Flat Earth Kyle
Well-Known Member
no it's not it's about the secrecy....
why was god so secretive about this girls horrific ordeal? why didn't he put it into someone's head that a girl was locked up for 25 yrs with her children...
your dilemma is that these things happen and god doesn't care, he just stands there, indifferent as he is, and watches how it all plays out...and it's pretty convenient when you say, all things are a part of his plan....
a double standard no less, especially when he gets you prime parking space at costco...
I actually have a lot I would love to say about Why God allows suffering, but just so I don't completely take over this thread I'll make the question more specific and start a thread "Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering"
It seems a bunch of people have been wondering the same thing
I think you'll like it, it discusses the following
"It appears there are several reasons why suffering occurs:
1. God causes it.
2. An individual brings it on himself.
3. Someone intentionally causes another person to suffer.
4. Human error may unintentionally cause suffering.
5. An act of nature precipitates the damage, injury, or death.
6. A mechanical malfunction causes an accident."