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What's God's Big Problem with Homosexuality?

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Looking at web sites that purport to list all the biblical references to homosexuality it's obvious that many are padding their list. Guess they feel that quantity = truth. In any case, I came away with the following pieces of scripture that can be pretty well construed to condemn homosexuality. God wants us to know that . . .

Leviticus 18:22
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

Leviticus 20:13
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Romans 1:26-27
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

First Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God​

So god's message here is that homosexual acts are "abominations" and "vile affections" and that anyone guilty of preforming them will be "put to death," and "shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Pretty stiff penalty for doing something that doesn't harm to anyone. But then god is the guy in charge and gets to call whatever shots he wants. Want to make eating boiled turnips a sin? God has the power to do just that. And he doesn't need to explain himself. However, it would make one wonder just what's so bad about eating a boiled turnip that god would deem it a sin. As it stands, lacking any such reason, it comes across as pretty irrational.

But as I say, obviously god doesn't feel he needs to explain any of his actions, and often doesn't. All the believer is obligated to do is adhere to his dictates. However, as an exercise in common sense, what might his reason be for condemning homosexual acts? Keep in mind that we now know that homosexuality is not a chosen sexual orientation, as in, "I think I'll be a homosexual rather than a heterosexual." And although there's no scientific consensus as to its cause, the reasons pretty much dove tail into the following. . .

"a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences."
(American Academy of Pediatrics )

"a possible biological, psychological, or social effects."
(American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association)

"a combination of biological and postnatal environmental factors."
(Royal College of Psychiatrists)
Now, if we know this to be true, then god did/does as well. YET, recognizing its unbidden, psychological imposition on the homosexual, god still finds that caving into its demands is worthy of damnation---something I see as irrational as condemning boiled turnips. To be heterosexual is a fortuitous indeed. So, taking all this into consideration, what do you think might be behind god's reason for hating homosexual acts so much, considering them to be abominations and vile affections?

God condemns homosexual acts because ______________________fill in the blank____________________ .​

And, yes, I do know that no one is suppose to be able to fathom god's ways, but give it your best fallible, human shot anyway.


The problem is that you have a problem with the authority of God.

God created men and women.

God set the rules.

You object.



Jesus in me
I have no hope of anyone posting anything other than a possible reason why god condemns homosexual acts. Any "chiming in" would be no more than this. That you see my conclusion that god's condemnation of homosexuals is irrational as snarky and condescending is kind of odd. Of course, if this isn't the snarky and condescension you're talking about, feel free to point out what is. Or not.

Interesting that I come across this way, because that's not what I'm looking for at all. Care to disclose just what I've said that gives you this impression?


I believe originating the thread does not exclude you from the right to express your opinion. I do believe God has a tendency to not bother explaining things. He figures He is the authority and knows everything so we should just accept that He does.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
I believe originating the thread does not exclude you from the right to express your opinion. I do believe God has a tendency to not bother explaining things. He figures He is the authority and knows everything so we should just accept that He does.

That's pretty much what He told Job. In the end God is always right and men are always wrong when we don't agree with Him.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
So you think part of the universe is made of churned butter.....

Atheistic =/= Scientific

I've yet to meet a God believing Hindu who thinks that. Lol.

Whatever impact of literal translation Christianity had on western intellect for 1500 years, the same isn't the case for other religions.

1. The universe is made up of Purusha and Prakriti which mainly translates to Matter and energy or Consciousness and Energy depending on the prescribed religion.

2. No scripture says that the universe is made up of churning butter or at the moment of Samudra Manthana... Only objects, poison and exilir to immortality was attained from it.
Better learn about the topics before slamming them when somewhat scientific resemblance rises up.

3. The Samudra Manthana occured in a place of oceans.... It doesn't say the universe or the multiverse was form from it, but a realm of ocean which can easily be any planet that can support a mountain that is 800,000-1,200,000 miles high.

And do Google them. :)
You can clear all doubts

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
I've yet to meet a God believing Hindu who thinks that. Lol.

Whatever impact of literal translation Christianity had on western intellect for 1500 years, the same isn't the case for other religions.

1. The universe is made up of Purusha and Prakriti which mainly translates to Matter and energy or Consciousness and Energy depending on the prescribed religion.

2. No scripture says that the universe is made up of churning butter or at the moment of Samudra Manthana... Only objects, poison and exilir to immortality was attained from it.
Better learn about the topics before slamming them when somewhat scientific resemblance rises up.

3. The Samudra Manthana occured in a place of oceans.... It doesn't say the universe or the multiverse was form from it, but a realm of ocean which can easily be any planet that can support a mountain that is 800,000-1,200,000 miles high.

And do Google them. :)
You can clear all doubts

Yeah I think YOU need to go back and read your own scriptures before trying to post about them on a forum.

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
I've yet to meet a God believing Hindu who thinks that. Lol.

Whatever impact of literal translation Christianity had on western intellect for 1500 years, the same isn't the case for other religions.

1. The universe is made up of Purusha and Prakriti which mainly translates to Matter and energy or Consciousness and Energy depending on the prescribed religion.

2. No scripture says that the universe is made up of churning butter or at the moment of Samudra Manthana... Only objects, poison and exilir to immortality was attained from it.
Better learn about the topics before slamming them when somewhat scientific resemblance rises up.

3. The Samudra Manthana occured in a place of oceans.... It doesn't say the universe or the multiverse was form from it, but a realm of ocean which can easily be any planet that can support a mountain that is 800,000-1,200,000 miles high.

And do Google them. :)
You can clear all doubts

Not even an admission of being wrong about atheism=/=science?


Jesus in me
Why did he put that stuff in Leviticus then?

I believe that is a valid question. Supposedly the Levites were held to a higher standard than the general public. However my outlook is that one should seek that level of purity just as much as one would want clean sheets and no bedbugs in a motel.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Yeah I think YOU need to go back and read your own scriptures before trying to post about them on a forum.

What scriptures exactly?
Do mention by name if you are aware of any.

And exactly what scriptures existed in Indraprastha, Hastinapura, Dwarka during the Treta yuga that exists today?
Or even Ayoddhya during Ramayana.

Hinduism =/= Christianity, Islam, monotheistic religions that was anti science for a long time.

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
What scriptures exactly?
Do mention by name if you are aware of any.

And exactly what scriptures existed in Indraprastha, Hastinapura, Dwarka during the Treta yuga that exists today?
Or even Ayoddhya during Ramayana.

Hinduism =/= Christianity, Islam, monotheistic religions that was anti science for a long time.

Islam claimed to be pro-science from the get go.

I think you need to learn more about Islam.


Jesus in me
Kind of wonder why he made homosexuals then.

I don't believe everything can be attributed to God. For instance the babies that came out deformed because of a drug (Thalidamide) the mother took. If one is looking for the cause of Homosexuality that is a whole different subject from this thread.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Yeah I think YOU need to go back and read your own scriptures before trying to post about them on a forum.

Samudra Manthana occurs in Vaishnavism and Shivaism religions... It doesn't exist in the Vedas or Kumari Purana... The birth of Durga exists in Kumara Purana and Shivaism, not much in Vaishnavism.
Religious texts aren't taken in Atheistic Hinduism.
Pre Vedic Harappan civilizations worshiped a mother deity abd the Lingam that the Vedas don't have...

Hinduism isn't the same as Abrahamic religions... IT SIMPLY ISN'T.
There is no single scripture, no single religion, belief, deity, saint, authority, etc.

It came into written form during the Vedic age and was verbally used in Pantheistic parts from where the idea of Brahman came out,BEFORE THD VEDAS.
No teachings are manipulated or changed like the new testament or the old testament.

It IS NOT an organized religion... It is a collection of religions of ancient India.
Hindu meant the Aryans who lives around the Sindhu river (now Indus) in Pakistan.

Again NO DEFINITE scripture...
Hinduism can't follow the norms of Christianity and Abrahamic faiths.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Lev 18:22 You must not have sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman; it is a detestable act.

As was already mentioned.
What part of that isn't clear?
Now as to the reality of today's social world in MY world view.
The world according to no less an authority than ME! :D
I'm no authority, that was an attempt to lighten this thread a bit.
I'm a male. I rarely think about homosexuals or homosexual acts.
To me such acts are detestable.
I'm NOT homophobic. My A.A. sponsor is openly gay and I love him dearly as he
does not want me to suffer an alcoholic death.
My significant other, Dee, loves him also.
We've had lunch and dinner with my gay friend and his significant male other.
I judge no one.
If "God" judges then that is His/Her job, not mine.
In my not qualified opinion being gay is a disorder of some kind.
I doubt there should be any attempt to "fix" this disorder.
Gay is an unnatural psychological/biological condition. Once again an unqualified
People of a different sexual orientation should be left alone to seek the peace,
companionship, and serenity we ALL seek.

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
Samudra Manthana occurs in Vaishnavism and Shivaism religions... It doesn't exist in the Vedas or Kumari Purana... The birth of Durga exists in Kumara Purana and Shivaism, not much in Vaishnavism.
Religious texts aren't taken in Atheistic Hinduism.
Pre Vedic Harappan civilizations worshiped a mother deity abd the Lingam that the Vedas don't have...

Hinduism isn't the same as Abrahamic religions... IT SIMPLY ISN'T.
There is no single scripture, no single religion, belief, deity, saint, authority, etc.

It came into written form during the Vedic age and was verbally used in Pantheistic parts from where the idea of Brahman came out,BEFORE THD VEDAS.
No teachings are manipulated or changed like the new testament or the old testament.

It IS NOT an organized religion... It is a collection of religions of ancient India.
Hindu meant the Aryans who lives around the Sindhu river (now Indus) in Pakistan.

Again NO DEFINITE scripture...
Hinduism can't follow the norms of Christianity and Abrahamic faiths.

Will you quite trying to strawman my arguments?

No one compared Hinduism to the Abrahamic religions here but you.


Be your own guru
Also it is probably because in India only the religious people often had any form of education in science, and of course not in any that contradicted their religion. .. Besides the war between science in religion is really a war between logic and faith. Both are mutually exclusive.
India and many other countries (China, Mesopotamia and Egypt) had more of science at one time than the Europeans (barring the Greek). I do not differentiate between sceince and religion. Hinduism generally accepts science and keeps faith in control.
BTW do you believe the Samudra Manthan to be true?
:) Now what a question! These are stories, myths; not historical events (at least for me).

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
I don't believe everything can be attributed to God. For instance the babies that came out deformed because of a drug (Thalidamide) the mother took. If one is looking for the cause of Homosexuality that is a whole different subject from this thread.

Well that all depends on whether you accept science or not.

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
India and many other countries (China, Mesopotamia and Egypt) had more of science at one time than the Europeans (barring the Greek). I do not differentiate between sceince and religion. Hinduism generally accepts science and keeps faith in control.

Okay then.

Which is more valid?

The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light, or because the sky is actually an ocean because my book says so?