more careful.
Hello! You have risen a very good question. A lot of people talk about hellfire, it became household frase.Interestingly,the Bible writer Luke recounts: "Neither was [Jesus] forsaken in Hades [hell, King James Version] nor did his flesh see corruption."(Acts 2:31) Where was the hell to which even Jesus went? The apostle Paul wrote: "I handed on to you . . . that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, yes, that he has been raised up the third day according to the Scriptures." (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4) So Jesus was in hell, the grave, but he was not abandoned there, for he was raised up, or resurrected. Rightoeous man Job pleaded: "Who will grant me this, that thou mayest protect me in hell [Sheol], and hide me till thy wrath pass?"(Job 14:13) How unreasonable to think that Job desired to go to a fiery-hot place for protection! To Job, "hell" was simply the grave, where his suffering would end. The Bible hell, then, is the common grave of mankind where good people as well as bad ones go.


Stripling Warrior
I have asked myself this question many times.
What I used to think of Hell is a place of evil, a lack of love. A place where bad people go who are tortured for the rest of their lives.
After reading a few articles online and peoples point of view on Hell, I have mixed messages.
1) Is that Hell is not a place, it's when you live a bad life sinning, without remorse etc and then dieing as an atheist person believes.
2) Hell has been created after Heaven for a place for people who lived a life of sinning etc, except it's just a place without God, it didn't really describe Hell as a negative place.

It's hard to explain what I've read.

What is Hell really?

Hell is anyplace where the condition of mental anguish is sufficient according to the definition of hell. One can exist in a surrounding of comparative paradise (as compared to our mortal existence) and still suffer the associated remorse of being forever denied the right to live in the presence of God, an anguish associated with the "physical" pain that would be suffered in a lake of fire and brimstone only difference being is that the sorrow will never be consumed. It really is that simple, there is a place prepared for everyone according to their level of righteousness and/or wickedness. Any found unclean will not live in the presence of God. Now, we are all unclean so only those cleansed in the blood of Jesus Christ will be spared this anguish. Having said that I must insert that this will only be after the final judgment (after the millennium) that a person's final state will be determined not directly at the time of mortal death. The time between mortal death and the resurrection and final judgment is a state of paradise or spirit prison, depending on what a person sought in mortality, wherein progression will continue such as it can, learning will continue that every knee will bend and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, the time wherein justice will have its due and mercy will claim those who have done the will of God.


Veteran Member

Jesus did not go to the spirits in prison until 'after' he was resurrected.- 1st Peter 3v18
Those 'spirits' are Not dead people, but the 'fallen angels' of Noah's day.
-2nd Peter 2vs4,5; Jude 6

According to Jesus [and he should know] the dead sleep the deep sleep of death.
-John 11vs11-14

[Ecc 9v5; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Daniel 12vs2,13]


Veteran Member

Thanks for picking up on the 'boy was bound' because I neglected to mention
that although Isaac did not rebel, Isaac allowed himself to be bound.
Abraham would have wanted that binding so that Isaac would have died quickly.
If Isaac moved out of place, as you can imagine would be only natural under such circumstances, Isaac could have suffered greatly. That would have been the hazard.

Remember Abraham expected Isaac to be resurrected, restored, back to life again as Hebrews [12v19] says, because of God's promise to Abraham that through his 'seed' [Isaac] all nations would be blessed. That 'seed' through Isaac proved to be Christ Jesus.

If I miss being more careful, I hope I can continue to depend on you for more details.


Stripling Warrior

Jesus did not go to the spirits in prison until 'after' he was resurrected.- 1st Peter 3v18
Those 'spirits' are Not dead people, but the 'fallen angels' of Noah's day.
-2nd Peter 2vs4,5; Jude 6

According to Jesus [and he should know] the dead sleep the deep sleep of death.
-John 11vs11-14

[Ecc 9v5; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Daniel 12vs2,13]

Although I disagree with you on that point in that, during the 3 days of His separation from His mortal body He was in paradise organizing those who would go to teach those in spirit prison, I really do not see what you comment has to do with what I said. When a person dies they are consigned to a state of paradise or spiritual prison wherein they are separated from the righteous. In either case there is more work to be done in preparation for the resurrection of all men and the subsequent judgment before the judgment seat of God.


Rogue Theologian

Thanks for picking up on the 'boy was bound' because I neglected to mention
that although Isaac did not rebel, Isaac allowed himself to be bound.
Abraham would have wanted that binding so that Isaac would have died quickly.
If Isaac moved out of place, as you can imagine would be only natural under such circumstances, Isaac could have suffered greatly. That would have been the hazard.

Remember Abraham expected Isaac to be resurrected, restored, back to life again as Hebrews [12v19] says, because of God's promise to Abraham that through his 'seed' [Isaac] all nations would be blessed. That 'seed' through Isaac proved to be Christ Jesus.

If I miss being more careful, I hope I can continue to depend on you for more details.

But now you're being stubborn.....

The man was not told he would have his son back.

Hebrews was written long after Abraham.
Abraham had no comfort as he made ready his son.

And the boy was naive about what would soon happen.
He did ask about the lack of offering for the altar.
He did not know...it would be him.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for picking up on the 'boy was bound' because I neglected to mention
that although Isaac did not rebel, Isaac allowed himself to be bound.
Abraham would have wanted that binding so that Isaac would have died quickly.
If Isaac moved out of place, as you can imagine would be only natural under such circumstances, Isaac could have suffered greatly. That would have been the hazard.
Remember Abraham expected Isaac to be resurrected, restored, back to life again as Hebrews [12v19] says, because of God's promise to Abraham that through his 'seed' [Isaac] all nations would be blessed. That 'seed' through Isaac proved to be Christ Jesus.
Mistake there. . .that is Heb 11:19.
If I miss being more careful, I hope I can continue to depend on you for more details.


Veteran Member

Thanks for picking up on the 'boy was bound' because I neglected to mention
that although Isaac did not rebel, Isaac allowed himself to be bound.
Abraham would have wanted that binding so that Isaac would have died quickly.
If Isaac moved out of place, as you can imagine would be only natural under such circumstances, Isaac could have suffered greatly. That would have been the hazard.

Remember Abraham expected Isaac to be resurrected, restored, back to life again as Hebrews [12v19] says, because of God's promise to Abraham that through his 'seed' [Isaac] all nations would be blessed. That 'seed' through Isaac proved to be Christ Jesus.

If I miss being more careful, I hope I can continue to depend on you for more details.

YouTube - Messed-Up Bible Stories 8: God Tempts Abraham


To put it simply, hell is separation from God and living under his wrath for all eternity.

My problem with this is the idea of Omnipresence. If the Abrahamic god is omnipresent, as most agree he is, then it stands to reason that it would be impossible for there to be any place whatsoever where he is not!


Well-Known Member
My problem with this is the idea of Omnipresence. If the Abrahamic god is omnipresent, as most agree he is, then it stands to reason that it would be impossible for there to be any place whatsoever where he is not!
Jack, do you have a relative named Fulla? or Holie? or Giva?

There's a whole group of them out there: Loda, Pisa, Awe, Dawg, Oh, Bird, No, Knee Deep, Dip, Dumb, Horse, Deep, Chikin. . .
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Mistake there. . .that is Heb 11:19.

Thanks smokydot-

Synapse error or ?

I don't think there is a word for 'resurrection' in the Hebrew OT Scriptures,
so it seems to stand to reason Abraham would have thought at Heb 11v19 that God was able to raise Isaac up, even from the dead....receiving Isaac in a figurative way.

Since A&E were not designed to die, then it would seem there would be no need for a word for resurrection in the Hebrew.

Abraham and Sarah knew that Isaac would be the 'seed' [singular] of blessing.
Gen 21v12 B.

So the off spring of Abraham's other sons were not going to be used to bless us. Isaac alone would be the 'seed' of blessing. Abraham knew the only way Isaac could have offspring would be if Isaac was alive. So Abraham had confidence Isaac would be awakened from the dead in order to fulfill that promise God made to them.


Veteran Member
But now you're being stubborn.....
The man was not told he would have his son back.
Hebrews was written long after Abraham.
Abraham had no comfort as he made ready his son.
And the boy was naive about what would soon happen.
He did ask about the lack of offering for the altar.
He did not know...it would be him.

Abraham did not give Isaac details that is why Isaac, at first, did not know.
How old was Abraham at the time of binding Isaac?
Wasn't Abraham much older than Isaac?
Being much younger and stronger, couldn't Isaac have easily overpowered his elderly father if he wanted to?

Apparently they were both in agreement in showing their faith in God's promise [Gen 28v14] by being willing to go through with what God requested.
Gen 22v12 shows God was not going to let Abraham go through with it.