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What is odd about the Book of Mormon?

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Acts 17:28-31 (New International Version)

28'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'
29"Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by man's design and skill.
30In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.
31For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead."

It is obvious to me from this passage that man has a connection with the Creator GOD as a special creation. We are were MADE in GOD's likeness. I do not feel that coupled with the rest of the Bible that man is begotten by GOD. GOD breathed and man became a living being. Our connection with eternity past comes only from the reality that GOD has indeed always been, and HE made us. I do not see any indication that we were born of GOD as spirit children to be reborn. That is conjecture. What I do see is that poetically speaking, we do have the closest affinity to GOD of anything of the rest of Creation. GOD is real and beyond what we can imagine.
How you do not get that we are his literal offspring from the exact passage you just quoted, I have no idea.


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The following quotes are in the prior context that it is unfair for God to create an individuals spirit out of nothing, (thus determining man’s moral characteristics), and then punishing the man for lacking a moral characteristic God himself left out of the spirit he created. The ancient christian doctrine that the spirits of men existed BEFORE creation and possessed their own choice and developed their OWN characteristics relieved early Christianity from this dilemma. It is the abandonment of the ancient doctrine and adoption of the newer doctrine which places most of modern christianity into this philosophical dilemna.

Madhatter85 replied : Definitely, the idea that we did not exist before this world conflicts heavily with the idea of free agency or free will. It is one of our most precious beliefs is that we desired to become like our Heavenly Father, to come to this earth for the purpose of gaining a physical body and learning to control (not necessarily suppress) our thoughts, desires, appetites, and lusts. That all things must be done in moderation and within the bounds the Lord has set. The reason for these boundaries? is to help us come to know how Heavenly Father conducts himself and how he loves his children. Heavenly Father is perfected and we too have the opportunity to be perfected through the savior Jesus Christ if we will do what he asks of us in this life. what does he ask? Love the Lord Thy God, Keep the Commandments, and forgive everyone their trespasses so that we may also be forgiven. It takes self-mastery, of which i spoke previously, which is truly a lifelong process. God did not force us to come here, we wanted to because we knew what the reward would be if we triumphed.

Little Nipper replied : It would seem both Old & New Testaments disagree. GOD is Omnipresent. Jeremiah 23:23-24 “Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? 24 Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.
Acts 17:24-25 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man,25 nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.

I also disagree with Little Nipper’s strained interpretation that God’s omnipresence requires that the individuals writing the Old and New Testaments interpreted their writings such that their God was a nebulous spirit that is physically present everywhere in this physical creation.


In the earliest Christian model, (that I am aware of) All spirits existed before the earth was created : There are multiple historical testimonies to the ancient Christian Doctrine that Spirits of men not only existed with God prior to creation of the earth, but as the Pistis Sophia said, they were “self willed” (and thus made choices there as well as here). It was not just a few angels “living” with God, but Enoch, in his vision, saw “a hundred thousand times a hundred thousand, ten million times ten million, and innumerable and uncountable (multitude) who stand before the glory of the Lord of the Spirits. (1 En 40:1) Even by this time, some spirits had experience mortality, died and returned, thus Enoch relates :
“Come and I will show you the souls of the righteous who have already been created and have returned, and the souls of the righteous who have not yet been created. (3 en 43: 1-3)
(“creation”, in this context refers to the spirit being placed into a body and gaining “life”)

These Spirits wanted to improve and have more knowledge and capabilities in this ancient christian model : Enoch (and the other spirits) observed others who had become wise :
“I saw the fountain of righteousness, which does not become depleted and is surrounded completely by numerous fountains of wisdom. All the thirsty ones drink (of the water) and become filled with wisdom. (Then) their dwelling places become with the holy, righteous, and elect ones.”

Enoch continues describing the Father's plan as to how the others would gain moral knowledge first : “At that hour, that Son of Man was given a name, in the presence of the Lord of the Spirits, the Before-Time (Lit “before the beginning [or “head”] of days,”), even before the creation of the sun and the moon, before the creation of the stars, he was given a name in the presence of the Lord of the Spirits. He will become a staff for the righteous ones in order that they may lean on him and not fall. He is the light of the gentiles and he will become the hope of those who are sick in their hearts......; and because they will be saved in his name and it is his good pleasure that they have life.” (1En 35:48:1-7). It is in this profound context of God’s plan that the ancient saying regarding “there is no knowledge without life, nor is there true life without knowledge” (I'm paraphasing this last quote..). Who of those spirits, seeing those who had become filled with wisdom, would not have wanted to be like them? It makes perfect sense that these spirits would not have been stagnant, but would have wanted progression. And, even Old-Testament era Enoch makes plain that it was in this pre-creation council that Jesus was Chosen by the Father to be the savior (i.e. the slamb slain from before the foundation of the world). Thus, the doctrine that these spirits wanted to be more like God, WAS the earlier teaching. For example: The Apostolic Father Ignatius taught : "Ye are imitators of God, once you took on new life" (Ign to eph 1:1). He said we are STUDENTS, learning moral principles, thus he says “I speak to you as my fellow students. For I need to be trained by you in faith, instruction, endurance, and patience. (Ign to eph 3:1)

The early teachings were not only quite different than the modern teachings : Enoch reminds us that “The God of the Universe, the Holy Great One, will come forth from his dwelling, (1En 13:1). The point is that they believed that he HAD a specific dwelling. It is all quite anthropomorphic. Old Testament Enoch says that he saw the Father and The son : “And the Lord called me with his own mouth and said to me, “Come near to me, Enoch, and to my holy Word” (1 En 21:14:24) Also, “Do not fear, Enoch, righteous man, scribe of righteousness; come near to me and hear my voice.” (1 En 21:15:1) The old descriptions are not only anthropomorphic, but they are anthropomorphic in the extreme : “The Lord with his own two hands created mankind; in a facsimile of his own face, both small and great, the Lord created them. (2en 44:1-2); “And the Lord sent one of his glorious ones, the archangel gabriel...Stand up, and come with me and stand in front of the face of the lord Forever.” ...And Gabriel...put me down in front of the face of the Lord...I saw the view of the face of the Lord...Thus even I saw the face of the Lord. But the face of the lord is not to be talked about, it is so very marvelous and supremely awesome...And the Lord, with his own mouth, said to me, “Be brave Enoch! Don’t be frightened!”... (2En 22:1-6).

There was not reason for Enoch to “come and stand in front of the face of the Lord” if god was not in a “place” where Enoch could stand in front of. No reason for a face (or other descriptions of him), if he was faceless and imageless. They even called him the "perfect man". Again, whether the Christians were right or wrong, they still believed in a God who lived in a place; they believed in a God who actually HAD an image in the model of which Adam’s body was created.



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Instead of simply assuming a personal and modern version of omnipresence is correct, one might consider ancient versions of this doctrine. As an example, consider the early Christian teachings regarding the spirit of God and his influence (as Madhatter described), or perhaps you could consider the ancient “orders” of administration of God’s creation : “The heavenly powers: what they are like and how each of their orders is occupied in the service and the plan of this world.” In the text Adam teaches his children regarding the Father’s organization. Adam says : “they are set in order one after another from the bottom, until we reach those who carry our Lord Jesus the Messiah and bear him up. The lowest order is the angels. And the plan has been revealed to it by God concerning every human being whom they watch over, because one angel from this lowest order accompanies every single human being in the world for his protection. And this is its service. 2 “The second order is the archangels. This is the service: directing everything in this creation according to the plan of God, whether powers or animals...and in short, whatever exists in this creation, besides human beings, they care for it and guide it.” (TESTAMENT OF ADAM 4:1-6) Adam continues describing celestial beings having greater and greater administrative duties in the Father's plan: Whether the early Christian were right or wrong, this is still what they taught and keep in mind that the angels ALL reported back to the Father what was happening.

Despite directing everything, the Lord God did not himself go out and do all these things. He did not need to : Enoch described “I saw him – the Antecedent of Time, while he was sitting upon the throne of his glory, the books of the living ones were open before him. “ (1En 35:47:3) And what was traditionally IN those books? All the deeds of mankind. There are MANY ways that God was able to say that “There is nothing in heaven above or deep within the earth concealed from me. “ (264 3 en 11:2-3) For example, consider the ancient doctrine regarding Enoch’s description of “The Heavenly Curtain surrounding the throne of God upon which all human history is shown.., it shows “each generation and it’s potentiates, ...and I saw Adam and his generation, their deeds and their thoughts; Noah and the generation of the flood, their deeds and their thoughts;....Abraham and his generation, their deeds and their thoughts......the teachers of the children in Israel and their generations, their deeds and their acts; the teachers of the children of the gentiles and their generations, their deeds and their acts;...all the prophets of Israel and their generations, their deeds and their acts; all the prophets of the gentiles and their generations, their deeds and their acts...And I saw: the Messiah the son of Joseph and his generation, and all that they will do to the gentiles..... (3 en 45) Enoch testified that God saw all of history. He saw, not only the acts of all of Israel’s prophets and all of the acts of the “prophets of the gentiles and their generations, their deeds and their acts...” Everything. If he sees everything in this way, directs everything by these means, then the ancients were correct that he was omnipresent in this manner rather than some other manner.



Well-Known Member
There was not reason for Enoch to “come and stand in front of the face of the Lord” if god was not in a “place” where Enoch could stand in front of. No reason for a face (or other descriptions of him), if he was faceless and imageless. They even called him the "perfect man". Again, whether the Christians were right or wrong, they still believed in a God who lived in a place; they believed in a God who actually HAD an image in the model of which Adam’s body was created.


Clear, as in other posts, I invite you to use a relevant source.

If you've been following this thread at all you'd know the BoM is already well discredited.


Intentionally Blank
The Fruits of the Spirit are spelled out in the Bible, GOD's Holy Word. The Bible presents the LORD JESUS CHRIST as the originator of those fruits.

Uh huh. So if a person has 100% of the fruits, and does not place their faith and trust in Jesus, are they a True Believer?

And if a person does place their faith and trust in Jesus, but lacks some fruits, are they a True Believer?

A simple yes or not would help. Thanks.


Intentionally Blank
<snip long bible verses

Spare us LN. We've all read the Bible, and most of us know it better than you. If you have a point to make, feel free, and use Bible verses as needed to support your point. Otherwise, we're not terribly interested in long excerpts from your personal holy book, thanks.


Intentionally Blank
Not to mention there's been no finding of said people to substantiate this claim...so we must conclude, just like that which is offered by bible apologist, what is said is not to be taken literally.:rolleyes:

I think the way it works is that if science shows a given passage to be utterly impossible, it must therefore be allegory.


Well-Known Member
The majority of LDS will say no.

It is my personal belief that whether the Book of Mormon is fiction or not is irrelevant. It is the Truth the Book of Mormon teaches that is important.

Which might be fine if people are looking for some folk stories with 'good values' at their route, but since the BoM is a corner stone of an entire religion, weather it's fiction or not becomes cruxial. You're basically admitting the BoM is fiction, and thus smith was a con-artist, You have no basis then to think your god's real, there's any heaven, or that any of the things lds do like 'blessings' and baptism's have any use or meaning what so ever.


Oldest Heretic
we seem to have grown a new crop of LDS bashers...
they spring up like weeds at every season of the year.
Unfortunately each crop is no more smart than the last.


Well-Known Member
we seem to have grown a new crop of LDS bashers...
they spring up like weeds at every season of the year.
Unfortunately each crop is no more smart than the last.

So says the individual who offers no evidence, support, or even thought in his post. Pointing out truth is not bashing, unlike what you're doing.


Intentionally Blank
The Book of Mormon is not intended to be literature. I'm a published writer.
Good, because it's not. But if it's not history, and it's not literature, as you keep comparing it to, what the heck is it?

I beg to differ.
The Book of Mormon reinforces the Bible and vice versa - it doesn't confuse.
But it doesn't bring a single other person to Christ.

We're talking about whether the events portrayed in the Book of Mormon are real - not how the story came to be.
But the Book of Mormon, by name, claims to be a book written by Mormon upon plates taken from Nephi, and handed down to his son, Moroni. Its chapters are named after their authors, specific Nephites. Large parts are written as first person narratives as experienced by these authors. So if there's no Nephites and no Mormon, who the heck is Moroni?

The angel Moroni is part of the whole story you're calling fictional.

Why? Do the fictitious stories in the Bible identify which are fiction?
Why do you keep comparing the BoM to the Bible? They're both fiction, both wrong, both full of errors. At least the Bible has the excuse of being really old, but I wouldn't base my life on either of them.

Feel free to believe that if it makes you feel better.
I haven't gotten any other criteria from you.

Actually, my religion allows for a lot of freedom of belief. It doesn't have to be a matter of right and wrong. Some people take the Genesis account and Adam and Eve literally. Others do not. Either belief is fine.
Not my point. According to LDS theology, there are prophets who receive guidance from God. Those prophets say the BoM is fact, not fiction. So if you're right, that's another huge chunk of your religion you would have to discard.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So says the individual who offers no evidence, support, or even thought in his post. Pointing out truth is not bashing, unlike what you're doing.

Don't be too hard on him. He's actually giving out sort of a compliment. But I would argue that we aren't bashing....only debating.....There's a difference.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The Book of Mormon reinforces the Bible and vice versa - it doesn't confuse.

No it doesn't. The quran comes even closer to reinforcing the bible and vice versa......but I would put trust in either of these books as they have both been shown to be incorrect in various areas.....

We're talking about whether the events portrayed in the Book of Mormon are real - not how the story came to be.

And yet NO LDS has ever been able to validate the claims made by the book....Will you be the first?


Well-Known Member
Uh huh. So if a person has 100% of the fruits, and does not place their faith and trust in Jesus, are they a True Believer?

And if a person does place their faith and trust in Jesus, but lacks some fruits, are they a True Believer?

A simple yes or not would help. Thanks.

There are some christians who lack some fruit. They are still immature. But since the HOLY SPIRIT brings the fruits and the HOLY SPIRIT comes only after one fully accepts the LORD JESUS CHRIST, people without CHRIST are without hope.


Oldest Heretic
No it doesn't. The quran comes even closer to reinforcing the bible and vice versa......but I would put trust in either of these books as they have both been shown to be incorrect in various areas.....

And yet NO LDS has ever been able to validate the claims made by the book....Will you be the first?

And who has been able to validate the claims made in the Bible or Koran.
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