Yep and by their healings, raising the dead, moving mountains. If Christians cant demonstrate what Jesus told them to do, then they aint Christians.
Aw com'on woonie. Cut us mere imperfect humans a little slack for being imperfect humans.
I wasn't born perfect nor am I bullet proof.
I can't make a multitude of fishes from a few, hell I can't even catch enough for supper!
Do you really believe a TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST can move a mountain or heal
a leper? Do you not think that if followers of Christ could do such miraculous things that
they would not?
And without Obama care or Blue Cross insurance.
Once again (and again and again and again) you vent your negative, insulting, opinions
about "true Christians" without one bit of support for yet another baseless opinion.
Show us mere mortals Christians how to heal a leper and we'll do it.
Show us some scripture where Jesus commands that we Christians are even supposed to
do these things.
Give some support to your cold, brutal assessments of us Christians who fail so miserably
to become more Christ like.