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What is wrong with Gays


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Well, I'm definitely giving the Bible another read tonight. If there are no contradictions, maybe most denominations have been using Christianity as a tool to thrust their own manipulative biases on people. I have just been struck with inspiration.
Some have and do. There are a lot of contradictions in the Bible, since the texts are polyvalent.
What, the same "lifestyles" that I see unmarried Heteros partaking in every weekend at the bar in my favorite restaurant? The one that involves some variety of promiscuity? Keep your judgement of "sinful lifestyles" please if you aren't out heaping just as much condemnation on those that share your orientation.

I'm gay.


When I refer to 'sinful lifestyles' I refer to promiscuity, indulgence in recreational drugs, and intoxication through alcoholism, whether gay or straight. Actions that harm the body and the mind, to me, are sinful. :)


Admiral Obvious
Back to the argument; Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

Face it, you have absolutely no idea if Adam and Eve were or were not gay.
It was "Adam and Eve" for NO OTHER reason than neither Adam or Eve had any other choice. Thus making your "adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" not only pointless and complete nonsense, but also showing just how desperate you are.

I mean seriously, it was not that Adam and Eve were straight because even if they were both raging, flaming, same sexers, there were no others around for them know.


Face it, you have absolutely no idea if Adam and Eve were or were not gay.
It was "Adam and Eve" for NO OTHER reason than neither Adam or Eve had any other choice. Thus making your "adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" not only pointless and complete nonsense, but also showing just how desperate you are.

I mean seriously, it was not that Adam and Eve were straight because even if they were both raging, flaming, same sexers, there were no others around for them know.

Genesis 4.20: And Adam kept boning Eve because his sexual appetite was for women. He lived for 930 years, and that was plenty of time to try screwing around with male parts if he so choosed. But he didn't.
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Admiral Obvious
Genesis 4.20: And Adam kept boning Eve because his sexual appetite was for women. He lived for 930 years, and that was plenty of time to try screwing around with male parts if he so choosed. But he didn't.
I expected nothing less.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
yeah, why a man and a woman are supposed to be a couple and gay people are not.
Homosexuality isn't mentioned in Genesis. Why would it be? Genesis is about humanity, which consists of males and females. The Genesis story is very quiet on the morality or immorality of the sexual act, itself.


When people run out of plausible ideas it always comes back to 'Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'. I am still waiting for a good answer on what is wrong with being gay, guess i will be waiting a long time.


Seriously, there are more important things to worry about in the world. Give me one exceptional reason why being gay or bisexual or transvestite is wrong. Give me a religious and a secular reason. I'm challenging you.)(
humans can worry about all the problems of the world,WE will NEVER be able to make things better. i don't care how many presidents one votes in. it's not what they are called that makes it wrong. it's what they do that makes it wrong in God's eyes. one can be called an adulterer,but if they're not committing adultery,then they're not doing anything wrong. they're NOT the only ones who's doing wrong,many of us are in one way or another.

you said give you and "exceptional reason" not to be mean...but it's NOT about what you want. it's not you who'll save or destroy mankind,and it's not you who we're suppose to worship. not to humor you, but show God's word...
(1).Levi.20:13-If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

(2).Rom.1:26,27- For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

NOW i gave you TWO "religious reasons",(Jehovah's word), did this make you happy/satisfied,and accepting of why Jehovah sees it as wrong? or are you still planning on fighting? peace

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Genesis 4.20: And Adam kept boning Eve because his sexual appetite was for women. He lived for 930 years, and that was plenty of time to try screwing around with male parts if he so choosed. But he didn't.

Superman was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a local motive, and could leap tall buildings in a single bound.