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What is Iron?


Active Member
It's not an ironical question.

It's a stupid question.

If intelligence is the opposite of 'stupidity',

can I reframe the OP into a possibly intelligent question...or some versions of it?

What is NOT Iron?

What is NOT Iron-like?

What is NOT Iron-ish?

What is NOT-that which is NOT composed of WHAT Iron is composed of?



Active Member






Is Titanium,

Nomenclature, Stuff or Information?

Is Bacon,

Nomenclature, Stuff or Information?

Is Baconish,

Nomenclature, Stuff or Information?

Is Iron Not Iron?
(your reply..)

Is Satish / Doctor

Nomenclature, Stuff or Information?



Active Member
YouTube - This you can trust

Ah! I Know!

It is quite Trustworthy!...
especially if it is Shining and Sharp....!

But! Shh..! I got a better model...especially for you..!
..it is the Same Stuff...of a more Grandeur Design!
..it is made of Stuff which Fell from Space..!
..it is called Space-Age-Metal!
..it is called Titanium!
Titanium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
..it has the "highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal"
..I hear they are using it even in 'heavenly chariots!'

As a special favor to you, I can ADD
..but CARBON -FIBRE to it....
..to make it EVEN STRONGER....
Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
..& Trustworthy!

OK! Man! Deal!
What is the Cost?

..your wife & children.

How come?

I just sold a similar model to your neighbor,


Well-Known Member
The thirty spokes unite in the one nave, but it is
on the empty space for the axle that the use of
the wheel depends.

Clay is fashioned into vessels; but it is on their
empty hollowness that their use depends.

The door and windows are cut from the walls
to form an apartment; but it is on the empty
space within that its use depends.

Therefore, what has a positive existence serves
for profitable adaption, and what has not that
for actual usefulness.

~tao te ching, 11 ;)


She rules her life like a bird in flight
Originally Posted by tumbleweed41
The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.98×10 kg. It is composed mostly of iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulfur (2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%); with the remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements. Due to mass segregation, the core region is believed to be primarily composed of iron (88.8%), with smaller amounts of nickel (5.8%), sulfur (4.5%), and less than 1% trace elements

Abundance of the chemical elements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Morgan, J. W.; Anders, E. (1980). "Chemical composition of Earth, Venus, and Mercury"

I saw oxygen at the top of the abundancy graph in your link.
(Twas by number of atoms, rather than by total mass.)
But I laud your efforts to promote iron.

I.....I love when you guys talk like this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tumbleweed41
The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.98×10 kg. It is composed mostly of iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulfur (2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%); with the remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements. Due to mass segregation, the core region is believed to be primarily composed of iron (88.8%), with smaller amounts of nickel (5.8%), sulfur (4.5%), and less than 1% trace elements

Abundance of the chemical elements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Morgan, J. W.; Anders, E. (1980). "Chemical composition of Earth, Venus, and Mercury"

I.....I love when you guys talk like this.

Is it ALL about ABUNDANCE?

Is it a Question of WHICH is MORE ABUNDANT...?

Oxygen or Iron...
....in Earth's Air....
...or Earth's Oceans....(I dunno if the O in H2O is Oxygen or NOT!)
(The other day...I ALMOST...Drowned in H2O..due to lack of O..!)
..or in Earth's Molten Core..?

Man! As a simple human, all I know is..that...

Hemoglobin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Well-Known Member
It's about movement. The O2 locked in water is restricted in its movement, thus its abundance is of less utility... for breathing anyway. Keep your head under long enough, you'll evolve gills. ;)


Active Member
Wait, are you a real doctor?

Can you please explain..

Who..is ...Doctoring....?

That was my M.B.B.S/M.D/Ph.D Thesis Question..

doc·tor (dokÆtÃr), n.
1. a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.
2. a person who has been awarded a doctor's degree: He is a Doctor of Philosophy.
3. See Doctor of the Church.
4. Older Slang. a cook, as at a camp or on a ship.
5. Mach. any of various minor mechanical devices, esp. one designed to remedy an undesirable characteristic of an automatic process.
6. Angling. any of several artificial flies, esp. the silver doctor.
7. an eminent scholar and teacher.
8. to give medical treatment to; act as a physician to: He feels he can doctor himself for just a common cold.
9. to treat (an ailment); apply remedies to: He doctored his cold at home.
10. to restore to original or working condition; repair; mend: She was able to doctor the chipped vase with a little plastic cement.
11. to tamper with; falsify: He doctored the birthdate on his passport.
12. to add a foreign substance to; adulterate: Someone had doctored the drink.
13. to revise, alter, or adapt (a photograph, manuscript, etc.) in order to serve a specific purpose or to improve the material: to doctor a play.
14. to award a doctorate to: He did his undergraduate work in the U.S. and was doctored at Oxford.
15. to practice medicine.
16. Older Use. to take medicine; receive medical treatment.
17. Metall. (of an article being electroplated) to receive plating unevenly.
[1275–1325; ME docto(u)r (< AF) < L, equiv. to doc("re) to teach + -tor -TOR]
—docÆtor·al, doc·to·ri·al (dok tôrÆ" Ãl, -t$rÆ-), adj.
—docÆtor·al·ly, doc·toÆri·al·ly, adv.
—docÆtor·less, adj.
—docÆtor·shipÅ, n.


Active Member
It's about movement. The O2 locked in water is restricted in its movement, thus its abundance is of less utility... for breathing anyway. Keep your head under long enough, you'll evolve gills. ;)

Gills CAN'T EXTRACT O or O2 from H2O!

(So says my Hydrogen..Helium..Balloonists...
...who came around...saying ..belling..Dinging...Balloons...for ..Children...)

...Gills...CAN...Extract O2 from.....ONLY......Dissolved O2..!

..WE..THE FISH...can GUARANTEE...to that Fundamental Statement!

...ie H2O..H20...O2...H2O...H2O...O2...H20.....TOO ..OO..!

What is the DIFFERNCE between..
..being DISSOLVED..
...& TIED..down or up...?

..but..WE..THE MAN...
......that WE can....SPLIT......O ..and O2...from...H2O...
AND ..make it into ...Hydrogen or Helium..H2SO4...Sulfuric Acid..

Where Did S..OR Sulphur...come in the Formula...?
Is it the Saint or the Sulphurous Smell of the Devil...?

I dunno,

Is EARTH...breathable?


Superabacus Mystic
I'd give you the Schrodinger equation, but I don't know enough QM. (and it wouldn't be at all useful anyway)


Active Member
I'd give you the Schrodinger equation, but I don't know enough QM. (and it wouldn't be at all useful anyway)

The Schrödinger equation!

Oh Man! I ..LOVE...Schrödinger.....!


Coz..my Bosom Friend...PH recommends it..coz..he don't know enough QM!


Isn't that WHAT LOVE ..is ...ALL About....?
Isn't that WHAT FRIENDS ..is ...ALL About....?
Isn't that WHAT BELIEF....is ...ALL ABOUT...?
Isn't that WHAT ..FAITH..is ..ALL ABOUT...no questions asked...?

Peter Drucker of American Presidential Harvard Princeton Business Management
Peter Drucker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
..it is QM..
.....Quality Management of ..
....the JAPANESE..
...WHOM...we CONSIDERED...our....ENEMIES...

....or was it Quantum Mechanics...Bombs...

Back to the Question...or Direction...

Was it
Schrödinger's CAT?
Schrödinger's cat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CANINE Equations of Everyday?