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What is wrong with Gays


As I told my philosophy class, there is not one valid and credible argument against gays that exist outside of religious morals. And try as they might to prove me wrong, they only ended up making themselves look dumb. And how they loved it when I informed them of the study that found the children of lesbian parents are emotionally better adjusted and developed than those of non-lesbian parents.

Show me a kid without a father and I will show you a troubled kid. I speak from experience. What about you?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I would be one of those people. My family shunned me because I became a vegetarian when I was 15. I became an atheist shortly after.

Are you serious? Because you stopped eating meat?!?! Why would your family do that, how incredibly ridiculous!


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I can provide a reason why practising homosexuality would be considered badly in a religious light (from my religious upbringing).

If sex is seen as something that one should only participate in for the sake of procreation, then homosexual sex should never happen (as it cannot lead to reproduction). However, this applies also to heterosexual sex that occurs for reasons other than attempting to have children.

Of course, I personally do not place much or any value in this rule, have no problem with sex for pleasure and thus have no problem with homosexual relations!


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I can provide a reason why practising homosexuality would be considered badly in a religious light (from my religious upbringing).

If sex is seen as something that one should only participate in for the sake of procreation, then homosexual sex should never happen (as it cannot lead to reproduction). However, this applies also to heterosexual sex that occurs for reasons other than attempting to have children.

Of course, I personally do not place much or any value in this rule, have no problem with sex for pleasure and thus have no problem with homosexual relations!

Good reasoning, Madhuri. And it can be extended a step further.

Human procreation goes way beyond simply having children and feeding and housing them. It involves a lot of care of many kinds, which can easily overwhelm even most well-meaning couples of parents.

A very good argument can be made that homosexuality is in fact helpful for proper procreation (or more properly, child-rising), because it allows for more adult relatives with less children. Having adult relatives without children of their own may be very beneficial for children, who demand a lot of attention of various kinds.

In fact, I don't quite understand why the argument that god meant for homosexuality to exist for just that purpose isn't made at all often.
Not like I have anything healthy to contribute, especially at this ungodly hour before I go get some rest, but I stand as both being gay and a somewhat conservative, and somewhat liberal religionist; a strong believer in God and His Manifestations, and being gay. :)

Just showing how colourful the world is, just as a garden of flowers, more than some pansies are capable of being comfortable with.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Show me a kid without a father and I will show you a troubled kid. I speak from experience. What about you?
My father wasn't in my life and I didn't turn out bad. Actually with children what is important before having a mom and dad, two dads, two moms, or even 10 moms and dads is having home stability.
And what does not having a father have to do with being gay? It's a well established fact that it doesn't, nor does having gay parents a factor in determining if someone is gay.
Got a link? I haven't heard about this before.

I agree with the OP. In my opionion, Christians should be concerning themselves with things that Christ would actually care about such as povety at home and abroad, the inhumane treatment of prisoners and refugees, the greed of corporations, the impious nature of their religious leaders, and innumerable other issues that actually cause harm to humanity. Who a small minority of people whom they probably don't even know chose to share their feelings of love with should the last thing on their to-do list.

I think it was in Scientific American or New Scientists but a quite look around the web brought up this article on the BBC abut the production of sperm from human stem cells. We are also able to generate stem cells from human skin to provide a source of stem cells which doesn't require collecting them from embryo's. In regards to the growing of sperm from stem cells it appear that the their use usually comes with developmental problems which need to be ironed out before human trials.

As I understand it sperm are a more viable product of such techniques that eggs because the mitochondria carried by sperm are tagged for destruction during development and generally only the mothers are inhereted by the child. Eggs are made in their millions during the early stages of development, the vast majority of these fail leaving a small number behind and their mitochondria apparantly go into hibernation with ATP being supplied by surrounding cells to keep the egg alive. The purpose of this is to ensure that only young healthy mitochondria are passed onto the child which is probably why Dolly the sheep had so many problems because the mitochondia she received were 5 years old and so by the age of 6 they were 11 years old and so were functioning poorely with the associated problems that come with poor mitochondrial function.

There is also a method of reproductive therapy whereby healthy mitochondria from one womens eggs are injected into the eggs of a women whose eggs contain rubbish mitochondria which has been succesful in increasing fertility. I believe this technique has been banned although I don't beleive that any of the chidren have suffered any ill-effects.

With all this in mind it makes sense to focus on making viable sperm rather than viable eggs from stem cells.


Hostis humani generis
But sadly religion sometimes does that...
That's more ignorance than religion, though.

After all, there are Christian vegetarians and vegans, believing that we were only supposed to eat fruits and vegetables, and that we are the 'caretakers' (not rulers) of animals, so we should be nice to them.

Such things don't affect me though, since I'm not a Christian. :)


Show me a kid without a father and I will show you a troubled kid. I speak from experience. What about you?

That is your experience only. There are many many people who grew up without a father and are not 'troubled'.

There really are some religions that I feel do more bad than they do good.
How about us who are gay and religious? I'm not a Christian though... I still believe in the Abrahamic God as any other Abrahamic religionist. ;)