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What is more important for the future well-being of humankind: Faith or Reason?

Faith or Reaon?

  • Reason

    Votes: 70 90.9%
  • Faith

    Votes: 7 9.1%

  • Total voters


I for One ENJOY taking leaps of Faith.

I'm not so attached to any exact results though,
as much as I am
to the sheer experience of it.

These leaps almost always heighten my levels of awareness.

And when I'm done leaping,
I've either shifted my assemblage point/paradigm,
(ie, somehow changed Self/Reality)
I've benefited from a bit of exercise. ;)


Veteran Member
They are the same thing...

you can't see the distinction between the 2 meanings...?

a justification for an action
i love my husband because i just DO.


to form judgments by the process of logic
i know my husband loves me by what he does

so hope and love would apply to the second distinction
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Just me
Premium Member
you can't see the distinction between the 2 meanings...?

a justification for an action
i love my husband because i just DO.


to form judgments by the process of logic
i know my husband loves me by what he does

so hope and love would apply to the second distinction
"Because I just do" isn't a valid justification, though, any more than "because I just said so" would be. :)


Active Member
Doubt is important. It's what leads away from error and towards truth. It's good to doubt things that do not have enough support.

Doubt is certainly important but it does not lead away from error towards truth, it merely leads away. Reason leads us away from error towards truth, or at least a version of it. Doubt for doubts sake leads to nothing.


Facts not Faith
I will have to vote for reason. Reason is that thing which makes humans unique and has helped us rise above the terror that exists in nature. With reason and science we have great potential but there is also the chance that we will destroy ourselves with it. The cause of this is hatred, ignorance, bigotry, and malice.

Faith is not as important as reason but it is still important. Sometimes we have to act without full knowledge of what our choices will do. This is important to sustain a basic standard of living but can sometimes cause harm. Too much faith can be extremely harmful and should be used with caution.

The best thing is when faith and reason are combined. This is what we call trust. Trust is faith based on evidence. It is good to have a substantial amount of evidence or else you will be taking too big of a leap into the unknown.


reason has caused just as much disaster and suffering as faith ever did

I think you would have to back this statement up with some kind of facts.

the countless murders in the bible including genocide that happend time and time again.

the countless murders after the bible was written

the countles deaths happening right now with christians stance on conterceptives in africa where 1 in 4 has aids and overpopulation is rampant


Jehovah our God is One
that could also be tied directly to hitlers extreme christianity

it was practiced all over the world, not only hitler, but he didnt use it because of christianity...he wanted a 'pure' nation. Christianity has nothing to do with his reasons for latching onto eugenics.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Without faith, we have only doubt.
Without hope, we have only despair.

Doubt and despair are corrosive and ultimately destructive to human life.

Doubt is good, however, when it comes to the irrational and unsubstantiated. In that regard blind faith and unquestioning adherence is far more destructive than doubt could ever hope to be.


it was practiced all over the world, not only hitler, but he didnt use it because of christianity...he wanted a 'pure' nation. Christianity has nothing to do with his reasons for latching onto eugenics.

thers still a relationship there weather we dont want it or not due to our beliefs.

hitler wanted a pure christian race, this is pretty much fact is it not?