I disagree with the "now seen a larger, or higher, reality" assertion. My whole point is that they haven't: they may think they have, and if the result of these experiences is to make them question assumed truths, then all well and good: such questioning is never a bad idea. But "larger or higher reality"? No. The only change is internal, in perception. Not in reality.
Really? They only "think" they experienced love, but we know love isn't real. Something like that?
Ones perception of reality, defines what is reality to them, and shapes their experience of reality. Of course the change is internal, but where on earth else do you think we experience anything? And our experiences define us.
That you believe you can interface directly with some objective reality without meditating it through you subjective, internal reality is naive in the extreme. It's like looking out at the world through your eyes, and denying your eyes have anything to do with how your experience and understand what is outside of you.
There is no distinction between what you experience is reality and reality itself to you. There is no way for you to access that except through the subjective mind, even if you are using tools of empiricism. The mind still interprets what it observes.
..which is another way of saying that I disagree with your "personal realities": sure, the way we perceive the outside world is what may seem real to us, but that isn't "reality".
Which is precisely my point. It never will be reality. You can never know reality as it is trying to model it with the mind. The only way to directly interface with it, is beyond any thought about it whatsoever. You would simply just sink into being itself, with no thought, concepts, ideas, images, representations, and so forth. Anything other that that, is not reality itself outside of us. Our minds can only think about it in terms of mental objects. It's the mental objects you mistake for the thing in itself.
So my point is every single one of us live inside personal, as well as interpersonal realities, in relationship with an exterior reality that we can only directly know by not modeling it with our minds. Anything short of that, is in fact an illusion of mind we call reality. It's not that those are invalid, mind you, it's just that we should be aware our ideas are not the thing itself, nor ever will be under any circumstances.
To be clear, in no way shape or form am I misconstruing this understanding in any New Age fashion to suggest that what we "think" or perceive creates matter, such as that atrocious misunderstanding of quantum physics. I believe there is a reality 'out there', but am simply saying we cannot directly know it through mind. And so therefore, nothing we ponder in our minds qualifies as accurately knowing or understanding that reality as it is.
Now one step further, since all of it, bar none, is a perception of reality, there are in fact different stages of development that alter how that reality is modeled and understood. Rationality, is a stage of perception, a stage of how the conscious mind models the world, instead of mythological symbolism as in the past. But it is not the height of human perception, even though it likes to presume so because it is the current set of eyes looking at the world and cannot imagine it any other way.
Defining our nuanced perception of what's outside our heads as a personal reality interferes with the meaning of the word "reality".
Not understanding it what is going on in the mind, ignoring that, in fact is what interferes with the meaning of the word reality. It ignores what goes on in the mind, and therefore entirely misses the left balance on the scale in making its judgments of truth.
Twaddle. It's an attempt to have some kind of objective reality; something that doesn't twist with perception. Something that doesn't turn into what I want it to be just because I want it to be that way.
I do not believe that New Age nonsense. That is not what I'm saying. Hopefully, what I'm explaining shows I'm not engaged in that sort of "twaddle" as you imagine this is. This is not New Age fluff reality, it's well researched in the sciences and understood in postmodernist thought. It's academic in nature, not quasi science.
And it derives from the absolute certainty that my personally perceived "reality" is unlikely to be objectively "real" at all, and that is very likely to be the case for pretty much everyone else.
You misunderstand the implications of this. Here's something you might wish to begin to familarize yourself before making further assumptions:
http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/larson/psyc390/Docs/Consensus Trance.pdf