What makes my God a God, as opposed to what is generally thought of, or specifically thought by others?
Because of implications carried by the word "God", I prefer either to not use that word for "my" "God", or use different terms. I like Robert Spitzer's term, "Unconditioned Transcendent Reality".
What makes that which I recognize as "God" to qualify for that name or Title is, first of all, "First of All". Firstness. What was first. Also, "natural". I don't know what that means other than that It is not something strange or unlikely, but totally normal. As I continue to read arguments for the existence of God and arguments for the so-called qualities or attributes of God, I am beginning to believe in those that claim God is timeless and spaceless. It might also be thoughtless, by which I mean It does not need to think because off that might be thought It is Itself. Like saying God does not have love, God is love, I would say God has no thoughts, God is thought. Also, contrary to beliefs of others, even atheists, in my beliefs, God is not something to be worshipped. I have reasons for that that take a lot of explaining, so I will leave it at that; maybe later I'll elaborate, but not now.
Do I myself believe God is love? I believe: it doesn't matter. What difference does it make. It's obvious God does not seek suffering. Being an ultimate being, if He sought suffering, it would be ultimate suffering. That doesn't exist, so suffering is not something He is very interested in. If He wanted suffering, there would be a lot more in the world. What about happiness? I won't elaborate on that, but I think He probably does want people to be happy, much happier than we are now, "exceedingly" happy.
In a nutshell, I consider God to be God because It is the First Thing and brought into existence everything that exists. Everything that exists. Which reminds me of "existent, non-existent, and beyond both". Other attributed attributes make Him neither more God nor less God.