i don't get it. so i am one of those people who believes in God but don't have faith?
If you haven't proved that God exist you believe in him because of faith. And since we cannot prove an absolute, neither negative nor positive, we all need some faith. But you cannot reach any conclusion without some sort of faith, and the conclusion becomes less and less likely the more faith you use. Read up on Occam's razor and you'll get a more complete explanation.
.lava said:
either way person would die. IMO priority has to be staying alive, not how long you'd suffer before you die.
I hate to break it to you, but you will die in the end. You cannot go around chosing to survive, you can only make choices to improve your life and live longer, and you will have to prioritize. On most jobs, you cannot exercise and work at the same time, and you cannot eat and sleep at the same time and you cannot maintain your hygiene and eat at the same time either. You have to divide your time spent on them and ask yourself "which one is the most important?". I can see myself skipping exercise one day if otherwise it means I wont get to eat. I can skimp on hygiene if
otherwise it means I would be late for work. You cannot, however, ignore one of them throughout your life and expect a good standard of living.
.lava said:
since lack of any of those two would lead one to darkness, i 'll take them both.
So you're saying that we need equal parts of faith and reason? It's sort of like saying that we need to make alot of assumptions and no assumptions at the same time.
.lava said:
obviously we disagree on somethings like what faith is. faith is not an assumption IMO but anyways. not the right thread i suppose.
It's kind of hard to have a debate and not agree on what it is that we're debating. Here's dictionary.com's definitions:
1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
3. belief in
god or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.
4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.
5. a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.
6. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: Failure to appear would be breaking faith.
7. the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.: He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.
8. Christian Theology . the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.
Now, I'm making the assumption that you haven't gone and invented your own definition of what faith is (since only you would know what you're talking about) so could you tell me where my definition goes wrong.
.lava said:
well, yeah, i'll take them both. because i don't wish to chose between dying in 20 seconds or dying in 4 days
How about dying in 20 seconds or 80 years? That's the choice you make every day when you don't take short cuts by walking over the freeway.