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What the world needs now is peace: all wars must stop


Veteran Member
This article says they were contracted. You know...mercenaries?

Yes, as in: not volunteers.
As in: hired for money.

And that's just one part of it.
There's also the draft in context of the mobilization of 300.000
For which many have fled the country.

But you like to ignore those off course. Just like you ignore the full pardoning of the worst kind of criminals in prison in return of having them walk into the meat grinder in Ukraine.

Here, since you like the moscow times so much

Yes. Especially those who have the Napoleonic system, where freedom of thought is sacred. And censorship is repudiated.
Can you stick to a topic for once?
Your "what-about-ism" is the most extreme we can find on this forum. And that's saying something.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Can you stick to a topic for once?
Your "what-about-ism" is the most extreme we can find on this forum. And that's saying something.
You're as European as me...right?
Whataboutism is the most laughable and ridiculous argument I have heard in my life.
Because the story of my country is daughter of the French Revolution.
égalité de tous les citoyens devant la la loi. PAS DEUX POIDS ET DEUX MéSURES.

So...please ...spare me the usual Americanisms.


Veteran Member
You're as European as me...right?
Whataboutism is the most laughable and ridiculous argument I have heard in my life.

It is indeed very laughable and ridiculous.
I suggest you stop engaging in it.

Because the story of my country is daughter of the French Revolution.
égalité de tous les citoyens devant la la loi. PAS DEUX POIDS ET DEUX MéSURES.
So...please ...spare me the usual Americanisms.
The topic is Russia.

Here is another article from your moscow times source



Veteran Member
This article says they were contracted. You know...mercenaries?

Here are a few other articles from the same source

You may start ignoring them all now, or come back with some pathetic what-about-ism "argument", or suddenly call the source as "corrupt" or "untrustworthy" even though you yourself quoted it before when you felt like it supported your nonsense,...
As long as you don't acknowledge your ignorance / mistakes / lies concerning this topic you posted earlier, right?

God / Putin forbid that you actually engage in self-reflection and some honest self-evaluation for a change.
Quick, change the topic!

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Here are a few other articles from the same source

You may start ignoring them all now, or come back with some pathetic what-about-ism "argument", or suddenly call the source as "corrupt" or "untrustworthy" even though you yourself quoted it before when you felt like it supported your nonsense,...
As long as you don't acknowledge your ignorance / mistakes / lies concerning this topic you posted earlier, right?

God / Putin forbid that you actually engage in self-reflection and some honest self-evaluation for a change.
Quick, change the topic!
You could have posted them when I asked you for the source.
Yes, you're right.
Russians should do anything to seek peace, because too many soldiers are dying on both sides.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
God / Putin forbid that you actually engage in self-reflection and some honest self-evaluation for a change.
Quick, change the topic!
The topic here is peace?
The technocratic élites in Brussels want to promote the escalation of the war? Into a world war?

It would be great for us. Because we nationalists just need a snap of singer and all EU countries will know revolts, protests, strikes and even armies will protest. The EU will be undone after 5 seconds.

Is that what you want? ;)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
You're as European as me...right?
Whataboutism is the most laughable and ridiculous argument I have heard in my life.
Because the story of my country is daughter of the French Revolution.
égalité de tous les citoyens devant la la loi. PAS DEUX POIDS ET DEUX MéSURES.

So...please ...spare me the usual Americanisms.

Some people claim that whataboutism is a "deflection," but that would only be true if it's in the context of a court case with a specific accusation against a specific defendant. In an open discussion where topics can fluctuate, it's different.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Some people claim that whataboutism is a "deflection," but that would only be true if it's in the context of a court case with a specific accusation against a specific defendant. In an open discussion where topics can fluctuate, it's different.
Whataboutism was an expedient invented by the so called doublestandardists (as we call them here).
Those who apply two different standards.
Example: a person thinks that a specific country is superior to all others, so it can do X.
Another country cannot do X, because to that country it applies a different standard (the standard of inferior country).

So through accusing someone of whataboutism they basically stop them from denouncing the double standards.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Whataboutism was an expedient invented by the so called doublestandardists (as we call them here).
Those who apply two different standards.
Example: a person thinks that a specific country is superior to all others, so it can do X.
Another country cannot do X, because to that country it applies a different standard (the standard of inferior country).

So through accusing someone of whataboutism they basically stop them from denouncing the double standards.

An interesting thing about Whataboutism is where it first came from (Whataboutism - Wikipedia).

According to lexicographer Ben Zimmer,[13] the term originated in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. Zimmer cites a 1974 letter by history teacher Sean O'Conaill which was published in The Irish Times where he complained about "the Whatabouts", people who defended the IRA by pointing out supposed wrongdoings of their enemy:

It's interesting that they accuse the Irish, who were only trying to fight for their land against their oppressors.

It's like someone saying "Nat Turner was a terrorist and a murderer!"
Then someone might respond, "But he was a slave, rising up against a cruel master and fighting for his freedom!"

In other words, it doesn't matter what was done to Nat Turner or his people. All that matters is that he killed white people, as if that's the only issue of importance - and anything that diverts from that is branded "whataboutism."

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
An interesting thing about Whataboutism is where it first came from (Whataboutism - Wikipedia).

It's interesting that they accuse the Irish, who were only trying to fight for their land against their oppressors.

It's like someone saying "Nat Turner was a terrorist and a murderer!"
Then someone might respond, "But he was a slave, rising up against a cruel master and fighting for his freedom!"

In other words, it doesn't matter what was done to Nat Turner or his people. All that matters is that he killed white people, as if that's the only issue of importance - and anything that diverts from that is branded "whataboutism."
But you didn't say your take on calling for whataboutism during a debate.

In my country such a word doesn't even exist. Doublestandardism is used 24/7, au contraire. Especially in politics.

The most grotesque (and disgusting) case was from a celebrity that in a TV show called two colleagues making up in the studio "unprofessional and cheeky", whereas paparazzi showed pics of him doing the exact same thing in another studio.

So yes...I believe hypocrites invented whataboutism.


Veteran Member
The topic here is peace?

No, the topic of this particular conversation was Russia.

The technocratic élites in Brussels want to promote the escalation of the war? Into a world war?


It would be great for us. Because we nationalists just need a snap of singer and all EU countries will know revolts, protests, strikes and even armies will protest. The EU will be undone after 5 seconds.

Is that what you want? ;)
Again: you do seem to live on a different planet.


Veteran Member
Some people claim that whataboutism is a "deflection," but that would only be true if it's in the context of a court case with a specific accusation against a specific defendant. In an open discussion where topics can fluctuate, it's different.
It is not.

Every time she is cornered, she changes the topic and tries to deflect with an idiotic "what-about-ism" "argument".
I am by far not the only one who has noticed it.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
It is not.

Every time she is cornered, she changes the topic and tries to deflect with an idiotic "what-about-ism" "argument".
I am by far not the only one who has noticed it.
You should read The banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt.

It describes the European Union ideology. ;)


Veteran Member
Whataboutism was an expedient invented by the so called doublestandardists (as we call them here).
Those who apply two different standards.
Example: a person thinks that a specific country is superior to all others, so it can do X.
Another country cannot do X, because to that country it applies a different standard (the standard of inferior country).

So through accusing someone of whataboutism they basically stop them from denouncing the double standards.
Utterly false.

You brought up NATO intervention in Kosovo as a supposed example of "double standards". I explained to you how there are no double standards there at all because the NATO-led intervention was actually a UN-mandated mission to implement a UN Security Council resolution against the war crimes of the regime of Milosevic.

If anything, if you wish to compare Putin's invasion of Ukraine to the Kosovo war, then Putin plays the role of Milosevic. He even also has been accused by the international court of human rights.

There is no double standard here. There is only a false equivalence on your part.
A false equivalence you will never admit to.

And even though this has been explained to you countless times, you STILL bring this falsehood up. And you do it as a form of "what-about-ism". As in: as a defense of Russia's behavior in Ukraine, you say "what about NATO in Kosovo" - as if that excuses what Russia is doing in Ukraine.

Even IF NATO in Kosovo was a war of aggression, then STILL it wouldn't excuse what Russia is doing in Ukraine.
This is pure what-about-ism. It's simply saying "well, other people do bad things to!" as if that somehow makes it okay for Putin to do bad things.

In fact, if anything, it shows that deep down you KNOW that what Russia is doing is wrong as by engaging in such what-about-ism you are in fact acknowledging that you know they are wrong.

The fact that your what-about-ism argument is in fact also a falsehood which completely misrepresents what actually transpired in Kosovo, makes it just even worse.

It's absolutely disgusting on your part.

And yes, I take personal issue with your misrepresentations of the Kosovo war because my dad was actually born there.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Speaking of whataboutism, I called out an entire thread of whataboutism and got zero responses. Apparently it's OK for some people to do it but not others.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
People pursue Peace yet have never found it. That is because you can't have Peace without Justice. "Justice, Justice shall you pursue" Deuteronomy 16:20

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
People pursue Peace yet have never found it. That is because you can't have Peace without Justice. "Justice, Justice shall you pursue" Deuteronomy 16:20
But God also told us:
"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
Romans, 12:19

And also:
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew, 5;9