Faint said:
You don't read with reason? How do understand ANYTHING then? Some kind of deist decoder ring? Seriously, explain how this long-term suspension of disbelief allows you to function in the world. How can you live using reason one minute (to stay alive for instance...not drinking bleach, walking off of cliffs, trying to "phase" through oncoming traffic, etc.) and then throw reason aside when reading this book? Does that make sense in your mind? Explain why reason should be avoided in ANY situation.
First, this sample quote isn't written in the original language of the Bible, so it has already been interpreted into an English context. Now you must figure out how to interpret the interpretation. How do you know the snake is not symbolic? Maybe the snake being "lifted" is Moses' penis (like an erection) for a special someone ("son of man"...maybe a boy he liked, pederasty and all that) in that he can share him with others in some kind of primative orgy? Perhaps "eternal life" is ancient slang for "getting it on"? How would you know? My point is words have value so long as their true meaning is understood (as words are only symbols anyway). You may want to research the concept of "Theory of Mind". As humans, the best we can do is try to understand (interpret) what the author meant, but that's difficult as he/she/they have been long dead, and part of an ancient culture with ways very different from our own.
Ever heard of an exhaustive concordance? It's a big ole expensive book (as if anything biblical is cheap anyway
) that has every single word in the bible in it. Don't know what the word means? Curious as to what the writer meant by that word? Look up that word. Next to that word you will find a number. That number will lead you to the back of the book that has - here it comes - the original greek or hebrew word. I use a NIV Concordance. You can find one for all versions of the bible. If the historical context of the passage confuses you, get a bible handbook (I strongly recommend Zondervan)
What did Jesus mean by Moses and the snake? Hmm...I KNOW! I should get a study bible with those nifty little cross references in the middle. With that you will see that the random mention of Moses and the Snake refers to a passage in Numbers 21. Not convinced? We'll use the concordance. The orignal word for snake, as used in John 3:14, is
ophis which means snake or serpent (and I believe NKJV uses the word serprent). The original word for lifted, as used in John 3:14, is
hypsoo which means to lift up, elevate, or exalt. And if I remember correctly, Moses had exalted the snake. Jesus means that the same way that Moses's snake was exalted, he too shall be exalted.
No. You don't read the bible with reason as an atheist would. That's why most atheists don't get the bible in the first place. If you approach it blind, then you're not going to really see it. If you approach it close-minded, then it's your own fault that the bible seems unreasonable. If you approach it with a hard heart, a notion set in your mind, and a goal in hand then you're not going to get anywhere.