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What is your belief in regards to God?

What is your belief in regards to God?

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Almost a year ago, someone who believes he is a prophet, told me that the start of the end of the world, according to his biblical & numerology studies is for 16/4/2016. But that's only the start of the End. A letter was then sent to Obama, The President of America, who had asked on the air, if any body knew when the End was coming. But then, being billions of dollars in debt, no wonder he wanted to know.
However I disagreed with this date, as I had been hit by a fire bolt in 1997, this marked the spiritual begining of the End of the world (of badness,) as we know it, as far as I know.

If one looks in the Bible God is a Fire, Jesus became a fire too; His love is Hot stuff.
So here's a text written Some 1000 years ago.

I came across the text from Saint Symeon in 2007.

Text from Magnificat Date 2007

Meditation of the day

Come to light a fire

Make no mistake! God is a fire, and has come as fire, and has cast fire on the earth. The same fire goes about looking for kindling to seize upon, for a ready disposition and will, in order to fall upon it and ignite it. And in those in whom it is kindled, it rises up into a great flame and reaches to the heavens, and it allows the one so enflamed neither delay nor rest. Neither, as some people imagine about the dead, does it consume the burning soul unawares – for the soul is not lifeless matter – but with perception and knowledge and in the beginning, with unbearable pain, since the soul is both feeling and rational. Afterwards, when it has completely cleansed us of the filth of the passions, it becomes food and drink, light and joy without ceasing within us, and, by participation, it makes us light ourselves. It is like a clay pot that has been set on fire. At first it is somewhat blackened by the smoke of the burning fuel, but after the fuel has begun to burn fiercely, then it becomes all translucent and like the fire itself, and the smoke can communicate none of its blackness to it. Just so, indeed, does the soul which has begun to burn with divine longing see first all the murk of the passions within it, billowing out like smoke in the fire of the Holy Spirit. It sees in itself as in a mirror the blackness which accompanies the smoke, and it laments. It senses its evil thoughts like thorns, and its preconceptions, being consumed like dry kindling by the fire and reduced completely to ashes. After these things have been utterly destroyed and the essence alone of the soul remains, quite without passion, then the divine and immaterial fire unites itself essentially to the soul, too, and later is immediately kindled and becomes transparent, and shares in it like the clay pot does in the visible fire. So, too, with the body. It, too, becomes fire through participation in the divine and ineffable light.

Saint Symeon the NEW THEOLOGIAN

Saint Symeon the New Theologian (+1022) was a spiritual master and a monk in Constantinople.

However, I did not find that text until many years after the comet fire came in 1997 and I was in a ball of fire for 24 hours. So after much hardship and suffering I wrote the following text.

Date 9.9.9 sunray

Here…I am on fire!

Walking through the park, I stroll though every dimension, but today it’s a little heavy. For a few days now the comet ‘Hale Bopp’ shines in the sky. I glance at the comet and suddenly I’m on fire. The spiritual flames of God’s love for the whole of humanity surround me. They surge all around; it’s like being in a gas oven turned up to maximum. I’m at once terrified. It’s hot, however, the flames only touch me spiritually; my inner life, my soul, my mind and the aura that surrounds me. I can see the flames, I hear them crackle, and instinctively I force myself to stay completely calm, and not to think of anything. Nevertheless, I stay on fire for twenty-four hours whilst going about my normal everyday routine. For a moment a lady catches fire with me, and then the flames disappear into another dimension. I have been spiritually cleaned by fire and become one with the light. I am ready for the divine action to come, to do an operation with God as my guide. It’s at once a profound purification, an adoption, a marriage between God and the world as well as a miraculous and new conception. The Apocalypse and a real liberty commence, but there is still work to be done. Here it’s cool, here is the joyful fire.

Hebrews 12:29. Mt.13:47 Isa. 10:17, 2Th 1:6, 1Cor 15:24

Here, May 25 1997, Mothers Day, a Sunday. The week before God’s festival, according to the Catholic Calendar. A comet shines in the sky and lances its fire on the earth; the spiritual fire of God’s love for all of humankind is welcomed. The man spiritually on fire, attaches himself lightly to the world wide evil network. It’s like a network of millions of spider webs that form an evil web of spiritual pollutions, an evil cocoon all around the earth. The man gets tangled in, and is absorbed by the evil web, and the threads of the web catch fire with him. It’s an act of God. Few people are aware of it but during some years the whole world was spiritually on fire. Finally, the satanic threads collapse in hot ashes. It’s a profound Godly cleaning, a marriage between God and the world as well as a and new miraculous conception. It’s clear that a cocoon is necessary, thus can develop the human spiritual wings of love- and we are one and all a little spiritual are we not? A new world arises from the ashes, even for the most sceptic. It’s the Apocalypse; it’s cool- we can breathe easy here now. Here it’s the fire overflowing with Joy.

Apocalypse 8.5 - Surat 29v41
Dr. S.

This really did happen, the end will take many years to arrive perhaps,34, or 84, or 184 years or more, whatever a new world is on its way! We are in the middle of this transition now!

They say that fiction is stranger than fact, however, fact is often reflected in fiction.
You all have heard of 'Harry Potter the chosen one' no doubt, in the film he's played by Daniel Radcliff, or could we say simply Dr. H. Potter. Funny, God is called the Potter in the Bible.
I was amazed, by the similarity of some of our adventures; although I haven't as yet released my unofficial-Spiritual autobiographic-doctoral thesis. I too as many others have had a near death experience (NDE), in fact I've had two near death experiences, but that's another story. In the first, I was left with a scar high up on the right side of my forehead, hidden in the hair line, only visible if you are looking for it. Besides all the other similarites between our stories, is the fact that Harry recieved a 'Fire Bolt' the fastest flying broomstick ever, from his God father, in the third book. This was written just a few years after my own encounter with the spiritual fire.. It's this 'Fire bolt' that takes him into new adventures, and makes a clean sweep of evil things.
One could say that for many years the spiritual fire of 1997 not only went through the Churches, but also passed into the Litterature dimension and like a fire swept through and captured the imagination of the younger generation, thus changing our world for the better.

A reality in fiction no doubt.

So Merry Christmas

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Spiny Norman Doctor Evil's assistant
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Dinsdale Piranha
sunray said:
What is your belief in regards to the DEVIL?
Satan is Santa! :p
Thanks for the message, Spiny Norman,

Actually, Santa as far as I know, as we know him, came from the coco-cola ads in America, hence the red clothes. Where as the Devil comes down your chimney to nick your furniture and other belongings. However, I to have heard as the anagram suggests that Santa is Satan but really it's just a commercial symbol, and we need commerce to live in todays world which is developing towards a better future according to a spiritual blueprint.

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Spiny Norman Doctor Evil's assistant
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Dinsdale Piranha
sunray said:
What is your belief in regards to the DEVIL?
Satan is Santa! :p
Thanks for the message, Spiny Norman,

Actually, Santa as far as I know, as we know him, came from the coco-cola ads in America, hence the red clothes. Where as the Devil comes down your chimney to nick your furniture and other belongings. However, I to have heard as the anagram suggests that Santa is Satan but really it's just a commercial symbol, and we need commerce to live in todays world which is developing towards a better future according to a spiritual blueprint.

However, when I was in my 'group wizardry class' during the 80s, one of the guys suggested that Santa Claus was in fact 'Satan's Clause'; I imagine you can see that in the following :
There is a bit of Good in every Bad thing, there is a bit of Bad in every Good thing.
Thus Christmas is Good but it has Satan's Clause or Claws, in it. We have to put up we the commercial side of Christmas, or Santa Claus.
Originally father Christmas wore blue St. Nicholas, but in life things are always changing towards one heavenly goal.



Post 525
I'd like to ask everyone this question:
What Prophecies do you know to have come true, biblic or other?

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Post 525
I'd like to ask everyone this question:
What Prophecies do you know to have come true, biblic or other?

I don't think there are any.

Nor do I think I acknowledge prophecies as a valid component of religion. At least I am blanking on it right now.


Veteran Member
I thought you said the Source was Consciousness and the true Self (a.k.a. Atman-Brahman).
Yes more language, but what is Consciousness, to me it is an experience I had, and that experience was experienced through the mind body organism, so now I am trying to put it into a concept, and you then try to analyse my concept, and then we go around in circles like a teddy bear.


New Member
What is your belief in regards to God? Is it theistic, atheistic, or agnostic? (Please explain why for your choice.)

I am a theist because I believe "God" qualifies as the only explanation to the mystery of existence.

A little imagination will supply countless other explanations to the "mystery of existence."

This sounds like the typical "God of the Gaps," position.

I am an atheist because my answer to the "mystery of existence," is I don't know, and I am not persuaded the least bit by people who claim to know the answers to these mysteries.


I don't think there are any.

Nor do I think I acknowledge prophecies as a valid component of religion. At least I am blanking on it right now.

Well, thanks for your answer, but some one said that almost all the prophecies have come true!
What I'm looking for are the examples. So my question still stands:

Post 525
I'd like to ask everyone this question:
What Prophecies do you know to have come true, biblic or other?



Well-Known Member
Well, thanks for your answer, but some one said that almost all the prophecies have come true!
What I'm looking for are the examples. So my question still stands:

Post 525
I'd like to ask everyone this question:
What Prophecies do you know to have come true, biblic or other?


The most vague prophecies come true most often. Would you like me to formulate one and we will watch it come true together?



Pretty cruel for ancient men to write the things you claim a god did, when you know full well no god has ever written a single word.
As you say God doesn't write things, He/She inspires others to do the writing. Except, possibly, when some writing was written on the wall 'in fire'. Flaming words. This is a biblical text, so whether it was fact or inspired, is another question.

As to belief in God, you cannot believe or know God unless He/She wants you to belive or know Him/Her. It is believed however, that life is predestined, so if you read this then that is your destiny.
Destiny is what 'has happened' as far as I can know, but looking back can be called destiny, whereas having a destiny is believing you have a future.

The Bible texts are 50-50 in favor of all things being predestined, and the Koran is 100% certain that all things are predestined. However, if you want to have another interesting view on creation and its history from the very beginning then you could try amongst others, Theosophy 'The science of the Occult', which gives a spiritual look at history. However having a personal uniformed view is just that 'personal uninformed' but sacred, as all life is sacred.You may have something important to say, as it is said, “God works in mysterious ways”, and can speak through anybody, anytime, anywhere.



Well here it is Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun! ( Lyric from song)


If one looks at God and creation from a musical, dance point of view we see there are 8 notes from Do, rai, me, fa, so, la, etc....

Reflection of the ray of Creation

1. God ............. .do

2. Purgatory .... .rai

3. A shock - .

4. All Stars -

5. All suns -

6. A Shock -

7. The planet(s) -

8. The Moon (s) -

So here's a ladder that goes up to God, it's up to you and the will of God if you climb this ladder, care to try?



Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
What is your belief in regards to God? Is it theistic, atheistic, or agnostic? (Please explain why for your choice.)

I am a theist because I believe "God" qualifies as the only explanation to the mystery of existence.
Well, I voted atheistic, because I don't believe in god.


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Page 32 and counting backwards now:
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If we accept your book as proof of invisible beings - then we have to accept all religion's books claiming invisible beings
A particular text is not a holy text of a single practice. A particular perspective of all texts is the holy text of a single practice.

Lives in peoples minds based on ancient mythology?

Ancient is not a practice.
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Active Member
The one who gets birth during the dark and dies too during the dark can never know what is the glory of the Sun. Simple as that. Prophecy is never false unless the nature has been modified at will. The reason or cause maybe whatever.


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If we accept your book as proof of invisible beings - then we have to accept all religion's books claiming invisible beings

Actually, their was a time when people could see spiritually, but that was a long time Ago, Post and Pre-Atlantean. For instance, we hear of Fire Breathing Dragons, that was because in old times, very ancient according to Ruidolph Steiner 1909 (however most of the stuff he says is well out of date), people saw air spiritually as fire, so some people who could see spiritually, (as most people can with practice), saw breathing air as breathing fire. So, my dear Ingledsva, you are probably breathing what looks like spiritual fire right now!
