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What was last movie you watched?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I saw Jupiter Ascending in IMAX 3D (you know, the fake IMAX on the smaller screen) on Saturday. I thought it was fantastic. I have no idea why the critics hate it so much. The visual effects were superb, the story was good, the scenes of space were beautiful, the costumes were good, etc. I also have that movie to thank for making me realize how pretty Mila Kunis is. ;) Can't wait for the Blu-ray (really, @Thorbjorn, only the DVD? Tsk tsk).
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Veteran Member
Step in Liquid. It is a documentary in made in 2003 that goes to various parts of the world including, odd sounding places like Ireland and Vietnam. It covers people who are famous in the surfing world like Kelly Slater Gerry Lopez and Laird Hamilton.

Some of the highlights I from the documentary. One of the surfers was a Vietnam vet who went back to Da Nang, where he surfed for one day as a solider. He returns 30 years later and surfs with the local surf club with his son.

A group of guys in the Gulf of Mexico go deep into the gulf and surf waves created by tankers in the gulf.

3 Irish-American's go back to Ireland and create a surf club for a short while (maybe a month?) that brings people from both parts of Ireland together to share a common interest.

At the end of the documentary a group of surfers take a ship miles out to see to catch really large waves. One of the waves is predicted by the group to be roughly 60 feet tall.

A quote that shows up on the screen on the movie but is not talked about says "Surfing isn't about life and death. It is more important than that." (I could have gotten a couple of the words wrong but I think quote pretty close).

Step Into Liquid - The Legendary Surf Documentary


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"Me And Earl And the Dying Girl" I found it much better than the usual tedious "alternative cinema" sludge from Sundance. I recommend it when it's out for general release.


Well-Known Member
Last movies I've watched were the 2009 Star Trek(which I've seen twice) and Source Code.

I saw Jupiter Ascending.
It looks great, I really loved the trailer. I get the feeling of Dune and Matrix in the same package so I might go watch this one. It would be the first one I've seen in a theater since the last two Star Wars movies... I'm really a sucker for Sci-fi-flicks like this!


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I saw Jupiter Ascending in IMAX 3D (you know, the fake IMAX on the smaller screen) on Saturday. I thought it was fantastic. I have no idea why the critics hate it so much. The visual effects were superb, the story was good, the scenes of space were beautiful, the costumes were good, etc. I also have that movie to thank for making me realize how pretty Mila Kunis is. ;) Can't wait for the Blu-ray (really, @Thorbjorn, only the DVD? Tsk tsk).

No Blu-ray. Hey, I only just got an iPhone 4 three years ago. I don't even know how to use my dvr. I'm still in the 2000s. :p

Critics are idiots. They need to pull the broomsticks out from up their jacksies and realize these are fantasy movies. They're to be taken with a heaping helping of 'suspension of disbelief'. I mean, a wolf-human genetic splice who wears anti-grav boots, air surfs in them and
has wings
... Really? It works for me as a sci-fi and fantasy buff. Channing Tatum, Kellan Lutz and Charlie Hunnam have gotten trashed for some of their performances, along with a few other of the young new actors. Maybe I'm biased because of ECS... Eye Candy Syndrome. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Dracula: Untold. It should be called "Dracula: I Wish I Could Unwatch this Rubbish." The names of Vlad and Mehmed are about the only historical accuracies, the acting is just terrible, the story could have been good but they ruined it, and it was just too cliche in how it went about doing everything with nothing strongly redeeming (like how Avatar had a very beautiful world created for the story) to make it worth watching.


Jesus in me
Into the Woods. My daughter played Jack's motherin her high school play and I have seen a telvised version of the play but I was interested in seeing what Hollywood would do. I would call it enjoyable but the high school play vamped up the testosterone of the Princes which the movie lacked. Maybe because high school boys are filled with it, lol.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Last movies I've watched were the 2009 Star Trek(which I've seen twice) and Source Code.

Great picks. :)

It looks great, I really loved the trailer. I get the feeling of Dune and Matrix in the same package so I might go watch this one. It would be the first one I've seen in a theater since the last two Star Wars movies... I'm really a sucker for Sci-fi-flicks like this!

I'm sure you'll love it! It's written and directed by the directors and writers of the Matrix trilogy, so there you go. I've noticed that, since the Matrix sequels, the Wachowskis tend to get a lot of flack from critics due to their storylines. I don't think this is deserved. I think the critics are just stupid. The critics will probably rave over garbage like Fifty Shades of Grey, which I'm sure will be a blockbuster for some disgusting reason.

No Blu-ray. Hey, I only just got an iPhone 4 three years ago. I don't even know how to use my dvr. I'm still in the 2000s. :p

Well, I don't even have a phone of my own. My mom and I share a crappy Obama phone that doesn't even have voice mail. So you're a lot more advanced than I am in some ways. :p

Critics are idiots. They need to pull the broomsticks out from up their jacksies and realize these are fantasy movies. They're to be taken with a heaping helping of 'suspension of disbelief'. I mean, a wolf-human genetic splice who wears anti-grav boots, air surfs in them and
has wings
... Really? It works for me as a sci-fi and fantasy buff. Channing Tatum, Kellan Lutz and Charlie Hunnam have gotten trashed for some of their performances, along with a few other of the young new actors. Maybe I'm biased because of ECS... Eye Candy Syndrome. :D

I'm with you on that. I love those types of movies. I have been waiting for Jupiter Ascendant since it was first announced, about 2 years ago. I was not disappointed.

As for me, I got a double dose of eye candy from Channing and Mila. :D

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Last movies I've watched were the 2009 Star Trek(which I've seen twice) and Source Code.

Great picks. :)

It looks great, I really loved the trailer. I get the feeling of Dune and Matrix in the same package so I might go watch this one. It would be the first one I've seen in a theater since the last two Star Wars movies... I'm really a sucker for Sci-fi-flicks like this!

I'm sure you'll love it! It's written and directed by the directors and writers of the Matrix trilogy, so there you go. I've noticed that, since the Matrix sequels, the Wachowskis tend to get a lot of flack from critics due to their storylines. I don't think this is deserved. I think the critics are just stupid. The critics will probably rave over garbage like Fifty Shades of Grey, which I'm sure will be a blockbuster for some disgusting reason.

No Blu-ray. Hey, I only just got an iPhone 4 three years ago. I don't even know how to use my dvr. I'm still in the 2000s. :p

Well, I don't even have a phone of my own. My mom and I share a crappy Obama phone that doesn't even have voice mail. So you're a lot more advanced than I am in some ways. :p

Critics are idiots. They need to pull the broomsticks out from up their jacksies and realize these are fantasy movies. They're to be taken with a heaping helping of 'suspension of disbelief'. I mean, a wolf-human genetic splice who wears anti-grav boots, air surfs in them and
has wings
... Really? It works for me as a sci-fi and fantasy buff. Channing Tatum, Kellan Lutz and Charlie Hunnam have gotten trashed for some of their performances, along with a few other of the young new actors. Maybe I'm biased because of ECS... Eye Candy Syndrome. :D

I'm with you on that. I love those types of movies. I have been waiting for Jupiter Ascendant since it was first announced, about 2 years ago. I was not disappointed.

As for me, I got a double dose of eye candy from Channing and Mila. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm sure you'll love it! It's written and directed by the directors and writers of the Matrix trilogy, so there you go. I've noticed that, since the Matrix sequels, the Wachowskis tend to get a lot of flack from critics due to their storylines. I don't think this is deserved. I think the critics are just stupid. The critics will probably rave over garbage like Fifty Shades of Grey, which I'm sure will be a blockbuster for some disgusting reason.
I did not know it was a Wachowski brothers movie. That movie gift card I got for Christmas may just be used after all.
I also agree the critics are a bunch of dummies. All three Matrix movies were a modern day glorious orgy of philosophy, religion, and everything else that makes me proud to declare I am a thinker and a philosopher. Those who praise the first and condemn the second and third, I have concluded, are only in it for the action, and barely even that (I thought the action got better as the movies went along, and concluded with a glorious "AAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" from the one commander/general guy who just, oh my god, he really commanded the very essence of the human spirit as he went on fighting until his very last ounce of strength was spent, and even then he went on to pass the flames of Olympus to another. And of course who is to say if it really ended or not in the end. It was all beautiful and pretty, but as anyone who has read Nietzsche or knows anything about Buddhism knows, that is probably not the end.
Simply put, the critics are not scholars of religion or philosophers, or I am certain they would have been wildly amused and entertained throughout all four Matrix features.
But, I also see the movies as what the Wachowski brothers set out to make, which is a live action anime. They could not have done any better at accomplishing this.
I also absolutely LOVE V for Vendetta, and I consider it one of the greatest social/political philosophy movies ever made.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I did not know it was a Wachowski brothers movie. That movie gift card I got for Christmas may just be used after all.
I also agree the critics are a bunch of dummies. All three Matrix movies were a modern day glorious orgy of philosophy, religion, and everything else that makes me proud to declare I am a thinker and a philosopher. Those who praise the first and condemn the second and third, I have concluded, are only in it for the action, and barely even that (I thought the action got better as the movies went along, and concluded with a glorious "AAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" from the one commander/general guy who just, oh my god, he really commanded the very essence of the human spirit as he went on fighting until his very last ounce of strength was spent, and even then he went on to pass the flames of Olympus to another. And of course who is to say if it really ended or not in the end. It was all beautiful and pretty, but as anyone who has read Nietzsche or knows anything about Buddhism knows, that is probably not the end.
Simply put, the critics are not scholars of religion or philosophers, or I am certain they would have been wildly amused and entertained throughout all four Matrix features.
But, I also see the movies as what the Wachowski brothers set out to make, which is a live action anime. They could not have done any better at accomplishing this.
I also absolutely LOVE V for Vendetta, and I consider it one of the greatest social/political philosophy movies ever made.

Brilliant post. You're so right. I think the Matrix films are some of the greatest movies ever made. Even after seeing them for dozens or hundreds of times, you never stop finding a new element that gives you food for thought. They are highly knowledgeable about symbolism. I wonder where they learned all that from. ;)

By the way, it's no longer the Wachowski "brothers". Lana (formerly "Larry") finally came out as a trans woman a few years ago. It really wasn't a secret, but she was trying to transition with her privacy. So now they're billed as just "the Wachowskis" or sometimes they're called "the Wachowski siblings".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
By the way, it's no longer the Wachowski "brothers". Lana (formerly "Larry") finally came out as a trans woman a few years ago. It really wasn't a secret, but she was trying to transition with her privacy. So now they're billed as just "the Wachowskis" or sometimes they're called "the Wachowski siblings".
I read that years ago (I was still learning about myself and still struggling, so it's been awhile), and I've also read it was just a rumor and he is still Larry. I do know, however, that I did check whichever movie it was they made after I first heard that (V for Vendetta I think) and the credits still read Larry.


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
Meh. My friend and I had fun with it, if only to nitpick the hell out of it's plot, but I really doubt I'll watch it again.

I give it a 2.5/5


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I read that years ago (I was still learning about myself and still struggling, so it's been awhile), and I've also read it was just a rumor and he is still Larry. I do know, however, that I did check whichever movie it was they made after I first heard that (V for Vendetta I think) and the credits still read Larry.

She only went completely public with it in 2012.

The Wachowskis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
She only went completely public with it in 2012.

The Wachowskis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I found this on Wiki.
The Wachowskis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rumors that Lana Wachowski was transitioning spread in the early 2000s, though neither sibling spoke directly on the subject at the time.[79] In 2003 Gothamist.com mentioned the possible gender reassignment and suggested that "the Matrix films could be read with a sadomasochistic subtext with the news of Larry's companionship with a dominatrix".[80] Though the Wachowskis remained silent, sources close to them denied the rumors. In a 2007 interview Joel Silver, the producer of numerous Wachowski films, stated that the rumors concerning the gender reassignment surgery were "all untrue", further explaining, "they just don't do interviews, so people make things up." Similar statements were made to Fox News by crew members working on the Speed Racer film, with one employee pointing out, "on the call sheets, it still says Larry."[81]

According to
Rovi, Larry, now known as Lana, completed the transition after Speed Racer's release in 2008.[82] The Hollywood Reporter and the New York Times have referred to the Wachowskis as "Andy and Lana (formerly Larry) Wachowski",[1][83] and Deadline.com has referred to the duo as "Andy and Lana Wachowski."[84] On some documents she appears as Laurenca Wachowski.[11][79][85] In July 2012, Lana made her first public appearance after transitioning, in a video discussing the creative process behind Cloud Atlas.[86] Lana is the first major Hollywood director to come out as transgender.[87]

I watched Jupiter Ascending last night. For the Wachowski's, I was kinda disappointed. It didn't have the full-course buffet of philosophy like the Matrix, and it didn't have the exuberant theatrics of a freedom fighter anarchist. I thought the bird-looking space ships were really cool though. The movie itself though just didn't feed my brain the way I was hoping it would.