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What's God's Big Problem with Homosexuality?

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
I never enjoyed gay sex. I don't know why I did it. I've been with 42 women, many of them relationships all the way from prostitutes to shack ups and even a common law. But also 13 guys, all one time encounters. And 3 transgenders, all three relationships.

I am warning not from the Bible, but from experience, homosexuality is an abomination. Those numbers might be symbolic, but they are also literal.

I don't know if I'll ever find another woman. And I know I don't want a man or transgender.

There is no rational reason why two men should not marry, except God said so. I should have taken it on faith.

So, apparently if your father doesn't enjoy sex with your mother, heterosexuality is abominable.
People didnt like African Americans once, so I guess their view was true as well..
Or you are simply really drunk.


Active Member
You really need to pick a team, you either hate gays or you don't.

First two men (biological sex as male) is wrong, immoral and whatnot...
Then suddenly when it comes to exonerating Jesus from homosexuality, adultery and pedophilia(since Israelites involved men, married women and children), suddenly you see sex from.a psychological perspective ?

You are either unsure of what you want to persecute or you are passing the time with pick and choose as long as you can hate gay men that is.
Why do I need to pick teams? Why do I have to persecute anyone?


I never enjoyed gay sex. I don't know why I did it. I've been with 42 women, many of them relationships all the way from prostitutes to shack ups and even a common law. But also 13 guys, all one time encounters. And 3 transgenders, all three relationships.

I am warning not from the Bible, but from experience, homosexuality is an abomination. Those numbers might be symbolic, but they are also literal.

I don't know if I'll ever find another woman. And I know I don't want a man or transgender.

There is no rational reason why two men should not marry, except God said so. I should have taken it on faith.

Homosexuality is NOT an abomination.

People within the group, - just like in any other, - can be idiots.


Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
I never enjoyed gay sex. I don't know why I did it. I've been with 42 women, many of them relationships all the way from prostitutes to shack ups and even a common law. But also 13 guys, all one time encounters. And 3 transgenders, all three relationships.

I am warning not from the Bible, but from experience, homosexuality is an abomination. Those numbers might be symbolic, but they are also literal.

I don't know if I'll ever find another woman. And I know I don't want a man or transgender.

There is no rational reason why two men should not marry, except God said so. I should have taken it on faith.

We are not responsible for your personal frustration.
There are 30 times more straight men who have raped women... So, I might as well, start with the straight men in your family since all are the same.
It's of no consequence to me if you are sad, angry or dead... What bothers me is when you put your personal issues and generalize all people.
You didn't like gay sex and now it's an abomination.
Women see themselves raped by straight men, so all straight guys must be rapists and should Be hanged!

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
That doesn't make the Gay sex harmful.

You are having a societal problem because of their perceptions of Gay/Bi men.

The perception (sometimes earned) is that Bi men are good-time-Charlie's. Just out to have lots of sex with anything breathing. Obviously that is not true of most, - but it is of some, - and they give the rest a bad name.

Women have to be extra careful of Bi men as mates. If the man is actually homosexual, when he understands that, - she and the children are left crying. If the Bi man falls into the party-sex category, - he may cheat - or move on. And of course with anyone having multiple sex partners - there is always the possibility of HIV/AIDS. So the female caution is logical.

Have you tried going onto a BI dating site, and perhaps looking for a BI female that also wants to settle down in a heterosexual relationship?

Or any other dating site, - being truthful up front, - so you don't have to weed so many out?

Hey, thanks for the encouraging thoughts. I've been a good time Charlie because I haven't had enough $ to raise a family and I never wanted a woman to support me. But that is changing this year.

I don't want any gay hating woman, they will just raise bigoted children. Thanks for the advice.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
One doesn't need to reciprocate when having oral or anal sex. And that includes heterosexual and homosexual sex, across the board. Gay men traditionally have spoken of tops and bottoms. 13 times I had gay sex, and I did not reciprocate. When a male has an orgasm, a hormone is released that causes sleepiness. I didn't feel like returning any favors. I kicked them out and went to bed. Get the point? It's abominable.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Why are you making these accusations against me? What makes you say that?

And I thought I had the worst memory yet. Lol.
But someone who writes and soon forgets that homosexual men are unnatural and abnormal, then says that Jesus was a pedohile, adulterer, homosexual, incestuous man for marrying the people of Israel but later insists that sex is psychological and not biological in all cases...
So... Um.... ??

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
I had two girlfriends and 1 boyfriend last year. We all got tested for STD's. One woman is believed to have HIV, the other has Hep C for certain, I had a curable case of syphlus, and the so called "***" was clean. And none of us gave our disease to any of the rest of us. I will know for certain if I have HIV or Hep C within 3- 6 months, but ignorant people believe it can be dormant up to 7 years. Condoms are 98% effective. There is a stigma based on ignorance and lies.


Active Member
And I thought I had the worst memory yet. Lol.
But someone who writes and soon forgets that homosexual men are unnatural and abnormal, then says that Jesus was a pedohile, adulterer, homosexual, incestuous man for marrying the people of Israel but later insists that sex is psychological and not biological in all cases...
So... Um.... ??
Whoa there, I was citing what others are saying. Those are not my own opinions, at least the part about homosexual men being unnatural and abnormal. Also, your response doesn't answer my question, again I ask for the second time, why are you accusing me of not comprehending what I write?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
When a doctor heard I had sex with a homosexual, he suspected HIV. He was clean, I had syphlus, and both my girlfriend's were diseased with HIV and Hep C. The only clean one among us was the homosexual and none of us caught each other's diseases.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Moses said eating pork is an abomination. Many Christians eat pork and then condemn gay sex. Cross dressing is never mentioned in the New Testament but Moses called it an abomination. You can't pick and choose what abominations you avoid. I can crossdress and eat pork as according to the New Testament, as long as I don't have gay sex per Romans 1. I'm saying this tongue in cheek.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Transvetites are heterosexual crossdressers according to the DSMIV. Nowhere is that condemned in the New Testament. Eating pork is not condemned in the New Testament. Moses never condemned lesbianism. Christians pick and choose what abominations they permit.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Hinduism: A religion of India that emphasizes freedom from the material world through purification of desires and elimination of personal identity.

30% of me expected this answer, 65% expected an answer about Cow worship, caste and Krishna... But no.

Hinduism is a tradition more accurately called the Sanatana Dharma which has no specific roots or time.
Hinduism from the 14th century under the influence of Adi shankaracharya developed into as what it seems today with 4 theistic religions, namely Vaishnavism, Shivaism, Shaktism and Smrita religion.

However the term HINDU comes from the Aryan people living along the Indus-Saraswati river basin.
SINDU was named by the Persians who did trade with them but They pronounced it INDU
Hindu is therefore the Ayrans of the Indus valley... Later termed into Hinduism as in the collective faiths of the people of the Indus valley.
Each with very different beliefs and Gods.

In addition, Hinduism included what they called Rational schools that are atheistic and believe only empirical evidence... They only practiced Yoga and enhanced Ayurvedic medicine.
In addition there is the ancient Vedic faith that worshipped the Rig Vedic deities... And performed Yagnas by Brahmins.
There are Pantheistic and agnosticreligions or schools too.

So for the 100th time, it's a collection of religion or more likely a way of life.
as in a number of religions grouped into one.

And one of the 4 goals of Hindu life is Kama, along with Dharma, Artha and Moksha, which is fulfilling desire... So, it's not about elimination of desire.

Kshatriya and Brahmin caste had to stick with personal identities as it was crucial for their Dharma.
How is it then removing personal identities?
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Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Anecdotal evidence is significant. It only takes one exception to break a rule. "The exception that " proves" (breaks) the rule." Exceptions don"t prove rules, they break them through anecdotal evidence.

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
30% of me expected this answer, 65% expected an answer about Cow worship, caste and Krishna... But no.

Hinduism is a tradition more accurately called the Sanatana Dharma which has no specific roots or time.
Hinduism from the 14th century under the influence of Adi shankaracharya developed into as what it seems today with 4 theistic religions, namely Vaishnavism, Shivaism, Shaktism and Smrita religion.

However the term HINDU comes from the Aryan people living along the Indus-Saraswati river basin.
SINDU was named by the Persians who did trade with them but They pronounced it INDU
Hindu is therefore the Ayrans of the Indus valley... Later termed into Hinduism as in the collective faiths of the people of the Indus valley.
Each with very different beliefs and Gods.

In addition, Hinduism included what they called Rational schools that are atheistic and believe only empirical evidence... They only practiced Yoga and enhanced Ayurvedic medicine.
In addition there is the ancient Vedic faith that worshipped the Rig Vedic deities... And performed Yagnas by Brahmins.
There are Pantheistic and agnosticreligions or schools too.

So for the 100th time, it's a collection of religion or more likely a way of life.
as in a number of religions grouped into one.

And one of the 4 goals of Hindu life is Kama, along with Dharma, Artha and Moksha, which is fulfilling desire... So, it's not about elimination of desire.

Kshatriya and Brahmin caste had to stick with personal identities as it was crucial for their Dharma.
How is it then removing personal identities?

Removing personal identities is like saying surpressing the ego.