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What proof do you have of God?

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
I knew there was no scientific evidence. I just thought someone would be unwise enough to answer it so I could respond to show others how illogical the belief is. But here the only thing I received was some trolls nitpicking and people owning up to believing something without having evidence for it.

There's a word for this. It's called baiting. And it is a form of trolling. I don't know if it specifically against the rules here, but it's pretty crappy behavior regardless. I wonder what made me 'nitpick' you? Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean...


No, baiting would be me doing this for comedy purposes, not answering their arguments in public so others can learn not to use them.
It's picking on every small little thing even if you know it doesn't matter and even if you know what I actually mean, which the majority of you do.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
No, baiting would be me doing this for comedy purposes, not answering their arguments in public so others can learn not to use them.

No you can be doing it just to feel superior. That's what you are doing. Sucks when that backfires, doesn't it?

It's picking on every small little thing even if you know it doesn't matter and even if you know what I actually mean, which the majority of you do.

What a laughable defense. The fact is I presented a valid philosophical argument. You don't like it? Counter it. You can reword your post all day, it doesn't change the argument for me. Perception equals reality. That's the essence of it. You don't think it works that way? Ask the Wright Brothers if imagination can come to life. Ask any engineer for that matter. Ask any artist while you're at it. But don't sit here and act like my argument doesn't fit your question simply because I'm not one of the dumb-dumbs you intended to ridicule with your bait-posting. My bad for being too smart for you.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Ashir = PWNED!

And I didn't even get through my first bowl of popcorn! Such a shame.

Seriously though, man, it's really not cool to walk in here with a veiled agenda like that. Not that it was all that veiled. It was pretty transparent to anyone who has been around here for any length of time, which is why none of us were stupid enough to take the bait. Honestly, why do you care what other people believe? Why do you feel a need to prove people wrong? I don't get that. It's not nice to inflate your ego at the expense of someone else.

So... here's to having more honest discussions in the future? :flower:


Well-Known Member
Ashir = PWNED!

And I didn't even get through my first bowl of popcorn! Such a shame.

Seriously though, man, it's really not cool to walk in here with a veiled agenda like that. Not that it was all that veiled. It was pretty transparent to anyone who has been around here for any length of time, which is why none of us were stupid enough to take the bait. Honestly, why do you care what other people believe? Why do you feel a need to prove people wrong? I don't get that. It's not nice to inflate your ego at the expense of someone else.

So... here's to having more honest discussions in the future? :flower:

She gave a flower! How pagan of her!

jk jk please don't kill me, just playing ;)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Please, if you know you can't debate well or have not looked into philosophy much, I ask that you do not post, no offense.

If God does not exist in me--------God does not exist at all!
Through personal experience, without a doubt, I know He exists--------in me.
Life alone dictates a higher intelligence. We may not understand it fully, none the less, sooner or later each one of us will have to come to grips with it.
Blessings, AJ


No you can be doing it just to feel superior. That's what you are doing. Sucks when that backfires, doesn't it?

What a laughable defense. The fact is I presented a valid philosophical argument. You don't like it? Counter it. You can reword your post all day, it doesn't change the argument for me. Perception equals reality. That's the essence of it. You don't think it works that way? Ask the Wright Brothers if imagination can come to life. Ask any engineer for that matter. Ask any artist while you're at it. But don't sit here and act like my argument doesn't fit your question simply because I'm not one of the dumb-dumbs you intended to ridicule with your bait-posting. My bad for being too smart for you.

Evidence? Oh, right, you have none. I was doing it because I want to teach others how illogical their beliefs are so that they'd realize the truth, so pretty much preaching.

I did not debate it's validity, it is true and I did not say otherwise. I did claim however that it was nitpicking which it probably was.
Perception does not equal reality.
Ah, good old dogmatism.


If God does not exist in me--------God does not exist at all!
Through personal experience, without a doubt, I know He exists--------in me.
Life alone dictates a higher intelligence. We may not understand it fully, none the less, sooner or later each one of us will have to come to grips with it.
Blessings, AJ

Unsupported claim, unsupported claim, unsupported claim, unsupported claim, unsupported claim.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
Evidence? Oh, right, you have none. I was doing it because I want to teach others how illogical their beliefs are so that they'd realize the truth, so pretty much preaching.

You admitted it. You just did it again. You're not allowed to preach either, by the way. OOOOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSSSS.

I did not debate it's validity, it is true and I did not say otherwise. I did claim however that it was nitpicking which it probably was.

You didn't debate it at all. You dismissed it because you are only interested in picking on your 'inferiors'.

Perception does not equal reality.

It does, actually. I even presented evidence of this very fact. Things within my imagination become real. Maybe not every time, but that is simply a matter of time and effort. Do you have a counter-point at all, or are you going to stick with the ultra-philosophical and highly acceptable debate tactic of, "NUH UH!" Oh wait... didn't you just say it was true?

it is true and I did not say otherwise.

Yep, you sure did. Now isn't that precious?

Ah, good old dogmatism.

If you think my position is dogmatic, you have no idea what the word means.


Well-Known Member
Evidence? Oh, right, you have none. I was doing it because I want to teach others how illogical their beliefs are so that they'd realize the truth, so pretty much preaching.

I did not debate it's validity, it is true and I did not say otherwise. I did claim however that it was nitpicking which it probably was.
Perception does not equal reality.
Ah, good old dogmatism.

And how are you not being dogmatic?


You admitted it. You just did it again. You're not allowed to preach either, by the way. OOOOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSSSS.

You didn't debate it at all. You dismissed it because you are only interested in picking on your 'inferiors'.

It does, actually. I even presented evidence of this very fact. Things within my imagination become real. Maybe not every time, but that is simply a matter of time and effort. Do you have a counter-point at all, or are you going to stick with the ultra-philosophical and highly acceptable debate tactic of, "NUH UH!" Oh wait... didn't you just say it was true?

Yep, you sure did. Now isn't that precious?

If you think my position is dogmatic, you have no idea what the word means.

Under these circumstances I think I am.

How? What is your evidence for this? I dismissed it because it was a ******** comment which had nothing to do with the question I had in mind.

lol what?

No, I didn't. Quote me saying that argument is invalid.

I'd say the same for you.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You have unsupported claims of proof that their is no God as well.
Prove to me the existence of all their is, the methodical aliment of the planets, the complex organization of the micro world, the intellect of mankind and tell me there is no higher intelligence behind all that?
Common sense would tell you that there is.
Reasonable thought, common sense without any predguces would agree with a supreme intelligent entity, were as in your case, you could not disprove it, unless you eliminate all of existence.
Only, then-------if you existed without all of existence, I might agree with you.
Blessings, AJ


You have unsupported claims of proof that their is no God as well.
Prove to me the existence of all their is, the methodical aliment of the planets, the complex organization of the micro world, the intellect of mankind and tell me there is no higher intelligence behind all that?
Common sense would tell you that there is.
Reasonable thought, common sense without any predguces would agree with a supreme intelligent entity, were as in your case, you could not disprove it, unless you eliminate all of existence.
Only, then-------if you existed without all of existence, I might agree with you.
Blessings, AJ

How do I have those claims? I'm an agnostic, not a strong atheist, therefore I didn't claim a thing.
What's your proof that it does? I have already explained how flawful the teleollogical argument is.
Common sense tells me that it's idiotic to think so.
I don't have to prove it, because I'm not claiming it. It's like saying to me, prove I hate my family. I don't hate my family, so how can I prove that?

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
First you put [quote] in front of whatever you want to quote. Then you put [/quote] at the end of whatever you want to quote. Then you can make a direct comment based on that quote.

This will ensure that people have some clue as to what you are trying to respond to. Please repost your last response using this method.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
How do I have those claims? I'm an agnostic, not a strong atheist, therefore I didn't claim a thing.
What's your proof that it does? I have already explained how flawful the teleollogical argument is.
Common sense tells me that it's idiotic to think so.
I don't have to prove it, because I'm not claiming it. It's like saying to me, prove I hate my family. I don't hate my family, so how can I prove that?

Your question starting with "What proof"....is challenging the direct opposite of what you propose proof that God exists.
If you are so confident that God does not exist....then why ask? Unless.....deep down there is doubt?

As a believer, I never ask for proof that God does not exist because I know He does.
So it goes....presenting God as an inner force within each individual as individual entities is a free gift, waiting to be acknowledged.

Which then, proof is within, and when acknowledged, shines without.

The 23th Psalm states : Psa 23:1 (A psalm by David.) You, LORD, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.

Meaning, this world cannot provide... but He can.Blessings, AJ

Curious George

Veteran Member
Post 12 how many times do I have to admit that I phrased it wrong? And again, nit picking. Yes he exists in people's imaginations and such, I'm talking about whether he exists outside of that realm.

All this time I thought you were acknowledging being wrong to Sir Doom, for he is the one who presented that argument. Actually, my argument as I said before is a combination of the transcendental argument and Plato's Forms to create an argument that a consciousness existed before the universe. That, my friend, is an argument for the existence of God. This is that for which you requested. I didn't give you the traditional Transcendental argument because you could Google lines of defense to that. Had you, I imagine you would have come back with some claim whose logical validity existed in a true dichotomy with my claim- Thus, rendering both our claims invalid by contradiction. Instead, I gave a varied form for which I believe you will only be able to generate an argument against with much thought.

Ironically, you have managed to attack some pretty talented and intelligent thinkers who probably would have been able to write some sound argument against my claim in their sleep. But, because of your behavior, I am guessing none will come to your aid. A fact which I find enjoyable, because if knowledge is what you seek, easy answers would not benefit you. So- again- post number 12. It is not an imaginary God. It is an argument for a real entity.

It is invalid if they can lie. To believe what they say you would have to rely on trust. If I said that Jesus came and beat up my little brother that would be invalid unless I could provide evidence for it, because I could be lying.
I think it could be just the same otherwise or as both. I don't see how that is an attack on his character. it could be, but it could also be the genuine truth, I highly doubt you would believe me if I said that the Buddha came to my house for a cup of tea would you?

Just try to listen instead of getting defensive. I am not attacking you. I have made more mistakes that many. I have jumped to many conclusions. I am assuming that either I failed to fully convey my thought or you misunderstood what I was saying.

Since he was speaking from perspective he was not making an argument. He was stating a perspective. The difference between an argument and a perspective is the type of claim that one makes. Generally, if I make a claim that is testable by logic then it is an argument, If I make a claim that is not testable by logic it is a perspective.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Hello! Proof of God? Ah... yes. I believe you have already disqualified yourself from any proof or certitude. I reckon that when you added the request that only strong debaters etc should attempt to reply to you, all the greatest mystics, messengers, prophets and other servants of the Creator(s) who might have replied immediately felt unable to........ because they are all so humble that they knew they were not worthy. Your answers lay awaiting in the simplest places, and yet also in the works of the greatest professors, many who deny Gods whilst being some of Gods' most important instruments...... watch Stephen Hawkings films about the creation of our little universe (he is an atheist?) and then wonder at the immensity and power of the Creator(s), and you too might feel humbled at our tiny existence. The first shall be last, last shall be first, etc. Can I suggest that you start out by wondering about how vast quantities of matter and anti-matter are known to have neutralised themselves at our creation, but that there was just a tiny bit more matter left over to produce our small universe? If you think about that tiny genesis of this tiny realm you may begin to get a feeling of the terrifying might of the Gods..... and stop worrying about yourself and your request/search for proof (one way or the other). If you firstly get (spiritually) frightened then you secondly could see things differently. I don't think that our God(s) care one way or the other whether you believe or not, because like Stephen Hawking, you are one of their tiny instruments, just the same as all of us. I'm sorry..... I should not have replied....... unworthy....... All the best, oldbadger