Here are some examples that give evidence of a Creator, though I realize that probably you will discount this. The real issue is lack of genuine love, the evident demonstration that there is a Designer, for independent thinking is at an all-time high. Please consider:
(1) Our hands. The human hand has a particularly refined sense of touch. According to Smithsonian magazine, researchers found that our hand can detect a dot just three microns (a micron is one thousandth of a millimeter) high. (A human hair has a diameter of 50 to 100 microns.) However, by using a texture rather than a dot, the researchers found the hand can detect roughness just 75 nanometers higha nanometer being one thousandth of a micron ! Such remarkable sensitivity is attributed to about 2,000 touch receptors in each fingertip.
Also, the remarkable dexterity of our hands, with joints at the right locations for easy use and nimbleness. If our thumb were removed or non-existent, then try picking up anything, such as a needle, or throwing a ball, climbing a ladder or any number of things that we take for granted. Just an accident or intentional design ?
(2) A protein. Evolution has taught that all life came about randomly. Is it that easy ? Though there are over 100 amino acids, only 20 are needed for proteins that support life. There are both right-handed and left-handed amino acids, but only left-handed ones are used in making a protein. If one were to put a scoop into the over 100 amino acids, the odds are that there would be about half right-handed and half left-handed.
What chance is there that the correct amino acids would come together to form a protein molecule ? It could be likened to having a big, thoroughly mixed pile containing equal numbers of red beans and white beans. There are also over 100 different varieties of beans. Now, if you plunged a scoop into this pile, what do you think you would get ? To get the beans that represent the basic components of a protein, you would have to scoop up only red onesno white ones at all! Also, your scoop must contain only 20 varieties of the red beans, and each one must be in a specific, preassigned place in the scoop. In the world of protein, a single mistake in any one of these requirements would cause the protein that is produced to fail to function properly. Would any amount of stirring and scooping in our hypothetical bean pile have given the right combination ? No.
What is the chance of even a simple protein molecule forming at random in an organic soup ? Evolutionists acknowledge it to be only one in 10113. But any event that has one chance in just 1050 is dismissed by mathematicians as never happening. An idea of the odds, or probability, involved is seen in the fact that the number 10113 is larger than the estimated total number of all the atoms in the universe ! So, is a protein accident or product of a designer ?
(3) Let's go another step forward on this. Consider this: Some proteins serve as structural materials and others as enzymes. The latter speed up needed chemical reactions in the cell. Without such help, the cell would die. Not just a few, but 2,000 proteins serving as enzymes are needed for the cells activity. What are the chances of obtaining all of these at random? One chance in 1040,000, according to evolutionist Fred Hoyle.(Evolution From Space, pg 24, 1981)
(4) Let's move forward even more. More difficult to obtain than these enzymes are nucleotides, the structural units of DNA, which bears the genetic code. Five histones are involved in DNA, which package and order the DNA into structural units called nucleosomes. The chance of forming even the simplest of these histones is said to be one in 20100another huge number larger than the total of all the atoms in all the stars and galaxies visible in the largest astronomical telescopes..(Evolution From Space, pg 27, 1981)
What are the odds, if all the different parts for a particular brand of automobile were laid out on a concrete floor of assembling themselves into a complete car ? Zero. Yet, if we were to a step further, that for all the different components of an automobile had to come about at random, and then assemble themselves into full functioning vehicle, would it happen ? No. These all required a designer and then for them to be assembled into working model by someone. Then, what about all the components for life ?
(5) Of our Milky Way Galaxy, there are about 100 billion stars. If a person were to try to count them at a page per second, it would take over 3000 years. If this were to done within a lifetime, it would require examining them at over 50 pages per second. And yet there are hundreds of billions of galaxies with perhaps hundreds of billions of stars within them. Is it reasonable that the universe with all these galaxies came about by accident ? Yet there is more. Even on the colossal scale of the universe, the galaxies are elegantly organized, such as in super clusters. The Milky Way Galaxy is part of one super cluster of about 20 galaxies. Some have likened it to a choreography of a ballet dancer.
(6) The distance between stars is mind-boggling. For example, if our sun were equal to the size of soccer ball in New York city, our closest neighbor star, Proxima Centauri, would be the size of a golf ball some 4000 miles away, in Paris, France, or some 25 trillion miles(4.22 light years). Yet, the distance of the universe is beyond our real comprehension. Our closest neighbor galaxy is Andromeda, approximately 2.5 million light years away. And yet all the galaxies are in motion, moving apart at about half the speed of light, in eloquent precision. What keeps them in their precise orbits ? Is this just accidental or intentional design ?
(7) Water. The giant North American redwood trees can grow to the height of over 300 feet. How does water reach all the way to the top without a pump ? By a hydrogen bond. Water is a polar molecule, that is one side has a negative charge and the other side a positive charge. Water molecules form hydrogen bonds with other molecules within the tree, thus allowing water to be drawn up the tree. The forces of cohesion and adhesion allow the water to be pulled up all the way to the top of the tallest trees. Accident or product of a designer ?
As a powerful solvent, water breaks down salts, minerals and other nutrients. As a chemical reactant, it is essential in the digestion of our foods. Even proteins, the fundamental building blocks of our cells, has a special relationship with water. To function correctly, a protein must be folded into a specific three-dimensional shape. And this crucial folding process is guided by subtle interactions between the protein and water. Accident or the intent of a loving Maker ?
Too, as water gets colder, it condenses and gets heavier. However, upon reaching the freezing point, it suddenly expands and becomes lighter, floating as ice on top of water. Why is this important ? Because, if water were to freeze and sink to the bottom, then life in those areas would die. Instead, life continues and produces, thus the making the earth abound with life even in the coldest areas on earth, as in the Arctics. Accidental or intentional design ?
(8) Harmony. Why is there harmony among all the differing elements of life ? Creating a set a blueprints for the construction of a house requires that the architect consider each individual detail and that it harmonizes with the overall design of the house. What about life ? Why is there harmony throughout, such as symbioses and other interactions ? For example, many flowering plants produce nectar, which serves as a food for insects and other animals. But the benefit is not one-sided. As bees drink nectar from a flower, they are dusted with tiny grains of pollen and carry these to flowers of the same kind, thus allowing the flowers to reproduce. Accident or intentional design ?
In the oceans, there are cleaning stations, whereby smaller fish "clean" larger fish. Anywhere else, the larger fish might eat these smaller cleaner fish, but not here. Why ? Accident or design ? These are just small samples of the different elements and arrangements needed for life. Hence, is life just an accident or intentional design ?