I would add that this quote also tells you that Baha'i are part of that process, that none of us is more worthy than another. What sets us apart are our actions that promote a greater unity, a unity of all mankind;
".. In such a process of purgation, when all humanity is in the throes of dire suffering, the Bahá’ís should not hope to remain unaffected. Should we consider the beam that is in our own eye, we would immediately find that these sufferings are also meant for ourselves, who claimed to have attained. Such world crisis is necessary to awaken us to the importance of our duty and the carrying on of our task.... "
Thus it is all our own choices. Who do we think knows what is best for us? Can we individually control the fate of humanity, or is a collective effort required? If collective, what will guide that movement?
Regards Tony
I separate what Baha'is think from what humanity thinks, whereas in Baha'ithink, there seems to be a ton of overlap.
"All of humanity is in the throes of dire suffering?" Really? Life looks pretty good from here, Tony. The future looks good to me as well. But then I'm an optimist. Part of my faith, and just another paradigm difference.