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What is your belief about homosexuality?

Homosexuality is...

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Premium Member
People on the news aren't Spokesmen for a God, or Heroes in a religion. They are NOT being put forward as people to emulate.

Lot wasn't a spokesman for God, either. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Samuel, and the other prophets were. Lot was just a relative of Abraham.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I don't see how one can find normal sex between a man and woman,that causes reproduction, gross, compared to unnatural sex that includes feces. Yeah,imagining sex between ones parents or grandparents would seem a bit scary.Lol..:eek:

You're seeing it from your perspective. Hetero sex is not normal for them. I am sure my grandparents didn't have sex. :D


The Bible God blesses more sinners then saints in the Bible.

Yep seems that way. It also made me think of this.



Premium Member
But the Bible says he was saved because of his righteousness
What else did he do? He got drunk and his daughters got pregnant by them and he offered to give some men his daughters for a reason. What else is written about the man? Those are two, yes, really questionable things: Getting drunk and offering his daughters to a crowd of men. I know that very well. But we don't know what else he did before or after. Other than those two things, who knows what else.
No, I am not condoning those things, at all.
You're seeing it from your perspective. Hetero sex is not normal for them. I am sure my grandparents didn't have sex. :D

Holy smokes! I just realized what you said in the last part of your last comment.You stated you are sure your grandparents did not have sex.Wow!


Both are not good.It speaks of women also being homosexuals in the holy scriptures.There is no difference.The worlds views has nothing at all to do with the holy scriptures concerning homosexuality.

Romans 1:26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

Romans 1:27
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

Leviticus 18:22 "Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin."

I've already answered these! NONE of them is about homosexuals. Perhaps you should go back and read my answer.

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What else did he do? He got drunk and his daughters got pregnant by them and he offered to give some men his daughters for a reason. What else is written about the man? Those are two, yes, really questionable things: Getting drunk and offering his daughters to a crowd of men. I know that very well. But we don't know what else he did before or after. Other than those two things, who knows what else.
No, I am not condoning those things, at all.
Are you on the right forum? This one is talking about homosexuality ,not Lot.Lol..:p
That one is the second door on the left.Lol..


Lot wasn't a spokesman for God, either. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Samuel, and the other prophets were. Lot was just a relative of Abraham.

LOL! We are given these specific stories for a REASON!

Pretty sad that the "heroes" of the Bible's teaching stories are incestuous, adulterers, rapists, and murderers, etc.

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Premium Member
LOL! We are given these specific stories for a REASON!

Pretty sad that the "heroes of the Bible's teaching stories are incestuous, adulterers, rapists, and murderers, etc.

There have always been these kinds of people. Not every story in the Bible was about those kinds of people: Murderers, adulterers, etc. Quite frankly, if everyone in the Bible was pure and saintly, then people would question that, too, as no one I have ever known is pure and saintly all the time. The fact that they were shown as less than perfect lends realness, even if some of the stories were not literal.