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What makes you sure ?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
What makes you sure that you will not get any new birth after your death ? or what makes you sure that you will not exist somewhere after your death ? :)

My knowings of the Great Cycle and the Weave are complicated, and neither of these questions applies well to my knowings of it. The questions you ask assume a linear view of time and existence, and I do not see things that way.

I don't believe in an "afterlife" because I don't believe existence is punctuated by absolute beginnings and endings. I see an overall continuity in existence in that all is change and transformation; there is no true birth or true death. This means both of the questions feel not applicable (or redundant and unnecessary) to how I see things. There are no births and deaths, there's transformation, which is continually occurring. Beginnings and endings are constructs humans create to mark time and the flow - it does not describe how things actually are, which is exchanges of matter and energy.

How do I know? Basic laws of nature as illuminated through science coupled with personal experience, observation, and philosophy.

There's more to it than this, but the other aspects of how I regard existence and being are... I'm not going to get into it. >_>


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
What makes you sure that you will not get any new birth after your death ? or what makes you sure that you will not exist somewhere after your death ? :)

I am not sure, as such.

I do however find the odds very much against it. Except, of course, in that there is some sort of inheritance that we all carry from those who have already died, and there is no reason to think of myself as an exception.


Or am I all three of these things at once? If so, then don't "I" dissolve whenever the composite ceases to function harmoniously together?
Than to whom you are telling all this to understand ? body, mind or soul ? and who is understanding, and telling all this to me ?

Don't you think there's someone ? :)


[/b]Though I have a very high level of certainty on this topic, I am in no way 100% sure of the outcome. My point is, I know what "I" am and so the need for passion plays has ended. Aside from this, I can't quite explain to you or anyone what it is like to be in your "last" lifetime. The only thing I can assure you of is that when you find yourself at that juncture, you will know it. That said, I'm not a big fan of certainty, but in this area it has seemed to stick.

I would never say such a thing for starters, LOL. You have my personal assurance that I where be, within certain constraints, wherever I wish to be.

The bottom line is that even if I do decide to come back for one more romp around the block, NO ONE else will force the decision on me. It will be my choice and my choice alone.
Thus, its all between you and you, nothing for others ?


My knowings of the Great Cycle and the Weave are complicated, and neither of these questions applies well to my knowings of it. The questions you ask assume a linear view of time and existence, and I do not see things that way.

I don't believe in an "afterlife" because I don't believe existence is punctuated by absolute beginnings and endings. I see an overall continuity in existence in that all is change and transformation; there is no true birth or true death. This means both of the questions feel not applicable (or redundant and unnecessary) to how I see things. There are no births and deaths, there's transformation, which is continually occurring. Beginnings and endings are constructs humans create to mark time and the flow - it does not describe how things actually are, which is exchanges of matter and energy.

How do I know? Basic laws of nature as illuminated through science coupled with personal experience, observation, and philosophy.

There's more to it than this, but the other aspects of how I regard existence and being are... I'm not going to get into it. >_>
What gets transform ?


I am not sure, as such.

I do however find the odds very much against it. Except, of course, in that there is some sort of inheritance that we all carry from those who have already died, and there is no reason to think of myself as an exception.
If there would have been any perfect reason for this, than what would be that reason which can make you think so ?


Well-Known Member
18:4 The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.

not to hard to figure out what dead is


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
If anyone needs evidence all we need to do is look inside an atom. This is what we are all made of. I think you will be extremely shocked. Also realise that everything is dual, so has a positive and negative force. If these forces are balanced then they cancel eachother out to form a neutral or 'divine' state. I urge you to raise your vibrational frequency.

We are all energy. Therefore,

E = MC2

Energy = mass + Speed of light (c)

If we reduce mass by raising our vibrations we become light!!

The science speaks for itself.

There is a neuroscientist (and his name always escapes me) who believes we are part of the fabric of the universe, much more than just the "we are stardust" line. Everything about us, including our consciousness is recycled in one form or another. E=MC2 indeed. :yes:


What? Me worry?
This is no way to be sure in either case. That's why it's called faith and not fact.


It doesn't matter what happens when I die. I don't see why it should matter. I don't see why I even need to explain why it doesn't matter. Just seems obvious to me.
As I think there's some very good point in your mind, so..can you please shed some light for others ?


Well-Known Member
Explain please.
to die means to be dead ,dead is the absence of life force.i will equate life to the flame on a candle ,wile it burns its alive .when its snuffed out its dead . where does the life go ? no where .its just gone.


return back to the sun?? from what pagan book did you get that ?
Everything wants to return to its source.
Like.. water is running towards its source sea,
Like.. throw any rock upwards, it will return back downwards to its source earth.
Thus.. Light a candle, it faces upwards to return back to its source sun.

There's no need of any book, its all in front of us.:)