yes Evidence, When did we ever have eveidence of a religion???? That is the whole premise of religion, bellief without evidence.That is what religion is all about. And plus what religion is right? there are many, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buhdists, etc... what one is right??? Can you answer that?
Yes all, yet none....=
The same as in Science, we work on the same principle of understanding things....
Equal findings being found in multiple results...
So when many of those say the Mustard seed (Upanishads, Dhammapada, Quran, Bible) is faith without needing supporting, and growing to the light without the aid of we have as a child and an when an old person before death, grinning the same….
Then guess the prophets were all trying to say God has a mooring line to our soul, which is an energy or vibration from every single Quark within our body.....
The higher version of our self is how many perceive God to be...
Though evidence also suggests; multiple copies of sayings and facts globally in multiple places without communication; means it works in a realm of infinity to be able to coordinate such events.
So singular religion is a crazy notion to begin with, especially when allot of the books say they interlink….Quran especially, which doesn’t say much for Lazy Muslims arguing without understanding criterions set in place, to study with, not to shout at people…..