I think if we looked at the world unbiased by any particular religious belief, then it seems to be the case (for me at least) that few religions seem to be inclined to give up what they have (rather seeking to gain more converts) and that neither is it likely that atheists or agnostics will convert to some kind of religious belief, no matter what others do.
I think if we are truly unbiased, we would not have discounted Faith as a viable path in understanding the basic spiritual concepts of Morality.
By thinking science, or anything in this material world, can fulfil our spiritual needs, is far from being unbiased and will never bring peace to the world. In fact in times of disaster, it is Faith based actions that compel us to work together as one humanity. We are strange creatures, because after we help each other in disaster, we go back to the science of killing each other, instead of the science of healing.
The fact that a world without Faith can not bring peace, then to me, it is becoming obvious that a harmony between faith and science must be found.
The immediate future will be great turmoil as that balance is found.
Also, it seems to be that it is those who don't have any religious beliefs who are the ones trying to gain equality and freedoms for all - as in LGBTQ matters, female and child rights, freedom of speech, etc. - and who are pointing out the concrete things we can do to make life better on this planet - for us, other life, and the environment - and where the moral issues are mostly solved (and obvious), but where the religions are the ones fighting over this particular battle ground.
I see the fight is with one's own self, as we have a choice that either God does offer us a way, or does not. If there is no God, maybe science will offer a solution for a lasting peace, but do not hold your breath in that one. If there is a God, then the path has already been given, as God never leaves us without guidance.
Mostly I see non structures civil right movements as putting on band aid solutions, that do not offer long term solutions or a vision. Mostly they are based in an unbridled self based liberty and liberty is dangerous if not controlled.
"It is incumbent upon them who are in authority to exercise moderation in all things. Whatsoever passeth beyond the limits of moderation will cease to exert a beneficial influence. Consider for instance such things as liberty, civilization and the like. However much men of understanding may favourably regard them, they will, if carried to excess, exercise a pernicious influence upon men." –
Tablets of Baha’u’llah, p. 169.
I see faith gives a long term goal and to me, in this day, it is Baha'u'llah that has offered a way and means to obtain a universal lasting peace. That path lays in submission to God's Laws and many do not like submission.
Why aren't the religions pointing out our destructive, but often unthinking, behaviour that is producing the harms rather than sermonising about the peripheral issues? That is what I tend to see - that religions just aren't dealing with the important issues and mostly are keeping us from moving forward.
I see God has told us what are our destructive actions are and given us the solutions to overcome those actions.
All around the world being offered right now are community building programs based in virtues, morals and service to each other.
Predudices, Equality of women, Poverty, Disunity and Materialistic tenancies are some of the important issues being addressed at community level, what else do you see needs to be addressed?
Regards Tony