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What is the Significance of Adams and Eves Nakedness?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I've heard it explained several ways, including the "innocence" take:
That before eating of the Fruit, Adam and Eve were clothed in God's glory. After partaking of the Fruit, this glory was removed.
That Adam and Eve were purely spiritual beings beforehand and afterwards God made them "clothes" of physical flesh.


Oldest Heretic
Does a loin cloth seriously help protect from cold weather? Although remote tribes may still wear loin cloths today, I don't think they help much with inclement weather. My guess is they're worn for other reasons.
Maybe you could clarify your view on the book of Genesis a little for me. It's been a few years since I've posted with regularity and I'm afraid I don't remember your views on bible literacy. :)

If you acknowledge that Adam and Eve are humankind's starting point via the Old Testament scripture, wouldn't you also have to accept scripture that before the fruit eating they were not ashamed of their nakedness but after they were ashamed?

There is no evidence that Adam and Eve used loin cloths.
By the time natives get round to using loin cloths they have either been in contact with missionaries or are already quite socially sophisticated.

I see Adam and Eve as place holders for archetypal proto human sapiens. the Bible account is purely a middle Eastern religious speculation on creation.

Loincloths would certainly give some protection when moving through the bush, certainly more than penis sheaths and cords used by some tribes.
many polynesians African and south American tribes have been totally naked when first discovered.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It's always a challenge for us to try and figure out what the author's intent was, but I have to lean in the same direction as some others here in that it may be a reflection of our basic innocence at first, which later would be screwed up by our free choice that typically includes a loss of innocence, especially because of greed.


Veteran Member
There is no evidence that Adam and Eve used loin cloths.
By the time natives get round to using loin cloths they have either been in contact with missionaries or are already quite socially sophisticated.
I'm sorry, but there's no evidence Adam and Eve lived...at all. If we are to take what the OT has to say with any smattering of literalness about the original pair, you have to continue on with the narrative and the story includes loin cloths, aprons, clothing, etc. depending on the interpretation. (see my previous post for scripture reference)

I see Adam and Eve as place holders for archetypal proto human sapiens. the Bible account is purely a middle Eastern religious speculation on creation.
I agree.

Loincloths would certainly give some protection when moving through the bush, certainly more than penis sheaths and cords used by some tribes.
many polynesians African and south American tribes have been totally naked when first discovered.
Tribal women wear loin cloths too. Not much dangling to protect. :)


Oldest Heretic
Loin cloths would be totally inadequate in modern life.
More than modesty cloths serve as means to transport modern life's necessities.

Even the kilt (elaborate loin cloth) wearing Scots had to invent the sporran to cart necessities. And the woad wearing Brits had nothing but a paint job, according to Julius Caesar.... so much for modesty.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I'm sorry, but there's no evidence Adam and Eve lived...at all. If we are to take what the OT has to say with any smattering of literalness about the original pair, you have to continue on with the narrative and the story includes loin cloths, aprons, clothing, etc. depending on the interpretation. (see my previous post for scripture reference)

Let me just mention that in Judaism, most of us take this narrative as allegory.


Oldest Heretic
Tribal women wear loin cloths too. Not much dangling to protect. :)

It is true that today many tribal women wear loin cloths. however in the past most wore no more than waist cords to carry things, or as places to put their baby carrying slings when not in use.
Simple slings of various sorts have been essential in most tribal hunter gatherer societies. They are worn by both men and women. Sometimes cross shoulder and sometimes round the waist.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The eating is linked to knowing. In paradise I can be who I am. In the world of society I can't be all I am. I must shield part of myself for fear of many things. The shield causes a division between you and me and between myself and God. Clothes on the outside reflect the reality that is on the inside. In this world it takes many years to get to know someone. Even with trying to get to know some people you never will know them. Maybe in paradise the inside of people shown through to the outside so knowing someone was always sure and didn't take long at all. Now the reality is that sin gets in the way of knowing God and knowing each other.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Is there any more or greater significance to Adams and Eves nakedness than that it represents their innocence?

For instance, in the Gilgamesh epic, one of the characters is introduced as a wild man who runs around naked. Later, his wildness is brought to an end by his having sex with a woman. So, it would seem that his nakedness might have had something to do with his sexual innocence. Or perhaps, it had more to do with his lack of being civilized. Different interpretations seem possible.

So, is there more than one interpretation for the nakedness of Adam and Eve? If so, what are the interpretations?
I believe it has to do with their sexual innocence. And by "innocence" I don't mean that they'd never had sex; I mean that they didn't even realize they were naked. In other words, their sexual feelings had not matured. They were not sexually drawn to one another. It was not until after they ate the forbidden fruit that they became sexually aware and sexually active.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
What I find interesting about Adam and Eve's nakedness is that yes, it is a metaphor for their innocence. However, once they sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, they felt shame by their nakedness. How crappy is that? Not a great way for a "parent" to instill good feelings about one's body, is it?
The Bible doesn't say they were ashamed, though, does it? Aren't you reading that into it? All it says is that they realized they were naked and make clothes to cover themselves. You don't run around naked all the time. That doesn't mean you are ashamed of your body. I believe their innocence was related to lack of sexual awareness, which is not the same thing as having negative feelings about one's body.


Oldest Heretic
The eating is linked to knowing. In paradise I can be who I am. In the world of society I can't be all I am. I must shield part of myself for fear of many things. The shield causes a division between you and me and between myself and God. Clothes on the outside reflect the reality that is on the inside. In this world it takes many years to get to know someone. Even with trying to get to know some people you never will know them. Maybe in paradise the inside of people shown through to the outside so knowing someone was always sure and didn't take long at all. Now the reality is that sin gets in the way of knowing God and knowing each other.

Wow what are you on.........:eek:
It must be mind bending to come up with that lot.....

Climate and civilisation and religion provided the major contributing factors to what we wear.
God and sin has nothing to do with it. Natives who do not wear any thing . nor modern nudists are sinful. God is clearly satisfied with our birthday suits.
I am sure it would be wrong to attribute our own concepts and fears on to him.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Wow what are you on.........:eek:
It must be mind bending to come up with that lot.....

Climate and civilisation and religion provided the major contributing factors to what we wear.
God and sin has nothing to do with it. Natives who do not wear any thing . nor modern nudists are sinful. God is clearly satisfied with our birthday suits.
I am sure it would be wrong to attribute our own concepts and fears on to him.

Naked is a metaphor. You are making into a non-metaphor. I wonder why?

A naked body you can see. Clothes cause a covering of it so you can't see it. A naked mind you can see. God clothed the mind so now you can't see it. Can you read minds? How do you know it was never possible or that it isn't possible?


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
There's a few things about their nakedness, that we can understand.. For one, they were clothed on their way out into the 'wilderness'. I imagine a hot, desert wasteland would require protection..-- When did humans start to lose their body hair?

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Is there any more or greater significance to Adams and Eves nakedness than that it represents their innocence?

For instance, in the Gilgamesh epic, one of the characters is introduced as a wild man who runs around naked. Later, his wildness is brought to an end by his having sex with a woman. So, it would seem that his nakedness might have had something to do with his sexual innocence. Or perhaps, it had more to do with his lack of being civilized. Different interpretations seem possible.

So, is there more than one interpretation for the nakedness of Adam and Eve? If so, what are the interpretations?
Shalom Sunstone, I personally believe that Adam and Eve were created just as ALL humans, with an inclination to sin, and their nakedness indicates this. It was after they gave in to sin, and it's desire, that they REALIZED their nakedness/sinfulness. They did not BECOME naked after sinning, and Elohim even asked, "Who told thee that thou [wast] naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?" Their eyes or understanding was OPENED to realize their naked or sinful condition, and they wanted to cover it, just as all sinners want to try to do when they sin, they want to cover it up. Well, that is my take on it. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
When did humans start to lose their body hair?

We don't really know as skin and hair doesn't fossilize easily, but some researchers hypothesize that it was a gradual process that involved the evolution of hair follicles so as to make sweat (water) besides oil, which would allow our body to cool more easily, which in turn may have become necessary for us to be a predatory animal in the savannas of eastern Africa.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
We don't really know as skin and hair doesn't fossilize easily, but some researchers hypothesize that it was a gradual process that involved the evolution of hair follicles so as to make sweat (water) besides oil, which would allow our body to cool more easily, which in turn may have become necessary for us to be a predatory animal in the savannas of eastern Africa.

Voila!-- Question.. Would you rather have kept all that fur, or evolved like we have? I'm sort of split between the two options; I'm not sure I'd prefer a furry woman..


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Voila!-- Question.. Would you rather have kept all that fur, or evolved like we have? I'm sort of split between the two options; I'm not sure I'd prefer a furry woman..

I think that being furry would carry some advantages, especially if you live in North Sweden.

Another advantage is that all those goosebumps would not be so useless.


- viole


Veteran Member
Let me just mention that in Judaism, most of us take this narrative as allegory.
I know. Y'all are smart like that. ;)

The Bible doesn't say they were ashamed, though, does it? ]Aren't you reading that into it? All it says is that they realized they were naked and make clothes to cover themselves. You don't run around naked all the time. That doesn't mean you are ashamed of your body.
I think the literal or metaphorical story of Genesis leads to many interpretations. I certainly understand that one could assume they were ashamed of their bodies after eating the forbidden fruit.

Before the fall:

Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
Genesis 2: 25 NIV

After the fall:

Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. 8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?" 10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." 11 And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Genesis 3:7 NIV

I do agree that their shame could have been regarding sexual awareness as well.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Voila!-- Question.. Would you rather have kept all that fur, or evolved like we have? I'm sort of split between the two options; I'm not sure I'd prefer a furry woman..

Nah, I don't like a lot of hair.