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What is the true religion


New Member
I AM EXTREMELY familiar with Satanism kiddo. I was involved with it sort of(long story). But I will easily tell you that more Satanists spend more time getting high then acknowledging any philosophy.
Just anti-theists with grudges really. No offense to any Satanists on this board :D

Satan is responsible for all the sicknes poor death And suffering
m sure youve had a relative suffer ....
why would you thank him??


New Member
Looking to hear opinions from you guys. Ready, Set, GO!

All religions apart from true christianity or aka (Jehovahs Witnessez) hallowed be thy name
Originate from babylon the great which was destroyed as a result because of false worship and remains desolate as predicted by Jehovahs prophet
Jehovah is Gods name as revealed in the bible (holy scripture ) anything else is counterfeit deception put in place by satan in order to poison people away from pure worship now as for true christianity here goes.......
Allow me to lift the veil of misunderstanding and expose these spurious fraudsters and provide the truth to the people who want to be proper, untainted Christians. Now I don't want to derogate or upset anyone but rather be academically correct in what we know to be impartially true! And everybody deserves the truth! Orthodox Christianity and catholicism is false and are plagiarised counterfeits masquerading as Gods servants,their travesty teaches Jesus died on a cross, this is actually a pagan adaptation really mocking Christianity and is totally false. The cross is an astrological symbol invented by pagans and was used by pagans long before Christians and was adopted from the pagan star constellation "crux" and also appears in the centre of the zodiac as the solstices and equinoxes affirming this is a pagan derivative as it long predates christ this was later appropriated by Christianity by a Roman emperor called Constantine to make Christianity more appealing to pagans No where in the Torah, the Writings, or New Covenant is it even suggested that a cross should be observed, let alone worn; it is a form of PAGANISM. To have or to observe and bear a cross is to elevate paganism above YHVH (יְהֹוָה) (Jehovah) who commands us not to put any other god before him. Would you hang a replica or an image of an instrument from your neck if your child or loved one was killed by it? I would hope not. What purpose would it serve? This is actually an insidious way to get people inadvertently worshiping Satan .Jesus actually died on a torture steak as the original gospels written in Greek used the word "stauros" to refer to the structure used for his execution. This word means a vertical pole with no crossbar. So Jesus may have been hung on a tree (Acts 5:30) (1 Peter 2:24) And can a religion that participates in pagan festivals like Christmas(originally Saturnalia) halloween(Samhain) and Easter really be Christian ? Jesus birthday is no were to be seen in the bible! And it certainly doesn't mention anything about celebrating his resurrection either, these are all man made celebrations invented for selfish desires and again was blended into Christianity by "Constantine" in around 325AD in an attempt to make Christianity more acceptable to Pagans. Take a look at the pope and all his other pagan occult symbols like horus, the pagan sun god represented on his staff, the satanic hand gesture he uses,(The "El Diablo) where as the middle finger and ring finger are clenched leaving the pinky and index erect resembling devil horns, This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition and allegiance between members of Satanism or other unholy groups and is an excerpt from the "Satanic Bible. He also wears the fish hat referring to Dagon the pagan fish God as worn by Nimrod king of Babylon. Moreover the Vatican's believe in the trinity (defined as "consisting of three parts") which again has lucifirian references due to the fact that three is a very significant number in the occult with it being "the Magic Number" and everybody knows that magic associates itself with sorcery and witchcraft. Furthermore the number three is represented geo metrically in a triangle which resembles a pyramid and any scholar knows that a pyramid is a satanic emblem of the illuminati occult. The most refined Christians are the Jehovahs Witnesses hence the word Jehovah ,which is Gods name transliterated from YHWH the father of Jesus, their version of events are most accurate and there is no trace of pagan tradition or symbols amongst any of their doctrine or customs as all these things have been filtered out. The pagans, Freemasons ( illuminati), with them being Gods adversary infiltrated the churches and deliberately altered the scriptures removing Gods name in an attempt to deceive and prevent people from forming a close relationship with Jehovah, the true God,In replacing His Name with so-called dynamic equivalences, like Lord and God, they break the third commandment(ex20:7) they also try to confuse people into thinking Jesus was God but he wasn't he was the son of Jehovah sent as ransom to redeem our sins, by worshiping Jesus as God we are defying the firstcommandment (ex20:3,5) when Jesus said "I and the father are one" in John 10:30 he meant that he is working in union with the father towards the same purpose. Now if we think about it does it make sense for Jesus to pray to himself and remain obedient to himself? If so then why would he use the pronouns in second person perspective as in "your" instead of "mine" This suggests he is talking about a separate entity.Jesus never refers to himself as equal to God or describes himself as God and always gives the glory to his father! Would Jesus really try and confuse his people with such a contradictory concept? Also religion that removes and fails to use Gods name and depicts Jesus with long hair cannot be Christian or holy at all as all these things are contrary to the scriptures and everyone knows that the lords prayer said to let his name be sanctified or hallowed be thy name so how can we do this if they keep his name secret by removing it from the scriptures? They have replaced it with Lord which doesn't make sense in many of the contexts as Lord And God are titles not Names , Jehovah gave his name so we could identify him and distinguish him apart from Satan because Satan is also a Lord and a god and After-all you can't truly know, or develop an intimate relationship with someone until you exchange names.Supporting scriptures:Jeremiah 23:27They are thinking of making my people forget my name by means of THEIR dreams that they keep relating each one to the other just as their father forgot my name by means of ba'alCorinthians 11 :14 Does not nature its self teach you that if a man has long hair , it is a dishonour to him;John 17:26 And I have made your name known to them and will make it known,Psalm 83:18That people my know that you whose name is Jehovah.Psalms 105:3Make your boast in his holy NameJohn 6:38 Because I have come down from heaven to do, not my will but the will of him that sent me John 7:16Exodus 6:3isiah 26:4Isiah 12:2Genesis 22:14Exodus 17:15Ex. 20:7
Visit Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: jw.org for more truth
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New Member
Allow me to lift the veil of misunderstanding and expose these spurious fraudsters and provide the truth to the people who want to be proper, untainted Christians. Now I don't want to derogate or upset anyone but rather be academically correct in what we know to be impartially true! And everybody deserves the truth! Orthodox Christianity and catholicism is false and are plagiarised counterfeits masquerading as Gods servants,their travesty teaches Jesus died on a cross, this is actually a pagan adaptation really mocking Christianity and is totally false. The cross is an astrological symbol invented by pagans and was used by pagans long before Christians and was adopted from the pagan star constellation "crux" and also appears in the centre of the zodiac as the solstices and equinoxes affirming this is a pagan derivative as it long predates christ this was later appropriated by Christianity by a Roman emperor called Constantine to make Christianity more appealing to pagans No where in the Torah, the Writings, or New Covenant is it even suggested that a cross should be observed, let alone worn; it is a form of PAGANISM. To have or to observe and bear a cross is to elevate paganism above YHVH (יְהֹוָה) (Jehovah) who commands us not to put any other god before him. Would you hang a replica or an image of an instrument from your neck if your child or loved one was killed by it? I would hope not. What purpose would it serve? This is actually an insidious way to get people inadvertently worshiping Satan .Jesus actually died on a torture steak as the original gospels written in Greek used the word "stauros" to refer to the structure used for his execution. This word means a vertical pole with no crossbar. So Jesus may have been hung on a tree (Acts 5:30) (1 Peter 2:24) And can a religion that participates in pagan festivals like Christmas(originally Saturnalia) halloween(Samhain) and Easter really be Christian ? Jesus birthday is no were to be seen in the bible! And it certainly doesn't mention anything about celebrating his resurrection either, these are all man made celebrations invented for selfish desires and again was blended into Christianity by "Constantine" in around 325AD in an attempt to make Christianity more acceptable to Pagans. Take a look at the pope and all his other pagan occult symbols like horus, the pagan sun god represented on his staff, the satanic hand gesture he uses,(The "El Diablo) where as the middle finger and ring finger are clenched leaving the pinky and index erect resembling devil horns, This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition and allegiance between members of Satanism or other unholy groups and is an excerpt from the "Satanic Bible. He also wears the fish hat referring to Dagon the pagan fish God as worn by Nimrod king of Babylon. Moreover the Vatican's believe in the trinity (defined as "consisting of three parts") which again has lucifirian references due to the fact that three is a very significant number in the occult with it being "the Magic Number" and everybody knows that magic associates itself with sorcery and witchcraft. Furthermore the number three is represented geo metrically in a triangle which resembles a pyramid and any scholar knows that a pyramid is a satanic emblem of the illuminati occult. The most refined Christians are the Jehovahs Witnesses hence the word Jehovah ,which is Gods name transliterated from YHWH the father of Jesus, their version of events are most accurate and there is no trace of pagan tradition or symbols amongst any of their doctrine or customs as all these things have been filtered out. The pagans, Freemasons ( illuminati), with them being Gods adversary infiltrated the churches and deliberately altered the scriptures removing Gods name in an attempt to deceive and prevent people from forming a close relationship with Jehovah, the true God,In replacing His Name with so-called dynamic equivalences, like Lord and God, they break the third commandment(ex20:7) they also try to confuse people into thinking Jesus was God but he wasn't he was the son of Jehovah sent as ransom to redeem our sins, by worshiping Jesus as God we are defying the firstcommandment (ex20:3,5) when Jesus said "I and the father are one" in John 10:30 he meant that he is working in union with the father towards the same purpose. Now if we think about it does it make sense for Jesus to pray to himself and remain obedient to himself? If so then why would he use the pronouns in second person perspective as in "your" instead of "mine" This suggests he is talking about a separate entity.Jesus never refers to himself as equal to God or describes himself as God and always gives the glory to his father! Would Jesus really try and confuse his people with such a contradictory concept? Also religion that removes and fails to use Gods name and depicts Jesus with long hair cannot be Christian or holy at all as all these things are contrary to the scriptures and everyone knows that the lords prayer said to let his name be sanctified or hallowed be thy name so how can we do this if they keep his name secret by removing it from the scriptures? They have replaced it with Lord which doesn't make sense in many of the contexts as Lord And God are titles not Names , Jehovah gave his name so we could identify him and distinguish him apart from Satan because Satan is also a Lord and a god and After-all you can't truly know, or develop an intimate relationship with someone until you exchange names.Supporting scriptures:Jeremiah 23:27They are thinking of making my people forget my name by means of THEIR dreams that they keep relating each one to the other just as their father forgot my name by means of ba'alCorinthians 11 :14 Does not nature its self teach you that if a man has long hair , it is a dishonour to him;John 17:26 And I have made your name known to them and will make it known,Psalm 83:18That people my know that you whose name is Jehovah.Psalms 105:3Make your boast in his holy NameJohn 6:38 Because I have come down from heaven to do, not my will but the will of him that sent me John 7:16Exodus 6:3isiah 26:4Isiah 12:2Genesis 22:14Exodus 17:15Ex. 20:7
There is no one true religion. Nearly all religions encompass at least some truths, but no single religion has a monopoly on Truth.
Visit Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: jw.org for more Truth
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Higher and Higher
Allow me to lift the veil of misunderstanding and expose these spurious fraudsters and provide the truth to the people who want to be proper, untainted Christians. ...
Visit Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: jw.org for more Truth

First of all, I have no desire to be a Christian of any kind, proper, untainted, or otherwise.

Second of all, there was really no need to quote my post as part of your missionizing screed.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
Allow me to lift the veil of misunderstanding and expose these spurious fraudsters and provide the truth to the people who want to be proper, untainted Christians.....

You write as if you believe that you are the first member of the Jehovah's Witnesses who has ever posted on this forum. If you had bothered to look before you had posted you would have noticed that there are quite a few members of the Jehovah's Witnesses who post on the forum. They have already, and more than once, presented most, if not all, the positions you have expressed in your post. And they have done so with a great deal more clarity and skill with the English language than you have.

I do not mean to be unduly harsh as English may not be your native language.
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Jesus in me
Looking to hear opinions from you guys. Ready, Set, GO!
I believe many religions have truth but there is not one that has all the truth. In my experience God gives information as He sees fit and doesn't bother talking about things a person isn't ready for or doesn't need.


Jesus in me
The true religion is a personal system and philosophy which doesn't make us break our own ideals and which motivates us to be better human beings. Both in terms of productivity and compassion.
If your religion doesn't motivate you to ask: 'Am I a better person than I was a year before?' or 'Am I in a better place?', then you need to ask yourself why do you keep following the dogma that you do.

That is of course just my humble opinion.
I believe people often have bad ideas that ought to be broken.


Well-Known Member
This is good.....

Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.


Well-Known Member
A religion to me is untrue when it conflicts reality and gives believers a disadvantage in understanding. A true religion would be the opposite. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
For a jew judaism is the truth. For Hindu Hindusm. For Christian christianity. For muslim islam is the truth.
And if thy Lord willed, all who are in the earth would have believed together. Wouldst thou (Muhammad) compel men until they are believers? 10:99
I can tell u now islam is the truth from muslim side, that would be cliche.