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What is the Significance of Adams and Eves Nakedness?

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
hey Ken,
Nice sermon there, all about preserving us and protecting us against all the nasty stuff out there.
And then he lets us die, but.....if we're good....we can go to heaven....
joy to all.
I'll become a memory to others, thank you.
Shalom mud, you can compare the Kingdom of Heaven to the different harvests that a farmer has during a year. Yeshua was THE Firstfruits of those whom will be given eternal life, and at His return, there is again a harvest of select kind of Firstfruits of those who will enter into eternal life. I suspect that you will not be part of the Firstfruits considering you want to be a memory to others, but in reality, you more than likely will be harvested to eternal life on the Eighth Great Day, along side with the majority of humanity. I'll be wishing you well until then. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew/Ken.


Bible Believer
The earth was made before man was.The earth is billions of years old.Man is not billions of years old.Man is a little over 6,000 years old.Man was created on the sixth day,not the third.Adam was created first and this was in 4026 B.C.E.

Dear Bible Student, Adam was made Billions of years BEFORE our Solar system was formed around our Sun. He was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day that the first Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 the THIRD Day. Adam was made after the first Earth was made but BEFORE the plants, herbs, and Trees which also GREW on this THIRD Day. Gen 1:12 Read Gen 2:4-7 to see when Adam was first formed.

Notice Gen 2:4 which speaks of the Third Day the SAME Day the other HeavenS (Universes) were made. Adam's firmament was made the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8 Therefore, it depends on which Earth you are speaking of. Is the the world which was destroyed in the Flood? or is it today's world, which will be burned? or is it the New Heaven and New Earth of the THIRD Heaven?

Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Amen. This is the account of when God (Elohim-the Trinity-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) CREATED or made alive Eternally, Spiritually, in Christ, mankind. This is God's work TODAY for He is still creating mankind in Christ, Who is the ONLY Image of the invisible God. Col 1:15

31God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

Why did you skip Gen 1:30? Is it because it speaks of FUTURE events which have NOT yet happened, at the end of the present 6th Day?

Gen 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

When did this happen in History? There has Never been a time in the Past when EVERY beast, bird, and whatever has life, becomes Vegetarian. That is because it's PROPHECY of what will happen AFTER Jesus returns to our Earth at the end of time. Isaiah 11 tells all about it. This means that the 6th Day continues until this PROPHECY is fulfilled when Jesus returns. Right? Right.

Another thing.We are not still living in Genesis 1:27.The sixth day is complete and done.Thats why there was a seventh day.

The 7th Day is FUTURE. It happens AFTER the present 6th Day of Age is Finished, which in Hebrew means brought to perfection, which is the ONLY way a perfect God's work can truly be finished. Gen 2:1

There is no prophecy at Genesis 1:28-31.It is a declaration.

Really? Then tell us WHEN mankind was given rule of Viruses, Polar Bears, Sharks and Mosquitos? And WHEN did every living creature eat green herbs for meat? It's AFTER Jesus returns to this Earth, to save mankind from extinction. Mat 24:22

Jesus returning in Genesis 1:30? What?

How else could EVERY living creature, including Lions, be changed into Vegetarians? At that time, the Lion will eat Straw like the Ox. Isaiah 11:7 The dental bill alone could be astonishing, but Jesus has a better way. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Oh God!!! DON'T open this can of worms. He's already got at least two threads choked with this nonsense!

Dear sojourner, The threads are choked with the NON-answers of atheists, agnostics, Evols, and phony Religionists, who run and hide from God's Truth. I was wondering which rock you had found, and I'm always glad to see an old friend. Have you been studying? God Bless you.

In Love,
So God was just powerless to keep things on track from the start. :rolleyes: He was apparently also clueless as to what would happen if He allowed Lucifer to tempt two innocent people with godhood. :rolleyes: Or maybe it was just a set-up. He wanted them to blow it. :rolleyes: He couldn't possibly have had a higher purpose in mind for them. :rolleyes: To quote you, "You still don't understand."
It is actually you who does not understand yet.I see you question Gods Word.Second I see that you think Lucifer is satan the devil.You are incorrect on everything you state.

Lucifer refers to the Babylonian Dynasty led by King Nebuchadnezzar.If you read the entire chapter 14 of the book of Isaiah you will see that it is a declaration of Judgment upon the Babylonian Dynast and its great city of Babylon.In Isaiah 14:12 it says Lucifer or morning star.In 14:16 it says that this is a man.In 14 :15 it states this man is reserved for the grave or the realm of the dead.As we all know from the book of Revelation,Satan the devil is reserved for the eternal lake of fire.Not the grave.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, who didst claim the Gentiles as an inheritance!

14:16 Those that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble; that shook the kingdoms;

14:15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.

14:15 Yet thou shalt be cast down to Sheol, to the sides of the pit.

So as we can clearly see this refers not to satan the devil.

Lucifer in Latin is Lucifero.This means light bearer.This comes from the original word in Hebrew "Hel el", which means "shining one." this is a title and not a name.

If you also notice in Isaiah 14:12 it says,"..... How art thou cut down to the ground,..."

If you go to the book of Daniel it speaks about a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar has about a great tree that reached the heavens.King Nebuchadnezzar came to Belteshazzar,who is really Daniel and asked him to explain the dream.

Daniel tells King Nebuchadnezzar that he is that tree in the dream.Daniel 4:22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.

23 “Your Majesty saw a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven; let him live with the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.’

It was explained that King Nebuchadnezzar would be struck with mental illness for 7 years and after this period he would regain his mentality and regain his Kingdom once again.Thats why there is a stump left in the dream.

24 “This is the interpretation, Your Majesty, and this is the decree the Most High has issued against my lord the king: 25 You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.

So,it is King Nebuchadnezzar's Dynasty that is Lucifer that has fallen from its high position and has been cut down to the ground.

This can all be confirmed by reading the entire ch.14 of Isaiah and Chapter 4 of the book of Daniel.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
in the Renaissance perspective, Nudity is seen as something spiritual.
Nudity is truth. and truth is beauty


Venus of Urbino, Titian
in the Renaissance perspective, Nudity is seen as something spiritual.
Nudity is truth. and truth is beauty


Venus of Urbino, Titian
Yes,the human body is a work of art and very beautiful.Although beautiful,it can lead to unwanted sexual desires.Lust.If you stare at a steak long enough you will eventually want a bite.


It is actually you who does not understand yet.I see you question Gods Word.Second I see that you think Lucifer is satan the devil.You are incorrect on everything you state.

Lucifer refers to the Babylonian Dynasty led by King Nebuchadnezzar.If you read the entire chapter 14 of the book of Isaiah you will see that it is a declaration of Judgment upon the Babylonian Dynast and its great city of Babylon.In Isaiah 14:12 it says Lucifer or morning star.In 14:16 it says that this is a man.In 14 :15 it states this man is reserved for the grave or the realm of the dead.As we all know from the book of Revelation,Satan the devil is reserved for the eternal lake of fire.Not the grave.

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, who didst claim the Gentiles as an inheritance!

14:16 Those that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble; that shook the kingdoms;

14:15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.

14:15 Yet thou shalt be cast down to Sheol, to the sides of the pit.

So as we can clearly see this refers not to satan the devil.

Lucifer in Latin is Lucifero.This means light bearer.This comes from the original word in Hebrew "Hel el", which means "shining one." this is a title and not a name.

If you also notice in Isaiah 14:12 it says,"..... How art thou cut down to the ground,..."

If you go to the book of Daniel it speaks about a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar has about a great tree that reached the heavens.King Nebuchadnezzar came to Belteshazzar,who is really Daniel and asked him to explain the dream.

Daniel tells King Nebuchadnezzar that he is that tree in the dream.Daniel 4:22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.

23 “Your Majesty saw a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven; let him live with the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.’

It was explained that King Nebuchadnezzar would be struck with mental illness for 7 years and after this period he would regain his mentality and regain his Kingdom once again.Thats why there is a stump left in the dream.

24 “This is the interpretation, Your Majesty, and this is the decree the Most High has issued against my lord the king: 25 You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.

So,it is King Nebuchadnezzar's Dynasty that is Lucifer that has fallen from its high position and has been cut down to the ground.

This can all be confirmed by reading the entire ch.14 of Isaiah and Chapter 4 of the book of Daniel.

Good post.

I've given them most of this information - over and over - LOL! :D

But I didn't even think about the corroborating Daniel info.

So thanks, I will add this to my Isaiah file.

PS - They also mistakenly think Ezekiel 28 about the King of Tyrus, is about Satan.

Good post.

I've given them most of this information - over and over - LOL! :D

But I didn't even think about the corroborating Daniel info.

So thanks, I will add this to my Isaiah file.

PS - They also mistakenly think Ezekiel 28 about the King of Tyrus, is about Satan.

Cool,no problem.I appreciate the kudos.Yes many think that the King of Tyre refers to Satan.It was King Nebuchadnezzar that was used by God to bring Judgement upon Tyre.Yeah no man can bring judgment upon the devil.Only God can.
Its all in Jeremiah 25:8-17,22,27:2-7;47:2-4 Many become confused mainly because they go by what others say about it and they come to understand the scriptures according to their own interpretations, and not whats really said in the holy scriptures.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
It is actually you who does not understand yet.I see you question Gods Word.Second I see that you think Lucifer is satan the devil.You are incorrect on everything you state.
Thanks for your enlightened opinion, BS. I can't tell you how gratifying it is to have one person, among the hundreds who posts here, who is always right about everything, someone all the rest of us can trust for 100% accurate information on any point of religious doctrine. God's little right hand man. Wow. All I can say is "What an ego!" :facepalm:
Thanks for your enlightened opinion, BS. I can't tell you how gratifying it is to have one person, among the hundreds who posts here, who is always right about everything, someone all the rest of us can trust for 100% accurate information on any point of religious doctrine. God's little right hand man. Wow. All I can say is "What an ego!" :facepalm:
Your speech and conduct are enough to prove to anyone that you have much to learn.Your use of foul language on this forum speaks volumes about your true character.You have condemned yourself with your own tongue in the process of trying to curse me.

James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness.

I forgive you brother but be careful.Do not get yourself into trouble with God.
Listen, sis... I'm not your damned brother, and my relationship with God is quite satisfactory, thank you.
You have already stated "BS" and "damned." Your sarcasm too is not very becoming.I really feel bad for you because you have let yourself fall into satan's snare.Control yourself and take a deep breath.Think of God.Your relationship must not be that great since you speak like those of this world.We all sin but control yourself.Act accordingly.Please....


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
You have already stated "BS" and "damned."
I addressed you as "BS"; if you'll pay attention, those are your initials, Bible Student. I was using them as a nickname. :D And I said "damned"!?!?!?! Well, I'll be damned!

Your sarcasm too is not very becoming.
Could be, but I sure am having fun.

I really feel bad for you because you have let yourself fall into satan's snare.
Oh dear, I'm crushed to hear you say that. You have no idea how much your opinion of me matters.

Control yourself and take a deep breath.
You haven't yet seen me out of control, sister. Pray you never do. :fight:

Think of God.Your relationship must not be that great since you speak like those of this world.
Well, I'm sure you have much more insight into my relationship with God than I do. :rolleyes:
I addressed you as "BS"; if you'll pay attention, those are your initials, Bible Student. I was using them as a nickname. :D And I said "damned"!?!?!?! Well, I'll be damned!

Could be, but I sure am having fun.

Oh dear, I'm crushed to hear you say that. You have no idea how much your opinion of me matters.

You haven't yet seen me out of control, sister. Pray you never do. :fight:

Well, I'm sure you have much more insight into my relationship with God than I do. :rolleyes:
I was straight faced until I saw that funny little cute character all red swinging its little claws.Lol.......................I forgive you.Its ok.Just be nice.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I forgive you.Its ok.Just be nice.
Dearest Bible Student, since I hold you in such high esteem and know that being right means more to you than pretty much anything in the world, I am going to discontinue all communication with you on this thread. Please, be my guest and have the last word.

P.S. I forgive you too.
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Veteran Member
Dearest Bible Student, since I hold you in such high esteem and know that being right means more to you than pretty much anything in the world, I am going to discontinue all communication with you on this thread. Please, be my guest and have the last word.

P.S. I forgive you too.

Let me have BS's last word:
BS said:
" You do not understand what is really being said because you have a hardened heart and speak according to your own beliefs."

Unharden your heart brother Katzpur and all will be revealed to you. ;)


One who will die.
With gentle reference to the thread title, can we look at the event in question?

After Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit from "the tree that is in the middle of the garden" (Gen. 3:2, NIV),

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves..." (3:7).

A little later, the LORD God asks the man, who is hiding, "Who told you that you were naked?" (3:11), then asks him, "Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" (3:11).

Nothing in the passage from Genesis states that nakedness was a sin for Adam and Eve, although a careful bible reader won't conclude from this that nakedness is never sinful in other circumstances. Genesis doesn't say why they covered themselves. It's natural and reasonable to assume it was because of shame. But we must be careful to note Genesis doesn't say that. If it's inferred, then the inference comes from modern understanding of Hebrew culture around 500 BC when this document was written, or from trying to connect this passage to other parts of the bible.

Instead, I think the significance of it was that they knew. By eating the fruit, Adam and Eve had arrogated knowledge to themselves that they weren't supposed to possess. I'm not a theologian or spokes for any church, so that's only my opinion.

Later in Genesis, Noah gets drunk and his sons enter his tent to cover him, careful to back into the tent so they won't see Noah. This suggests that viewing another's nakedness, particularly your father's, was wrongful. But that's a little later on, and may not apply to the garden passage. Adam and Eve had been going naked together in the garden without problems until this happened.
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