I think i'll blame democrasy which came up with someone like Bush into power and make him act upon it.
What makes you think democracy has anything to do with Bush being in power? The U.S. has a lot of faults, but at least the people didn't elect Bush.
However, it's quite correct that there are inherent flaws and dangers in democracy, and it would foolish and dangerous to overlook them, even though democracy seems to be, overall, less dangerous than other forms of government.
I'll really be so gratful if one of you could show me how the law is responsible in here. The biggest problem ever is that people have a grudge on religion or something, and treat it differently and they never judge it in a fair way, i don't know why.
Whenever people behave at their very worst, they always explicitly say, and I'm convinced they believe, that they are motivated by some arbitrary and irrational set of beliefs, whether that is set of beliefs is Christianity, Islam, Communism, or National Socialism. Even the most cynical and insincere leaders are able to convince millions of sincere believers to go along with their evil plans precisely because those millions of believers see those plans as perfectly in accord with their beliefs. Can you believe, for instance, that suicide bombers are not motivated at least in part by their beliefs that Islam is the one true religion, that Islam has been offended, and by their certainty of an afterlife and the rewards assured to "martyrs"? Any set of beliefs that lends itself so readily and so enthusiastically to evil, is in itself evil, if only because of that predisposition.
Any set of beliefs that divides humanity into the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie, the Saved and the Damned, the Chosen People and the Gentiles, or the House of Islam and the House of War, is an evil set of beliefs, from the outset because it demonizes and dehumanizes the "other." Marxism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are wrong, and it is morally wrong to embrace those religions, not just because so many of their adherents do such bad things, but because they provide the moral underpinning and justification for those bad deeds. People are selfish and violent and hateful enough as it is. Marxism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism make them feel virtuous for being so.