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What is Islamophobia?

Is Islamophobia a meaningful term?

  • Yes, it refers to anti-Muslim animus

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Yes, it refers to criticism of Islam

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • No, it refers to criticism of Islam

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • No, it is a politicized term that is too broad or vague

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I couldn't offer an opinion one way or another without knowing more about what you actually oppose and why. I think you have mentioned something like executing people for leaving Islam or for being homosexual. These are things that really do happen and I oppose them as much as you do. But an Islamophobe would say all Muslims believe in that sort of thing and if they deny it they are just lying because their religion promotes such lying.

Well, clearly that person would be factually incorrect. But the Islamophobia label is being applied well beyond that. See this article on "New Atheists and the Same Old Islamophobia," for example.


Doubting Thomas
Come to think of it, a true Islamophobe (and there are probably very few, perhaps just a few hundred from places such as India, Pakistan and Egypt where they may have been subject to actual Muslim violence or segregation) would hardly few secure in talking about Islam.

The people that are usually accused of Islamophobia should reject the label. It is a loaded, slanderous, meaningless piece of drivel.
I guess we will just have to disagree on that. I have made my case as to why I think it can be a legitimate label. Not sure what else I could say. But I am curious do you feel the same about the label homophobe?


Well-Known Member
I guess we will just have to disagree on that. I have made my case as to why I think it can be a legitimate label. Not sure what else I could say. But I am curious do you feel the same about the label homophobe?

Personally I think that the terms are quite different, but I also think that "homophobia," while it has usage analogous to Antisemitism, is also less useful than "anti-gay." And I prefer using the latter to homophobia. But "Islamophobia" is not referring to criticism of individuals or a desire to restrict individual rights, but much more broadly to a religion.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I guess we will just have to disagree on that. I have made my case as to why I think it can be a legitimate label. Not sure what else I could say. But I am curious do you feel the same about the label homophobe?

Not really. For one thing, actual homophoby is probably not quite that rare. Many homosexuals are in deep denial and more than a bit phobic about the possibily of being found out, particularly by themselves.

For another, the distinction between disrepect of LGBT rights and true homophoby just isn't that relevant in practice, even though the concept is indeed being misapplied. Homosexuality isn't an ideology and there has been little to no pressure to enact laws or measures against homophoby - or to the extent that it has, it ends up being the same as the protection of LGBT rights.

Maybe that led to some confusion and emboldened the spread of use of "Islamophobia"?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Is that what it means though? If I say that I am opposed to Islam, and that Islam is, in the current era, uniquely bad in doctrine and practice, is that Islamophobic? Because I feel as though there is an underlying assumption here that Muslims are always a bullied minority that not only Muslims but Islam itself must be protected from criticism, however legitimate the criticism might be.

Yeah, this is kind of the problem. We can't separate whats legitimate from illegitimate and so end up criticizing or defending all Muslims by default. We lack the ability to see the subtle differences and so we don't really know what Islamophobia is because we don't know what Islam is. Overtime as we get to know it better we will come to understand the difference, as it is really a conversation between the non-Muslims and Muslims about how to integrate and what kind of relationship we can have with each other and what it means to fit in. At the moment we can't really tell the difference so until we sort things out, so by default we're all Islamophobes until we know what it means for someone to be Muslim and to accept Muslims into our society.


Interesting if you look at the wikipedia Islamophobia article's history section, even before 1923 it being used by a French speaker as islamophobie and meant for moderate and feminist Muslims who fear other Muslims.

It definitely makes more sense in that usage.


Well-Known Member
I think we are talking matters of degree, Diedre. Sure, I am not saying Islamophobes have the same type of feeling I have when I am on top of a tall building but the fear they feel is just as irrational as the fear I feel in that situation.

your fear is LESS irrational lol ;)


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Interesting if you look at the wikipedia Islamophobia article's history section, even before 1923 it being used by a French speaker as islamophobie and meant for moderate and feminist Muslims who fear other Muslims.

It definitely makes more sense in that usage.

Above post^^^^ is what I learned when I first began studying islam to try and understand why the are so willing to kill each other and any infidel.
I know why they murder but still do not understand the why part.
I feel the word usage today is fear of a person wearing a barqua is also wearing
a bomb!
Fear of islamics murdering 12 people over a cartoon.
Very understandable I think.


Well-Known Member
"The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by theInternational Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad -- who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT's ideology -- now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them.

This plan was an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood's "General Strategic Goal for North America," by which the organization aimed to wage "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands ... so that ... God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions." To implement this plan, the Brotherhood enlisted the help of 29 likeminded "organizations of our friends" (one of which was IIIT), whose task would be to depict themselves as civil-rights groups speaking out on behalf of a Muslim American population that was allegedly besieged by outsiders who harbored an illogical, unfounded fear of them -- i.e., by a society replete with "Islamophobia."

Politics of "Islamophobia" - Discover the Networks


Doubting Thomas
Above post^^^^ is what I learned when I first began studying islam to try and understand why the are so willing to kill each other and any infidel.
I know why they murder but still do not understand the why part.
I feel the word usage today is fear of a person wearing a barqua is also wearing
a bomb!
Fear of islamics murdering 12 people over a cartoon.
Very understandable I think.
who is "they"? Muslims?


Doubting Thomas
Erik Rush: Every Single Muslim Backs Terrorism, Hopes To Destroy Western Civilization
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 1/15/2015 10:55 am

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who last year called for all Muslims to be killed in response to the Boston Marathon bombing, writes today that every single Muslim on the planet is part of a grand plan to bring an end to Western civilization.

Insisting that there is no “distinction that exists between Islam and ‘radical Islam,’” Rush claims that “all Muslims are part of this diabolical design of supplanting Western civilization with an Islamic one” through the “violent subjugation of the host culture.” Terrorists who cite Islamic beliefs, according to Rush, “are not ‘radical’ jihadi commandos; they’re just Muslims,” while the majority of Muslims “advocate what the full-blown jihadis are doing.”

Naturally, Rush believes that President Obama is helping in this grand Muslim conspiracy to destroy the West through immigration, terrorist attacks and “Muslim-fomented civil unrest” by “furiously importing Muslims into the U.S.” [his quoted comments follow]

- See more at: Erik Rush: Every Single Muslim Backs Terrorism, Hopes To Destroy Western Civilization | Right Wing Watch


Doubting Thomas
some juicy tidbits...

Paranoia-Rama: Islamists Take Over The White House, Minneapolis Through Subliminal Messages And No-Go Zones
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 1/23/2015 3:25 pm
RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

After spending a week denouncing non-existent “no-go zones,” it was no surprise that conservatives steered their anti-Islam anger into attacks on President Obama, especially after his State of the Union address.

5) Bill O’Reilly Had Nothing To Do With Fox’s ‘No-Go Zone’ Mess…

Except that he did, but not according to Bill O’Reilly! The Fox News host, angry that the mayor of Paris threatened to sue Fox News for repeatedly stating that the city was the home of several Islamic “no-go zones” — claims which the network later retracted with four apologies — insisted that he “didn't have anything to do with this.”

But as Media Matters reports, earlier that month, O’Reilly pushed the Fox News talking points that French no-go zones, where Sharia law is in effect, do in fact exist and were partly to blame for the Paris terrorist attacks: “France brought a lot of this terrorism on itself. We just talked about the no-go zones that they allow. They allow, 10 percent of the population is Muslim. They are all in there, they’re radicalized, they don't assimilate.”

Of course, no one is surprised that O’Reilly got his facts wrong when reporting about how he and his network got their facts wrong.

4) Is Tony Perkins Too Afraid To Visit Minneapolis?

While Fox News may have backed down from its erroneous reports about Muslim-dominated “no-go zones” [are] forming across Europe, Family Research Council president and conservative talk show host Tony Perkins is sticking to the false claim. In fact, Perkins believes that “no-go zones” have arrived in America, telling “Washington Watch” listeners that Sharia law has effectively taken over Dearborn, Michigan, and parts of Minneapolis:

Of course, neither city has adopted Sharia law, and Rep. Keith Ellison, a Democrat whose district encompasses most of Minneapolis, has invited Perkins to see the city for himself:

2) Treasonous, Diabolical Obama Pushing Extremism

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush was disgusted by President Obama’s State of the Union address, so disgusted in fact that he doesn’t want to even bother “enumerating his dubious intentions and the brazen lies he tells.”

“I believe that the primary value of this address was its potential for having demonstrated to a few million more Americans that this is the most diabolical individual to ever occupy the White House,” Rush said. “The basis of Saul Alinsky’s strategy for political conquest, detailed in his book ‘Rules for Radicals,’ is the widespread use of lies. Given that this tome is the sacred text of Obama and his Cabinet (or co-conspirators, if you prefer), one might interpret the State of the Union address in light of this.”

Rush added that Obama’s pledge to veto additional sanctions on the Iranian government as diplomatic negotiations continue is proof that he is “dedicated to Islamist ascendency, both domestically and abroad.” In fact, he thinks Obama is guilty of treason:

How many times is it worth reiterating that the president of the United States – an individual who attained that office by criminal artifice and systematic deception, by the way – has committed serial treason and is being shielded from the consequences of his actions by corrupt and compromised elected officials? There is a major push on worldwide toward advancing the designs of militant Muslims, minimizing the danger they represent and demonizing all who attempt to realistically frame the argument – and it has all been catalyzed by the individual in the White House. The wholesale failure of Obama’s supposed political opponents to publicly call him out on his crimes is as much of a crime as his own.
1) Obama’s Subliminal Messages

Sandy Rios is always finding new evidence that President Obama is a secretMuslim, and she uncovered indisputable proof of his undisclosed Islamic faith in his latest State of the Union address. After speaking to a caller who was angry that Obama accurately said that Colorado Springs is the home of the Air Force Academy, the American Family Association governmental affairs director suggested that Obama was sending Islamic subliminal messages when he talked about the “pillars” of American greatness.

“The other thing he said that I caught, he has done this before, you know there are five pillars of Islam, and he used the term ‘pillars’ again in his speech last night,” she said. “It is just really interesting, language can actually give us some insight, choices of words.”

- See more at: Paranoia-Rama: Islamists Take Over The White House, Minneapolis Through Subliminal Messages And No-Go Zones | Right Wing Watch


Doubting Thomas
Rick Wiles: Muslim 'Avengers' Will Destroy America Thanks To Abortion Rights And Obamacare
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 2/13/2015 12:35 pm
On Wednesday’s edition of “Trunews,” End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles invited Dr. Erwin Lutzer, pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church, to speak about the threat of radical Islamists to America’s security. After Wiles wondered why “the far-left is in an alliance with jihadist Islam,” Lutzer said the “the far-left and jihadists are in cahoots” because both groups are bent on “destroying capitalism” and seeking the “destruction of Christianity.”

Wiles added that Muslim immigration to the U.S. and Europe is “part of the judgment” of God for abortion rights. “It’s like the Muslims are the avengers who are being sent in to avenge for the deaths of innocent babies,” he said.

Lutzer later explained that Obamacare is helping too many people gain health coverage, and as a result the “administration is encouraging Islamic doctors from all over the world to come to the United States.”

Since Obamacare is pushing doctors out of the practice and abortion rights are slowing population growth, Lutzer said, the U.S. now has “huge immigrant populations from the Muslim countries.”

- See more at: Rick Wiles: Muslim 'Avengers' Will Destroy America Thanks To Abortion Rights And Obamacare | Right Wing Watch


Doubting Thomas
Pat Robertson: Obama Drinking The Muslim 'Kool-Aid'
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/2/2015 11:00 am
Pat Robertson appears to be convinced that President Obama is a secret Muslim, telling “700 Club” viewers today that the president is in on an Islamist plot to take over the entire world and impose Sharia across the globe.

After comparing Islam to Nazism, Robertson said that people need to know that Islam is not a religion but a political movement bent on world domination, and Obama is helping this effort.

“It’s time our president opened his eyes, but I think maybe he already knows because he went to one of those schools over in Indonesia and he’s been drinking pretty heavily of the Kool-Aid,” he said.

- See more at: Pat Robertson: Obama Drinking The Muslim 'Kool-Aid' | Right Wing Watch


Doubting Thomas
Right-Wing Activist Exposes The Obama-Ferguson-Islamist-Homosexual Plot To Destroy America
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 1/28/2015 3:00 pm
Bill Federer, a conservative “historian” who has shared a stage with the likes of Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, appeared on the conspiracy theory radio show “Trunews” this week to share his predictions about the future of America. Federer is notorious for wildly speculating about President Obama trying to fake an attempted assassination in order to win re-election, Hillary Clinton advancing worldwide Sharia law and U.S. military service members slaughtering millions of Christians, and “Trunews” host Rick Wiles was more than happy to hear out his theories.

Federer told Wiles that the “atheist homosexual gay agenda movement” will move America “into an Islamic future” complete with mythical Sharia law “no-go zones.” Wiles agreed, claiming that “the Muslims are the avengers, they are being sent in like hornets to sting us. They are the avengers that are coming in like a billion hornets coming in and just stinging and vexing the people.”

Federer also described an even more elaborate conspiracy theory.

According to Federer, the Arab Spring was all a coordinated plot by Islamic extremists to send the Mideast into turmoil in order to “set up a caliphate,” leading to an exodus of Muslim refugees who will come to America.

These refugees, along with Muslims smuggled into the U.S. through Muslim-run drug gangs, will then set up Islamic “sleeper cells” within the U.S. that will rise up once they “get a signal to have Ferguson riots in malls across America.” Once they start rioting, the government will then move to set up a “militarized dictatorship” under Obama’s complete control.

Wiles said that everything Federer told him is exactly what “the Lord showed me” years earlier in dreams and visions, proving that everything Federer said is true and will probably come about by the end of this year.

“We’re going to see unspeakable violence in this country. The Muslims are going to blow up schools, they’re going to blow up malls,” Wiles said. It’s going to be done under the cover of a jihadist in the White House, a Marxist Muslim jihadist in the White House, planted there many years ago for this very day to bring down the nation. Mr. Obama’s election was no accident, it was the culmination of a carefully planned, funded and executed strategy to bring down this country.”

Federer and Wiles cited the work of Avi Lipkin, who predicted that Obama will “bring in 50-100 million Muslims” fleeing the Mideast to the U.S. and house them in National Parks and property seized under Agenda 21. Lipkin claims that Obama, whom he thinks is under the control of the Illuminati and Free Masons, also wants to turn women into “baby factories for Islam.”

“His warning has turned out to be true,” Wiles said.

“Again, I’m speculating,” Federer added, conveniently making sure that he doesn’t actually have to be held accountable for any of his claims.

- See more at: Right-Wing Activist Exposes The Obama-Ferguson-Islamist-Homosexual Plot To Destroy America | Right Wing Watch