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What is your belief about homosexuality?

Homosexuality is...

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There have always been these kinds of people. Not every story in the Bible was about those kinds of people: Murderers, adulterers, etc. Quite frankly, if everyone in the Bible was pure and saintly, then people would question that, too, as no one I have ever known is pure and saintly all the time. The fact that they were shown as less than perfect lends realness, even if some of the stories were not literal.

Yes,it was sinners God used to carry His message to others.This is also why Jesus sat with sinners when he was here on earth.People were in shock by this.God forgives and is not partial.


Wonder Woman

There, quoted you as you seem not to figure out how to look at your alerts properly or figure out how to use them.

Now, there are lots of things that tax payer money goes to cover that we aren't directly responsible for. Lot of diseases that need treatment for things that people choose to do (and homosexuality is not a choice), like smoke, drink, do drugs, bad eating habits, and so on and so forth. Do we condemn and call unnatural all those people who dare drink alcohol? Drinking wine, even the whole "water into wine" thing seems to be a prevalent thing in the bible, yet the actuality of it causes diseases and people doing stupid things like DWI and killing innocents on the road. I have yet to see where Bob and John having sex with each other is going to kill random people on the street.

Use all the frickin' hyperbole you want here I guess, still doesn't make your argument any more flawed by trying to take a medical issue likelihood and trying to use it to validate your homophobia and hatred and ignorance.

Homosexuality IS natural. It is an orientation found within other species. What two people do in their bedroom is their business, not yours, nor does it directly affect you.

Oh, and just to cinch things up ever so nicely,...the bible is a book, just a book, written by men which reflects their own feelings and hang-ups and issues. It expresses a mythology through the use of metaphor and allegory as well. It is not a literal book, it is a mythology book and the stories within reflect the writers.


Premium Member
Which is skirting the issue. As you know perfectly well many of them are, - such as King David, - the adulterer, murderer, etc.

I addressed that, but I think we've gone as far as we can with the issue. I repeat: No, not everyone in the Bible were pure and saintly. They were human and made human mistakes. They were not written about so we can emulate them on everything. Despite all, David was forgiven after he confessed his sin: Which is what Christians are taught to do. Jesus did say that "God alone is good".


There have always been these kinds of people. Not every story in the Bible was about those kinds of people: Murderers, adulterers, etc. Quite frankly, if everyone in the Bible was pure and saintly, then people would question that, too, as no one I have ever known is pure and saintly all the time. The fact that they were shown as less than perfect lends realness, even if some of the stories were not literal.

Quite frankly, I can't think of many stories from the Bible where murder, mayhem, kidnapping, rape, adultery, turning into a temporary prostitute, murdering other people for their land, murdering other people because they follow a different God, etc., are not the main action.

According to the stories, Jesus' 31/2 years of ministry, are the only ones without "much" mayhem.



I addressed that, but I think we've gone as far as we can with the issue. I repeat: No, not everyone in the Bible were pure and saintly. They were human and made human mistakes. They were not written about so we can emulate them on everything. Despite all, David was forgiven after he confessed his sin: Which is what Christians are taught to do. Jesus did say that "God alone is good".

Such stories teach that you can get away with murder as long as you pray to the Abrahamic "God!"

Which is why members over the ages have committed atrocities, murdered children, etc.



Premium Member
Such stories teach that you can get away with murder as long as you pray to the Abrahamic "God!"

Which is why members over the ages have committed atrocities, murdered children, etc.

Not necessarily. A person must repent. That is true of my faith even now. People still have to pay the price, even now, by going to prison or whatever laws the land has. It does not teach that anyone gets away with anything and never has.


Not necessarily. A person must repent. That is true of my faith even now. People still have to pay the price, even now, by going to prison or whatever laws the land has. It does not teach that anyone gets away with anything and never has.

Really? And how did killing someone else - and I might add, an infant, - mean that King David paid for his crimes - before happily sailing off into the Kingly sunset?



What else did he do? He got drunk and his daughters got pregnant by them and he offered to give some men his daughters for a reason. What else is written about the man? Those are two, yes, really questionable things: Getting drunk and offering his daughters to a crowd of men. I know that very well. But we don't know what else he did before or after. Other than those two things, who knows what else.
No, I am not condoning those things, at all.

No one knows what else because the character "Lot" was written out of the story. People appear out of nowhere in the bible and they disappear to nowhere. That's what stories do.

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
1. If the bible is correct it no doubt is a sin.
2. I also believe it is unnatural (though I will admit the jury is still out). Or at least no more natural than the genetic tendency to abuse alcohol.
3. It is also wrong. Nothing practiced by 4% of the population that produces 60% of the aids cases in the US is right.
4. It does not contain any gain that offsets the horrific cost and there for is as wrong as wrong can get.
It does not contain any gain that justifies the demand that the rest of us pay billions to treat the horrific problems it causes.

I do however believe a gay person can be saved and good. I see homosexuality as nothing beyond a sin the same as theft, lying, hate, etc......which we all commit. Despite it's disproportional costs it is no more a sin than any other.
1) Then we can agree that religious based law should be excluded from the law of the land as that would impede the right of religion yes?

2) Natural or unnatural isn't even the argument. It is extremely unnatural to take chemicals and put it in our body but somehow that cures diseases. Its not natural but its good. Snake venom is natural. Its not good for you. The point is actually is it a perversion or is it innate? All the information states it is innate.

3) Male homosexuals who practice safe sex are no more likely to get HIV than a strait male. Women who practice homosexual sex are less likely to get HIV than women who only engage in heterosexual sex. So maybe its just men thats the problem? Lets outlaw all male sex and let only women have sex. Fertilization will happen in vitro. Or we could talk about pragmatic ways to limit the spread of STI.

4) Except for the mental well being of all individuals who are homosexual, bisexual or other. The fact that human rights and the ability to purse happiness. By your logic we should outlaw McDonalds, Motorcycles, Smokes, alcohol, piercings, art ect. But life entails risk and having people live it how they need to live it is one of the most important aspects to being humane.


Doubting Thomas
I addressed that, but I think we've gone as far as we can with the issue. I repeat: No, not everyone in the Bible were pure and saintly. They were human and made human mistakes. They were not written about so we can emulate them on everything. Despite all, David was forgiven after he confessed his sin: Which is what Christians are taught to do. Jesus did say that "God alone is good".
Understood but it is not so simple. Certainly Christians recognize that David sinned in committing adultery and murder. But what about his imprecatory prayers? I have heard some say they are justified in doing the same because David did so.