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What is the Significance of Adams and Eves Nakedness?


Rogue Theologian
I see some people still consider the 'choice' to be the turning point......and the fall...of Man.

When I was younger, that was the lesson taught.
I grew up.

Nowadays I see the 'choice' as that demonstration that Man had taken a step...UP.

We could have been that naked animal running about as we see fit....and dying.
Like any ape that ever did breathe.

God....obviously.....wanted something MORE.

We are NOT less that we are born to this world.
But we need to be MORE to escape it.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I see some people still consider the 'choice' to be the turning point......and the fall...of Man.

When I was younger, that was the lesson taught.
I grew up.

Nowadays I see the 'choice' as that demonstration that Man had taken a step...UP.

We could have been that naked animal running about as we see fit....and dying.
Like any ape that ever did breathe.

God....obviously.....wanted something MORE.

We are NOT less that we are born to this world.
But we need to be MORE to escape it.
To some extent, I agree. I see "the Fall" as being more of a beginning of an eternal ascent.
Genesis 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves.

In the beginning God created the sex impulses and generative powers in the first man and woman and commanded them to cohabit and bring forth children. It was therefore no sin for the perfect pair to have sexual intercourse. However, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, not in the matter of sex relations, but in eating the forbidden fruit, drastic changes took place. Suddenly their guilty sin-stricken consciences made them aware of their nakedness, and they immediately covered their genital organs from God’s sight. (Ge 3:7, 10, 11) From then on, men could not carry out the procreative mandate in perfection, but, instead, the hereditary blemish of sin and the penalty of death would be transmitted from the parents to children. Even the most upright and God-fearing parents produce sin-infected children.—Ps 51:5.

The immediate effect of their transgression was shame. Hence they used fig leaves to make loin coverings for themselves. Both Adam and his wife went into hiding in between the trees of the garden when they heard the voice of Jehovah. Upon being directly questioned by God as to what she had done, the woman stated that she had eaten because of being deceived by the serpent. In pronouncing sentence upon her, Jehovah indicated that pregnancy and the giving of birth to offspring would be attended by increased pain; she would crave for her husband, and he would dominate her.—Ge 3:7-13, 16.

Effects of Sin. Sin put man out of harmony with his Creator. It thereby damaged not only his relations with God but also his relations with the rest of God’s creation, including damage to man’s own self, to his mind, heart, and body. It brought consequences of enormous evil upon the human race.
The conduct of the human pair immediately revealed this disharmony. Their covering portions of their divinely made bodies and thereafter their attempting to hide themselves from God were clear evidences of the alienation that had taken place within their minds and hearts. (Ge 3:7, 8) Sin thus caused them to feel guilt, anxiety, insecurity, shame. This illustrates the point made by the apostle at Romans 2:15, that God’s law was ‘written on man’s heart’; hence a violation of that law now produced an internal upheaval within man, his conscience accusing him of wrongdoing. In effect, man had a built-in lie detector that made impossible his concealing his sinful state from his Creator; and God, responding to the man’s excuse for his changed attitude toward his heavenly Father, promptly inquired: “From the tree from which I commanded you not to eat have you eaten?”—Ge 3:9-11.

To be true to himself, as well as for the good of the rest of his universal family, Jehovah God could not countenance such a sinful course, on the part of either his human creatures or the spirit son turned rebel. Maintaining his holiness, he justly imposed the sentence of death on them all. The human pair were then expelled from God’s garden in Eden, hence cut off from access to that other tree designated by God as “the tree of life.”—Ge 3:14-24.

Sin, I — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY
The fall of man was not a step up.Man was never intended to disobey God in the first place.Man disobeyed God and was punished for it.Man was removed from the Garden of Eden and shunned.They were condemned to eternal death.The result of their actions caused their offspring,mankind,to inherit death and imperfection.When this wicked system of things is finally destroyed,the earth will be restored to its original state as it was in the beginning.If it was a step up and God wanted something different then why was Adam and Eve condemned to eternal death? Why restore earth back to its original state?


Veteran Member
The fall of man was not a step up.Man was never intended to disobey God in the first place.
So god, omniscient as he was, didn't see this coming?

Man disobeyed God and was punished for it.
No. A man and A woman disobeyed god. TWO people whose infraction visited the wrath of god on the all those yet to come.

Man was removed from the Garden of Eden and shunned.They were condemned to eternal death.The result of their actions caused their offspring,mankind,to inherit death and imperfection.
And this supposed to be a just god? :facepalm: I've known mentally deficient people who had a better sense of justice then this god of yours.

When this wicked system of things is finally destroyed,the earth will be restored to its original state as it was in the beginning.
In the mean time humanity can continue to suffer all its ills and injustices.

You do realize how asinine this whole scenario plays out don't you? Including the parts later on where we're advised to love, praise, and adore this god of the Christians.


Just old
Premium Member
Someone here, maybe a few, are reading way too many scriptures.
And I wonder if they're not misunderstanding a little of what was said !!
Not to mention the inventive nature of the additions to the script.
And of course......and on and on...


Veteran Member
#1 Although God knows all, He can also choose not to know certain things.He's God.
And just how do you come by this bit of information about his omniscience?

In any case, if god doesn't know something, either by happenstance or through choice, he is no longer omniscient. By its very definition, omniscience indicates a knowledge of everything, so there's no turning omniscience on and off. An omniscient god cannot not know something. If he doesn't know something, no matter how insignificant, he loses his membership in the Omniscient God Club. Simple as that, which puts us right back at square one if you're going to insist your god is omniscient. Didn't he foresee A & Es' disobedience to him?

#2 When I say man,I am referring to mankind.At that point in time it was Adam and Eve only.Therefore man is sufficient.

#3.Your observation of what is just and what is considered a mental illness is rendered null and void considering you practice a mental illness.
Didn't think you could answer this one. Thanks for not disappointing.

#4 You do not understand what is really being said because you have a hardened heart and speak according to your own beliefs.You know deep down in your heart God hates what you practice so you unleash on Him and His people.
Good grief :facepalm: not this old worn ploy again. In any case, because I don't understand why one should love, praise, and adore a despicable god, how about cluing me in? Or is this too covered in the apologist's manual of self-preserving rebuttals:
Ploy 12--ANSWER: "Because you have a hardened heart any explanation would be in vain."
And , of course . . .
Ploy 8--ANSWER: " You do not understand what is really being said because you have a hardened heart and speak according to your own beliefs."

Do you have any idea how sad this comes across?
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Ingledsva said:
I don't agree with this.

KEN - (Eventually, that will change.)

ING - No it won't.

I don't think their blissful nakedness represents a sinful nature.

KEN - (The Scriptures are very clear, nakedness represents sinfulness, just check them out and you will see.)

ING - Absolutely wrong. They are naked from the beginning - and are not at that point - ashamed - or sinful in any way.

They eat from a tree of the KNOWLEDGE of right and wrong, representing opposites.

KEN - (To be sure, right and wrong are opposites, but prior to committing an act of disobedience, Adam and Eve lacked the KNOWLEDGE of knowing about those opposites.)

ING - Ahmm! Dude - that is what I said.

Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

They lived in a state of "right," - and not until they ate of the tree of Knowledge of "opposites" did they have a sense of "naked," also having negative connotations.

They lived in the state of "life" and found the opposite "death" only after eating of the Tree of KNOWLEDGE of "opposites."

A lot of ancient religions teach that for creation you must have opposites.

One something, becomes opposites, a male and female force, which come together to create reality, the universe, etc.

In these religions, ONE always splits into two, which then have the ability to CREATE.
Shalom Ingledsva, you are very close to understanding about opposites. Elohim purposely created Adam and Eve to be OPPOSITE from Him, so that He could eventually create the SPIRITUAL Man and Woman, Yeshua and His Bride. The carnal man and woman HAD to be first, and the carnal man and woman were created NAKED, and that nakedness shows or represents their carnal or sinful nature. But the Spiritual Man and Woman are not found to be unclothed, or in a naked state, they are clothed in righteousness and truth, and that produces Eternal Life, not the death as to what Adam and Eve's nakedness produced. So we are pretty close in agreeing about opposites being used to create. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.

Again - that cannot be correct as we are told God created them that way, and they lived in the garden happily, that way.

In the story - Only after understanding opposites, do they understand that "NAKED" also has negative connotations.

"Where are thou?" - should not be thought of as - in what "place," but -

in what condition are thou NOW?

The answer -

Exposed, ashamed, and afraid of the consequences.

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And just how do you come by this bit of information about his omniscience?

In any case, if god doesn't know something, either by happenstance or through choice, he is no longer omniscient. By its very definition, omniscience indicates a knowledge of everything, so there's no turning omniscience on and off. An omniscient god cannot not know something. If he doesn't know something, no matter how insignificant, he loses his membership in the Omniscient God Club. Simple as that, which puts us right back at square one if you're going to insist your god is omniscient. Didn't he foresee A & Es' disobedience to him?


Didn't think you could answer this one. Thanks for not disappointing.

Good grief :facepalm: not this old worn ploy again. In any case, because I don't understand why one should love, praise, and adore a despicable god, how about cluing me in? Or is this too covered in the apologist's manual of self-preserving rebuttals:
Ploy 12--ANSWER: "Because you have a hardened heart any explanation would be in vain."

Ploy 8--ANSWER: " You do not understand what is really being said because you have a hardened heart and speak according to your own beliefs."

Do you have any idea how sad this comes across?
#1 I would go into detail but it would be a waste of both of our time.Mainly mine.

#2 Yeah

#3 Thanks and your welcome.

#4 The only thing worn out are your old replies.

#5 I see how your sadness comes across.Its pretty obvious.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Again - that cannot be correct as we are told God created them that way, and they lived in the garden happily, that way.

In the story - Only after understanding opposites, do they understand that "NAKED" also has negative connotations.

"Where are thou?" - should not be thought of as - in what "place," but -

in what condition are thou NOW?

The answer -

Exposed, ashamed, and afraid of the consequences.

Shalom Ingledsva, how do you explain Paul's view concerning how the carnal/sinful/corruptible/weak/dishonorable man was FIRST, and not the Spiritual Man:

1Co 15:42-49 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: (43) It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: (44) It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. (45) And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. (46) Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. (47) The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. (48) As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. (49) And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

Yes, Elohim CREATED Adam and Eve EXACTLY as Paul describes here, NAKED, WEAK FLESH, that is corruptible and dishonorable, and they proved their nakedness/sinfulness through their disobedience, thus OPENING their eyes to how they truly were---naked and sinful--carnal flesh. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
..., if you look at the Adam and Chavvah story in the Hebrew, you will find they are one being - that is split apart for procreation purposes. She is NOT created last, or from a rib, etc.
Since when did you become an Hebraist? And what of …
זָכָר וּנְקֵבָה בָּרָא אֹתָם


Just old
Premium Member
hey Ken,
I find it difficult to consider what Paul's opinion about the morals of the first two people that were on earth at that time has any bearing on what Moses meant when Moses wrote the genesis.
Everything that Paul writes sounds much like the writing of a pervert.
As said: "NAKED, WEAK FLESH, that is corruptible and dishonorable, and they proved their nakedness/sinfulness through their disobedience, thus OPENING their eyes to how they truly were---naked and sinful--carnal flesh."
That sounds a deranged preacher to me....or at least demented.
I'm trying to figure out what your trying to stress here......
But I'm not too bright most days.....
fill me in please.


Premium Member
Is there any more or greater significance to Adams and Eves nakedness than that it represents their innocence?

For instance, in the Gilgamesh epic, one of the characters is introduced as a wild man who runs around naked. Later, his wildness is brought to an end by his having sex with a woman. So, it would seem that his nakedness might have had something to do with his sexual innocence. Or perhaps, it had more to do with his lack of being civilized. Different interpretations seem possible.

So, is there more than one interpretation for the nakedness of Adam and Eve? If so, what are the interpretations?

I see the state of nakedness as being a sign of there innocence particularly to lust which would be something that hits adolescence. It is also a sign of being closer to nature. Their change in knowledge led them to feel shame and acknowledge lust. It does reperesent civilization as well. Lots of interpretations but the general theme being of progress for us with natural consequences that must follow.


Bible Believer
WHAT? It doesn't say anything about a billion years.

Dear Ingledsva, God hides His Truth from unbelievers, but shows it to those who have been born again Spiritually. Genesis 2:4-7 shows that on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Universe, which was the SAME Day the First Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10, the THIRD Day, before the plants herbs and trees, YHWH/Jesus formed Adam of the dust of the ground.

When you understand this scientifically, it agrees with the recently discovered Scientific Fact that it was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang BEFORE the First Stars put forth their Light. Adam was made the THIRD Day, and the FIRST Stars put forth their Light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 This means that Adam was made BEFORE 13.7 Billion years ago, when the first Stars first lighted. Right?

Also, if you look at the Adam and Chavvah story in the Hebrew, you will find they are one being - that is split apart for procreation purposes. She is NOT created last, or from a rib, etc.*

Adam was made the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4-7
Eve was made the SIXTH Day. Gen 2:22

BOTH were "created" at the same time Spiritually. Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2

What is really interesting is that we live TODAY at Gen 1:27 because God is STILL creating Adam (Heb-mankind) in His Image, which is creating mankind in Christ, Spiritually, Eternally. God will NOT cease to create mankind until Heaven is filled, then we will begin the PROPHECY of Gen 1:28-31, when every creature becomes a Vegetarian. Gen 1:30 This is AFTER Jesus returns to this Earth. God Bless you.

In Love,
Dear Ingledsva, God hides His Truth from unbelievers, but shows it to those who have been born again Spiritually. Genesis 2:4-7 shows that on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Universe, which was the SAME Day the First Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10, the THIRD Day, before the plants herbs and trees, YHWH/Jesus formed Adam of the dust of the ground.

When you understand this scientifically, it agrees with the recently discovered Scientific Fact that it was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang BEFORE the First Stars put forth their Light. Adam was made the THIRD Day, and the FIRST Stars put forth their Light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 This means that Adam was made BEFORE 13.7 Billion years ago, when the first Stars first lighted. Right?

Adam was made the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4-7
Eve was made the SIXTH Day. Gen 2:22

BOTH were "created" at the same time Spiritually. Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2

What is really interesting is that we live TODAY at Gen 1:27 because God is STILL creating Adam (Heb-mankind) in His Image, which is creating mankind in Christ, Spiritually, Eternally. God will NOT cease to create mankind until Heaven is filled, then we will begin the PROPHECY of Gen 1:28-31, when every creature becomes a Vegetarian. Gen 1:30 This is AFTER Jesus returns to this Earth. God Bless you.

In Love,
The earth was made before man was.The earth is billions of years old.Man is not billions of years old.Man is a little over 6,000 years old.Man was created on the sixth day,not the third.Adam was created first and this was in 4026 B.C.E.

Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

31God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

Another thing.We are not still living in Genesis 1:27.The sixth day is complete and done.Thats why there was a seventh day.

There is no prophecy at Genesis 1:28-31.It is a declaration.

Jesus returning in Genesis 1:30? What?
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