Well-Known Member
You are not using the correct definition for life here. I am not talking about my life vs. some other life. I am not talking about some individual's life, as compared to some other individual's life. I am talking about life itself. I have explained this a few times now. I am a physical body that has life. When my mother and father conceived me, my personal existence began. My body is not the same body as my parents. I only have half of my mothers chromosomes, and only half of my fathers chromosomes. Therefore, our bodies are not the same identical bodies. We are genetically different living beings. However, the life that my body has is indeed the same identical life that each of my parents had. When the gamete from my father fused with the gamete of my mother my life as a separate individual living being began (in this case I am speaking of my life, and not the definition we are talking about here). So I can say that the life in me has existed long before it embodied me because I am speaking of life that is defined as the quality or something that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body or inanimate object and which also enables metabolism to take place within individual living beings. I do not believe that this word life, as I am defining it, has the ability to remember anything. But of course, living beings that do possess the quality that distinguishes vital and functional beings from dead bodies or inanimate objects capable of metabolizing food and energy can and do remember things, assuming of course that those beings also possess the necessary anatomical parts and faculty of mind required for remembering things.Why would you think that? Can you recall a life before your life?
Let me ask you this...Does motion exist?
Consider an object in motion. We know that an object that is in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by another force. According to Wikipedia, in physics, motion is defined as a change in position of an object with respect to time. I personally see this definition as flawed. In reality, this definition is a definition for the word displacement. Motion is not displacement. Motion causes displacement.
An object at rest can only be put into motion if a force is applied to the object. So lets say that there is an object of some particular size that is at rest, and another object of identical mass is in motion and collides with the object that is at rest. If the object that is in motion strikes the object that is at rest (for lack of better words) perpendicular to the center of mass of the object that is at rest, the object that was at rest will be set into motion, and it's motion will be in the same direction as the object that was in motion; and the new velocity of the object that was at rest will be the same as the object that was in motion. And furthermore, the object that was in motion before it strikes the object that was at rest will come to rest instantly assuming the elasticity of both objects is zero.
So does motion exist?
The motion of the first object that was in motion is completely transferred to the object that was at rest. The net motion of the system is constant. Motion is like life. The objects are like the bodies of the living beings. The motion of the second object is the same identical motion of the first object. The only real difference is that the motion indwells a new body.
I already do question everything I thought I understood about biological life. But I'll try to take your advice.Read Issac Asimov's book, Life and Energy (1962), it will leave you questioning everything you thought you understood about biological life.
I'm not asking how many living organisms exist. You say life is not a thing...well that's for you to prove. Do you have any evidence to support that claim? So you believe virus' are alive? I can live with that. It really doesn't matter to me exactly what we consider to be alive. I want to know why we are alive. But I think I already know the answer to that question.What? You want to know how many viruses and bacteria exist in the world? That's what it sounds like you are asking. Life is not a "thing" it is a state of being for certain bio-chemical entities that we call life forms. I would say anything that has a means of replicating itself should probably be call "alive."