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What is your opinion of Jesus?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Not in the first century, but the setting or time frame for Revelation (1:10) is for our time period / our day.
Remember the illustration Jesus gave at Luke 19:11-15 Jesus, as the nobleman, would first go away (long journey) before he would later return.
This is a reason why No one knows the day or hour - Matt. 24:36
But we do know when the 'season is ripe' and today's world's violence is ripe for action.
spreading violence coupled with the international spreading about God's Kingdom (Dan. 2:44) just as Jesus instructed to do at Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8
None of this seemed to relate to the text you quoted.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
I accept the man called Jesus as being a follower of Judaism. I believe him to have been a teacher of Reformed Judaism. I feel the New Testament is a beautiful book but does not accurately portray this man's life.

I find the philosophy attributed to the teachings of the Carpenter's Son to be inspiring. I see Jesus as a man who loved His religion but He saw a need to reform Judaism to be more attentive to the needs of the lower class.

This man died for his beliefs...That is impressive!...Reason rules out Original Sin. I have held newborn children in my arms, no one is more free of sin than an infant. (not sure Original Sin is in the Bible)

edit: For a God to ask for loyalty from people who knew him in life is one thing. Why ask someone who doesn't even know what you are?
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I accept the man called Jesus as being a follower of Judaism. I believe him to have been a teacher of Reformed Judaism.
First off, I really appreciate your thoughtful post. Thank you.

Jesus certainly praMarcticed Second Temple Judaism. I am convinced that he was a Pharisee (see his acceptance of the Prophets and belief in the Resurrection). However, he was of the school Hillel (a more lenient interpretation of law) rather than school of Shammai (a very strict interpretation of law that dominated the Sanhedrin during Jesus ministry years).

The four movements of Judaism that we have today (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstruction) didn't exist in Jesus' day. The first of these to come into existence was Orthodox Judaism, which traces back to the publication of the Shulchan Aruch which for the first time in Judaism promoted the idea that Jewish law is now carved in stone and cannot be changed. That happened in 1563 CE. Reform Judaism didn't start evolving until the 19th century.

Reform Judaism is complex, but I would like to say two things about it. First, it views halakha (Jewish law) as changeable. Second, it sees obedience to the law as voluntary. I don't see how anyone can say that Jesus viewed keeping the law as a voluntary thing. Let's look at just a few passages:

Mark 10
17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.

So basically in that passage, Jesus connects eternal life to keeping the commandments. That doesn't sound much like obedience is voluntary. Let's go on.

Matthew 5
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

So here we basically have two points:
1. That the Law is still in force "until heaven and earth pass away."
2. That even keeping the very least of these laws is incumbent on Jews.

Again, doesn't sound much like obedience is voluntary.

But it goes even farther than that. In Matthew 23, Jesus even supports keeping the Oral Torah in addition to the written Torah (very much a Pharisaical teaching).

Matthew 23
1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you.

"Everything" they tell you means Oral Law as well as written. Jesus is clearly asking this of his followers. And it doesn't appear to be voluntary.

Later in the same chapter, Jesus addresses the Spice Tax, which is Oral Torah. He says to the Pharisees:

Matthew 23
23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.

IOW, he tells the Pharisees to obey the written Torah (justice, mercy, faithfulness) BUT ALSO keep the Oral Torah ("the latter" meaning the spice tax).

So it is clear that not only does Jesus teach obedience to the law, but he includes in that the Oral Torah.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I'm curious on why people don't believe in Jesus?
I'm curious on which Jesus I am supposed to believe in or supposedly don't believe in?

I believe an actual person existed we could call Jesus today. An actual man, teacher/preacher, Jew, etc. Not a founder of a new religion.

I don't believe he performed magic miracles.

I don't believe Jesus is/was God. I believe he was later apotheosized (made into a god) in order to draw more appeal to his core message and to give it's delivery system authority to carry out his message.

This simply makes me a gentile, nonbeliever in Judaism and definitely not a Christian (or an extreme radical heretic if so).

I don't throw babies out with bathwater. At the core of it, Jesus is alright. He's cool. So is the Buddha. Even some old timey philosophers.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
I live in the US. Paramedics are in ambulances. I’ve never seen a doctor.
I must say first that i am no expert of this, so probably to ask is better.
Are not Paramedics allowed to determine probable death if they are medically capable of?
I know they are , but i don't know in which circumstances.
And what does that say to the event?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Doctors should be in the ambulance,or?
I don't know in what sense do you ask this, so maybe you can explain it better?
I think they are asking for a clarification of your account. At least here in the US, it is extremely unlikely that a doctor would be present at an accident or the inside of an ambulance. Yet your account seemed to say that there was a doctor(s) inside the ambulance. So the inquiry is, are things different where you are? Is it common for ambulances in your country to employ doctors?


Veteran Member
That's good, God gave to all cultures their respective religious teachings, and they are all true. If you have not been exposed to other religious teachings, that's fine, the words of Jesus if lived truly will see you in Heaven. It is the same with the other religious teachings, it is in the living of it that counts, not in the discussions.
There is an old adage to put your money where your mouth is.
So, 'yes' it is the living (aka life style) but one's living or life style according to Jesus is to include to declare (discuss) the 'good news of God's Kingdom' on a global or international scale Jesus mentioned at Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8

Since you mention the 'words of Jesus' then I find the 'words of Jesus' at Matthew 5:5 about people living on Earth.
Inheriting the Earth and that would be once the wicked are gone.
Living forever on Earth was Not a new teaching of Jesus but Jesus referring back to the Psalms such as Psalm 37:9-11 and Psalm 22:26 because enemy 'death ' will end on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:26 - so people living on Earth will Not die but can gain everlasting life -> on Earth as Jesus taught.

Remember: Adam ( humans ) were created to live forever on -> Earth.
Earth was Not meant to be a stepping stone to Heaven.
Heaven is for angels ( spirit persons ) and Jesus chose a few people to govern with him in Heaven over Earth.
These people are called to be Not angels, but as saints or holy ones of Daniel 7:18; Revelation 20:6; 2:10; 5:9-10


Χριστός ἀνέστη
I think they are asking for a clarification of your account. At least here in the US, it is extremely unlikely that a doctor would be present at an accident or the inside of an ambulance. Yet your account seemed to say that there was a doctor(s) inside the ambulance. So the inquiry is, are things different where you are? Is it common for ambulances in your country to employ doctors?
Well , they can determine death for sure if death apears,or?
Regardless of , are they 'doctors' or 'Paramedics'?
I mean i understand what might be argued here.
But , how is 'some random jornalist incapability of property defining medical staff' any relevant to the content in it.

They have the neccessary medical authority to do that , or am i wrong?
Just 1 min to practice medicine.

Feel free to correct me if i am wrong.


Veteran Member
I accept the man called Jesus as being a follower of Judaism. I believe him to have been a teacher of Reformed Judaism. I feel the New Testament is a beautiful book but does not accurately portray this man's life
This man died for his beliefs...That is impressive!...Reason rules out Original Sin. I have held newborn children in my arms, no one is more free of sin than an infant. (not sure Original Sin is in the Bible)
edit: For a God to ask for loyalty from people who knew him in life is one thing. Why ask someone who doesn't even know what you are?
To me, 'reason' (logic) does Not rule out the original sin (aka first sin )
Please notice what the serpent/snake said at Genesis chapter 3 that Eve would Not die.
That is why Jesus referred to Satan as the 'father' (life giver) to the lie. Telling a lie was the first sin.
Nothing to do with any new-born infant. They can't tell lies.
Sinner Adam passed down human imperfection to us and if a parent thinks their child will Not sin they are wrong.
If a child were to grow up Not sinning that child would never die.
In other words, we inherited adamic sin from fallen father Adam and we can't undo what Adam did.
This is why we needed someone who can resurrect us. We can't resurrect oneself or another.
Jesus can and will - Revelation 1:18 - because the what you (Jesus) are is: God's Son - John 6:40,44


Veteran Member
I'm curious on which Jesus I am supposed to believe in or supposedly don't believe in?
I believe an actual person existed we could call Jesus today. An actual man, teacher/preacher, Jew, etc. Not a founder of a new religion.
I don't believe he performed magic miracles.
I don't believe Jesus is/was God. I believe he was later apotheosized (made into a god) in order to draw more appeal to his core message and to give it's delivery system authority to carry out his message.
This simply makes me a gentile, nonbeliever in Judaism and definitely not a Christian (or an extreme radical heretic if so).
I don't throw babies out with bathwater. At the core of it, Jesus is alright. He's cool. So is the Buddha. Even some old timey philosophers.
Jesus believed the Jesus you are supposed to believe in is the Bible's Jesus - John 10:36; John 6:68-69; Luke 1:35
Jesus did Not teach he was his own God but as God's Son - John 10:36 B
Jesus gives credit to his God as being The Creator - Rev. 4:11
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him according to Revelation 3:12
To me the old timey apostles were cool because they taught what Jesus taught.
As in the end of the first century ( Acts 20:29-30 ) already started was apostate teachings about Jesus.
Because of the apostasy Jesus said MANY would prove false to him - Matthew 7:21-23; 15:9


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Well , they can determine death for sure if death apears,or?
I can only speak for my state. Here, in most (but not all) cases, paramedics do not declare death. They transport the person/the body to the hospital, where the doctors there determine death. The exception to this rule of thumb is when they arrive to find a person (who has to be non-trauma) without a pulse AFTER they have done CPR, administered drugs, used the defibrillator, etc. In the case of any trauma patient, such as at the scene of an accident, a paramedic cannot determine death.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
I can only speak for my state. Here, in most (but not all) cases, paramedics do not declare death. They transport the person/the body to the hospital, where the doctors there determine death. The exception to this rule of thumb is when they arrive to find a person (who has to be non-trauma) without a pulse AFTER they have done CPR, administered drugs, used the defibrillator, etc. In the case of any trauma patient, such as at the scene of an accident, a paramedic cannot determine death.
Yes granted , but i think i want to argue something else.

Here are some answers from Quora , from some currect , retired and former Paramedics.

I am not arguing the 'Legal' way to pronounce death, i am arguing that also paramedics are reliable medical source even if legally they are not bound to respond to that question.They are medically capable of declaring a patient to be dead , regardless of what the law says about it.That is why medicine is long year of practice.
I mean i respect all those who practice applied science and consider them equaly reliable regarding this topic.
Doctors or paramedics , it's the same.
They are both capable of answering the question.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes granted , but i think i want to argue something else.

Here are some answers from Quora , from some currect , retired and former Paramedics.

I am not arguing the 'Legal' way to pronounce death, i am arguing that also paramedics are reliable medical source even if legally they are not bound to respond to that question.They are medically capable of declaring a patient to be dead , regardless of what the law says about it.That is why medicine is long year of practice.
I mean i respect all those who practice applied science and consider them equaly reliable regarding this topic.
Doctors or paramedics , it's the same.
They are both capable of answering the question.
This is not a reflection on your opinion. Maybe you are right, and maybe not.

Quora is not really a good source to use. It is essentially a forum, not unlike this one, where intelligent people (and maybe some not so intelligent) give their personal opinions. Sometimes you might find a good phrase that you can use to google other, more authoritative sources, but you can't assume that anything anyone says there is accurate, anymore than posts in here.