I always find this a bizarre terminology - so the remaining 60% of the population had no ethnicity? What's that like?
Great point!
I love it!
According to ethnics, African Americans, Black Americans, "persons
of color" whatever noun you like, white people are "crackers", " honkey's", "redneck", trailer trash",
and more but my personal FAVORITE of all time is................................
Look that one up! :>)
As a white cop policing a town with a large black population I heard and have been called
a whole lot of slurs.
"Pig" was mild indeed. The most common was "mutha ####a".
So it goes. So it went. It's over now.
At least it's over in the day time when I am around so called "normal" folks.
At night I still dream.
The memories will be with me all the days of my life.
I truly understand why Dennis, my detective partner, blew his brains out last year.
I understand but feel doing such a thing is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I suffered 13 serious injuries, live a life of permanent intractable pain, and severe p.t.s.d.
but so what?
I'm alive and look forward to each day.
Drugs help. (joke)
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