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What is your belief about homosexuality?

Homosexuality is...

  • Total voters


I am a Bible believing christian. My belief is what the Scriptures say. God speaking through apostle Paul said men lying with men and women lying with women is unnatural. God's words, not mine (Romans 1: 26-27). It is not our place to judge homosexuals. The word will judge in the end. We are to be compassionate and loving to all men, regardless of their sin. Our job is to lead men to Christ.


Wonder Woman
"Natural and good" has 50% in the poll. I'm surprised it's not higher.
I do believe that most of the "others" and "indifferent" find that it is natural, but neither good or bad. It is just found to be an orientation like any other. At least, that's what I posted and have seen others mention. So you may look at at least part of the numbers from other and indifferent as having no qualms with homosexuality either.


Admiral Obvious
I am a Bible believing christian. My belief is what the Scriptures say. God speaking through apostle Paul said men lying with men and women lying with women is unnatural. God's words, not mine (Romans 1: 26-27). It is not our place to judge homosexuals. The word will judge in the end. We are to be compassionate and loving to all men, regardless of their sin. Our job is to lead men to Christ.
Make up your mind, are they Pauls words or gods?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I do believe that most of the "others" and "indifferent" find that it is natural, but neither good or bad. It is just found to be an orientation like any other. At least, that's what I posted and have seen others mention. So you may look at at least part of the numbers from other and indifferent as having no qualms with homosexuality either.
And the two unnatural ones and natural but not good only add up to 15%. Everything else, which in the minimum is in different, is 85%.
No matter what (unless you have a realistically long list of options that no one will read), poll options won't accurately reflect anything beyond a general feeling. I think we put way too much emphasis on them. This particular poll, though wording can be an issue, reflects the general feel that RF is mostly accepting of homosexuality.
Advocating anal and oral sex to children in public is a criminal offense, is blasphemous, not ignorant but arrogant, short sighted, selfish thing.

Neglectful relationships are founded on adultery and atheism,

rape is the product of atheism and adultery as well as moral conflictions such as homosexuality.

the word homosexuality implies no other message than, anal and oral sex.
this subliminally promotes neglectful relationships in schools and outside of school, as well as corrupting imagination, motives, ambitions and morals of everyone.

Homosexuality is a 100% negative thing on humanity, culture and the world.

Political injustice is founded, enacted and justified by atheists.


If you simply believe homsexuality to be wrong then I can't stop you. I can't stop you from being a NAZI if that is your thing. It doesn't make it a moral position. Though if this conversation was to shift into a marriage equality argument you would have to defend against this position.
Are you actually going to equate being against a practice that kills millions with being in favor of a political party who killed millions. Come on, liberals are the best at dishonestly setting up false moral high ground labels, and the practice is sickening.

It most certainly is a moral position to suggest a practice which has no compensating gain for the millions it kills and the billions it costs is wrong. If not the word morality no longer has any application and should be taken out of the dictionary.

Homosexual marriage is not the subject.

To a homosexual it would be both "natural" and "good". It is natural because it is innate within them (not the product of perversion or abuse) and it would be "good" as any sexual feelings/actions a heterosexual would have. It is unfortunate that there have been diseases that have been spread around but such as been since before humans. It wouldn't make the act of homosexual sex immoral or wrong.
You can't possibly know if it natural. Even if it is you would not know it to be. You just declaring it is and insisting your declaration creates reality. All kinds of studies suggest it is not natural. There are even ones that show it is genetic yet still unnatural because it is a genetic mistake that causes a certain chemical to be produced in abnormal amounts. There is also mountains of evidence it is a moral perversion. Homosexuals statistically exceed heterosexual rates in all types of moral categories like spousal abuse, adultery, drug use, the length of marriage, etc...... It seems that homosexuals are in general less moral in many ways compared to heterosexuals.

Practicing a habit that is unnecessary and that does not have any compensating gain that kills millions is a moral failure. It is like your saying so what if some people shoot others without cause, that does not make it a moral issue.

If there were two homosexual men who had never had previous sexual relationships before in their life and they practiced safe sex then they would not obtain an STI. However the repression of the sexuality has caused individuals to practice unsafe sex. Once an incurable disease that is easily transmitted got into the "pool" of people passing it around it would become incredibly difficult to maintain. However it is being controlled far better now. Though nothing innate about homosexual sex causes STI. That is important to note. Your argument should be geared against unsafe sex in general. There is nothing innate about a homosexual that makes him or her practice less safe sex. The stigma, self loathing, sexual repression, psychological torture and media portrayal of homosexualty has caused all of this.
I am not arguing about any specific subgroup but about a behavior in general. Regardless your are perfectly wrong. There is no way to practice homosexuality that does not carry risk of both disease and especially no disease related injury. Homosexuals are statistically less likely to practice safe sex. The idea that sexual discipline causes people to practice unsafe sex is an incoherent idea. I did not say homosexuality causes STD's (though I would not be surprised if it did in some cases), I said it spreads them at rates astronomically higher than in heterosexual statistics. Add to that that heterosexuality does have compensating gains which justify the risk where homosexuality does not.

So there is nothing more "wrong" about homosexual sex than heterosexual sex. Would you object to having sex with a member of the African American community? That is a slight increased risk of coming across someone with HIV.
You seem to think that you stating something makes it true. There is something wrong with homosexuality. If a practice which does not have compensating gains kills millions and costs billions is not evidence of a moral failure then what ever could be. How many killed and how many billions that others have to pay does it take to make something unjustifiable? I object to sex outside of marriage between anyone and homosexuals in any context. However within the bounds of marriage heterosexual behavior has compensating reasons to justify the risk that homosexuality lacks.

But again the "good" that comes out of it is having a healthy sexual life which is profoundly important to individual happiness. There is no greater good than that.
Please pay strict attention to this. Homosexuality kills millions and does not have anything that can compensate for the cost that would justify the practice. Heterosexuality is necessary to keep the human race in existence. It has justification for the risks. The pleasure it gives homosexuals to practice it is no more justification for it than the pleasure it gives drug addicts to take drugs.

No you can't. Homosexual sex is not a crime. It harms no one against their will. In fact if done correctly it harms no one at all.
Not only does it harm thousands against their will, it kills thousands without their knowledge. Homosexuals are promiscuous in general and many sleep with people of both sexes and there by transmit diseases to people they don't even know. Add to that that all of us have to pay the billions in medical care the unnatural habit makes necessary.

If there is no harm why would it be considered "not good"?
Only in some contrived fantasy land is there no harm from homosexuality. I have posted in this thread entire lists of injuries and diseases that homosexuality causes in far higher amounts than heterosexuality. In reality it is extremely harmful and costly.

Nice video.I like the "Wizard of Oz" intro. You stated you call yourself a "male lesbian."
I thought I have heard it all.Lol.. I like what you said in the end of the video about being less concerned with others sins and more concerned with our own selves.Yes, we must concentrate on ourselves but we must not forget about others.We must warn others and help them too.Not by saying "you will burn in hell",like most do,but with love and good tact.
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

I like how you pointed out that we must feed the poor and help others.Yes I totally agree,this is being christ like.

You stated that most christians do not even read the bible.I agree that most people who call themselves christians do not do this.I noticed you stated that sin is when you hurt others.On this I disagree.Sin is also when you hurt yourself.As a matter of fact,the holy scriptures specifically talks about this.

1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

So from this passage we can see that you are hurting yourself when you commit sexual sins.This is sexual immorality.So according to the holy scriptures,God calls homosexuality an abomination.He considers sex between two members of the same sex sexually immoral.So being gay in God's eyes is a bad thing.The scripture above says to flee from sexual immorality.This is a part most so called christians avoid or ignore.There is no way around it.You either agree with God or are against it.So when you do this,you are hurting yourself by committing sin against yourself.Against your own body.All of this is fornication and sexual immorality.

It is when one is married that one hurts another by committing sexual sins.You not only hurt yourself but you hurt your spouse.

So yes it is wrong to go around blaming gays or pointing fingers at them.This is true.This is wrong.If one considers themselves a true christian, and knows what God's word actually says,then it is good to point out to others that homosexuality is wrong and it is against God's laws.Just like all other sins mentioned.We need to help others realize what God commands and what His message is.Once one understands and knows the truth about God's message,we are to tell others.This is what Matthew 24:14 tells us.

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

If one does not tell others about the truth, then they are considered blood guilty.This knowledge cannot be contained and kept to ones self.It is to be spread and told to everyone who will hear.

Ezekiel 3:18,19. 18"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.19"Yet if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered yourself.…



I didn't read the whole thread so I don't know if you all care or not but -
Of course it's a "sin."
The definition of "sin" would that which is forbidden in the bible by G-d.
And, G-d specifically defines anal intercourse between men as an abomination.
So, it is.
Big whoop.
On one hand, there is a greater penalty - in today's world - according to the Torah for those who "gossip" than for homosexuality.
On the other hand, the whole gay marriage in your face ******** is so incredibly stupid and faddish - it's like the "pet rock" or hulu hoop except that sex sells.
IMHO, 90% of all men who have sex with men do it because it is so much ****ing (sic) simpler than having to deal with women.
The whole "gay movement" is about men being comfortable and being accepted in not having to deal with women. And, that is also true, but to a much lesser extent, about women.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
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Wonder Woman
Advocating anal and oral sex to children in public is a criminal offense, is blasphemous, not ignorant but arrogant, short sighted, selfish thing.

Neglectful relationships are founded on adultery and atheism,

rape is the product of atheism and adultery as well as moral conflictions such as homosexuality.

the word homosexuality implies no other message than, anal and oral sex.
this subliminally promotes neglectful relationships in schools and outside of school, as well as corrupting imagination, motives, ambitions and morals of everyone.

Homosexuality is a 100% negative thing on humanity, culture and the world.

Political injustice is founded, enacted and justified by atheists.
"Advocating anal and oral sex to children"??? Who on Earth is doing that? I can't recall anyone even advocating vaginal intercourse to children. Children don't see people in the terms of what kind of sex they are having. They just see people. It is adults that impress upon children the insane ideas of how people are different and why and if it is good or bad. The opinions of parents and such that teach children biases and "that's wrong" and "that's icky you don't do that" that bring children up to hate and discriminate. Children only see people. I know my children do, I don't pass judgments on others, I don't set people apart, I treat others as equal. that's what example I give to my children and that's why they try to do the same.

As for atheism being the reason for things like rape and adultery and homosexuality. That is just absurd. One look at the bible and it seems to advocate rape and the like. Those things are not born from atheism, no more than marriage and love and commitment are born of Christianity. Those things just are. You just believe what you want to believe because that makes it easier for things to fit into your nice little bubble of belief. All safe and secure, no one knocking down your little religious house of cards. How fragile those things are.


Admiral Obvious
Advocating anal and oral sex to children in public is a criminal offense, is blasphemous, not ignorant but arrogant, short sighted, selfish thing.
You are being rather short sighted here, are you not?
I would say that advocating any sex to children in public or private should be a criminal offense...

Neglectful relationships are founded on adultery and atheism,
Prove it.

rape is the product of atheism and adultery as well as moral conflictions such as homosexuality.
Prove it

the word homosexuality implies no other message than, anal and oral sex.
this subliminally promotes neglectful relationships in schools and outside of school, as well as corrupting imagination, motives, ambitions and morals of everyone.
This may well explain your homophobia.
What makes you think everyone has this hang up?
I understand that it is human nature to project ones own hang ups ontu others, but you do know that it does not work that way in the real world, right?

Homosexuality is a 100% negative thing on humanity, culture and the world.
Prove it

Political injustice is founded, enacted and justified by atheists.
If you make the above claim with the dishonest intention of implying that theists are somehow innocent of the accusation, you are flat out lying.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I do believe that most of the "others" and "indifferent" find that it is natural, but neither good or bad. It is just found to be an orientation like any other. At least, that's what I posted and have seen others mention. So you may look at at least part of the numbers from other and indifferent as having no qualms with homosexuality either.

Yes, I see what you mean. The total score for "unnatural" and "unnatural for humans" is only 11.5%, which is a small minority. Though it seems like a very vocal minority!
I'd be interested to know which animals homosexuality is natural for, if not humans, ;)


I am a Bible believing christian. My belief is what the Scriptures say. God speaking through apostle Paul said men lying with men and women lying with women is unnatural. God's words, not mine (Romans 1: 26-27). It is not our place to judge homosexuals. The word will judge in the end. We are to be compassionate and loving to all men, regardless of their sin. Our job is to lead men to Christ.

Read the whole thread. Romans 1 is NOT about homosexuals.

It is about Sacred Sex - and says so.

Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

~~ ~ NOTE:the people in 24 that dishonor their bodies, art the people WHO worship the Act of Creationin 25! Religious Sexuality! ~~~ with the Sacred Prostitutes.

Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of Deity into a lie, and worship and render religious homage to the "Act of Creation" more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Homosexuals are not worshiping and rendering religious homage to God when they have sex!



Advocating anal and oral sex to children in public is a criminal offense, is blasphemous, not ignorant but arrogant, short sighted, selfish thing.

Neglectful relationships are founded on adultery and atheism,

rape is the product of atheism and adultery as well as moral conflictions such as homosexuality.

the word homosexuality implies no other message than, anal and oral sex.
this subliminally promotes neglectful relationships in schools and outside of school, as well as corrupting imagination, motives, ambitions and morals of everyone.

Homosexuality is a 100% negative thing on humanity, culture and the world.

Political injustice is founded, enacted and justified by atheists.

WOW! LOL! That is true ignorance!



Read the whole thread. Romans 1 is NOT about homosexuals.

It is about Sacred Sex - and says so.

Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

~~ ~ NOTE:the people in 24 that dishonor their bodies, art the people WHO worship the Act of Creationin 25! Religious Sexuality! ~~~ with the Sacred Prostitutes.

Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of Deity into a lie, and worship and render religious homage to the "Act of Creation" more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Homosexuals are not worshiping and rendering religious homage to God when they have sex!



You will have the opportunity to argue your case before God on the day of judgement. We all will. Each will give an account for himself/herself.

1 Cor. 6:9. "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not enter the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."