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When did Lucifer become Satan


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Do you have trouble with comprehending the English language?

No need for fallacies, my friend. If you have no further argument then to believe something against logic is your choice. Otherwise, if you have no intention of accepting logic presented, do not start a debate in the first place.


The Lost One
mr black said:
When did Lucifer become Satan
mr black said:
In biblical chronology, when was lucifer banished from heaven?

There is no such person or angel or fallen angel as Lucifer in the Old Testament or Hebrew scriptures (Tanakh) or even in the New Testament. Satan was never associated with the name "Lucifer" in either scripture.

Lucifer only existed because of Jerome's translation of Isaiah 14:12, in which he had translated the morning star to Lucifer. And the morning star or day star had more to do with the King of Babylonia at that time, not with any angel or fallen angel, so it wasn't another of Satan until much later.

And there were certainly no rebellion in heaven in the Hebrew scriptures. According to the Judaism, angels don't have free-will so it is not possible for any angel to rebel.

If you think Lucifer or the morning star was referring Satan, then Lucifer must also refer to Jesus as well, because Jesus was associated with the morning star in Revelation 22:16 and with the day star in 2 Peter 1:19.


Question Everything
No Mormons have posted yet?

(Guide to the Scriptures | WWar in Heaven.:Entry)
WAR IN HEAVEN. See also Council in Heaven; Premortal Life
The conflict that took place in the premortal life among the spirit children of God.
Satan was cast out of heaven and into the earth, Rev. 12:4, 7–9. The devil and a third part of heaven were thrust down, D&C 29:36–37. Lucifer rebelled against the Only Begotten Son, D&C 76:25–26. Satan sought the glory of the Father and to destroy the agency of man, Moses 4:1–4 (Isa. 14:12–15; Abr. 3:27–28). Those who followed God kept their first estate, came to earth, and received bodies, Abr. 3:26.

basically, all of the spirits gathered together in a big council,

(Guide to the Scriptures | CCouncil in Heaven.:Entry)
COUNCIL IN HEAVEN. See also Plan of Redemption; Premortal Life; War in Heaven
The occasion in premortal life when the Father presented his plan to his spirit children who would come to this earth.
The sons of God shouted for joy, Job 38:7. Exalt my throne above the stars of God, Isa. 14:12–13. There was a war in heaven, Rev. 12:7–11. Before they were born, they received their first lessons in the world of spirits, D&C 138:56. Satan rebelled in the premortal life, Moses 4:1–4. Intelligences were organized before the world was created, Abr. 3:22. The Gods took counsel among themselves, Abr. 4:26. The Gods ended the work that they counseled to do, Abr. 5:2.

God and Satan both presented plans for spirits to gain bodies and progress in knowledge and wisdom.

God's plan: grant everyone free will - through which people would make mistakes, but then provide the atonement..

Satan's plan: don't let anyone have free will, just force people to be good (no pain, no wars, no free will)

so 1/3 of the spirits followed Satan and became the fallen angels, and the rest of us followed God and are born onto the earth.

(Guide to the Scriptures | PPremortal Life.:Entry)
PREMORTAL LIFE. See also Beginning; Council in Heaven; Man, Men; War in Heaven
The life before earth life. All men and women lived with God as his spirit children before coming to the earth as mortal beings. This is sometimes called the first estate (Abr. 3:26).
When God laid the foundations of the earth, all the sons of God shouted for joy, Job 38:4–7. The spirit shall return unto God who gave it, Eccl. 12:7. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, Jer. 1:4–5. We are all his offspring, Acts 17:28. God chose us before the foundation of the world, Eph. 1:3–4. We are to be in subjection to the Father of spirits, Heb. 12:9. The angels which kept not their first estate, he hath reserved in everlasting chains, Jude 1:6 (Abr. 3:26). The Devil and his angels were cast out, Rev. 12:9. They were called and prepared from the foundation of the world, Alma 13:3. Christ looked upon the expanse of eternity and hosts of heaven before the world was made, D&C 38:1. Man was also in the beginning with God, D&C 93:29 (Hel. 14:17; D&C 49:17). Noble spirits were chosen in the beginning to be rulers in the Church, D&C 138:53–55. Many received their first lessons in the world of spirits, D&C 138:56. All things were created spiritually before they were on earth, Moses 3:5. I made the world, and men before they were in the flesh, Moses 6:51. Abraham saw the intelligences that were organized before the world was, Abr. 3:21–24.

Topical Guide | LLucifer:Entry)
Lucifer (see also Devil; Satan; BD Lucifer)
Isa. 14:12 (2 Ne. 24:12) How art thou fallen from heaven, O L.
D&C 76:26 he was L., a son of the morning.

(Guide to the Scriptures | LLucifer.:Entry)
LUCIFER. See also Antichrist; Destroyer; Devil; Hell; Sons of Perdition
The name means the Shining One or Lightbearer. He is also known as the Son of the Morning. Lucifer was a spirit son of Heavenly Father and led the rebellion in the premortal life. The name Lucifer appears only once in the Bible (Isa. 14:12). Latter-day revelation gives more detail on Lucifer's fall (D&C 76:25–29).
Lucifer fell in the premortal existence, Isa. 14:12 (Luke 10:18; 2 Ne. 24:12). After his fall he became Satan and the devil, D&C 76:25–29 (Moses 4:1–4).

if you want more of the Mormon view - just go to http://www.lds.org/?lang=eng

in the upper RHC there is a search spot - type in any of the above terms (Lucifer, Premortal life, war in heaven, etc. etc. etc.)

cheers! Happy friday night to you all!
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
So it's been longer than that? How could satan have been the ruler of earth ever since the fall of man, allegedly caused by him, when he's still one of god's angels? And not the adversary he's supposed to be? If he isn't the one who has been deceiving man for 6 thousand yrs then who has. Who was it that tempted Jesus? Your story, quite simply, makes no sense.

As stated in my post, your story right here is what does not make sense.
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mr black

Active Member
Originally Posted by mr black
So it's been longer than that? How could satan have been the ruler of earth ever since the fall of man, allegedly caused by him, when he's still one of god's angels? And not the adversary he's supposed to be? If he isn't the one who has been deceiving man for 6 thousand yrs then who has. Who was it that tempted Jesus? Your story, quite simply, makes no sense.
As stated in my post, your story right here is what does not make sense.
Did you perchance notice the question marks Ergo that is not MY story, but a series of questions, regarding someone else's story. Do you get it yet? That's a question.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Did you perchance notice the question marks Ergo that is not MY story, but a series of questions, regarding someone else's story. Do you get it yet? That's a question.

You are right, I am sorry. I was under the assumption that questions could be asked in more than one contex such as sarcasticaly, for explanation of opposing ideas, devil's advocate... I will try and adopt a much narrower, black and white view of things. No promises... :facepalm:


Agnostic Theist
What are your thought's on the account in Job and who do you think manipulated the serpent in Genesis?

With the serpent in Genesis. I think it is metaphorical story, that really needs no manipulator behind the serpent. We are told that God created all the animals, and thus the serpent. It, based on it's own will (or maybe that of God), tempted Eve. There is no suggestion of Satan, or any other similar being behind the serpent.

As for Job, it is an interesting story. I have heard some arguments that it is believed that the sections mentioning Satan were a later addition. Either way though, when one reads a Hebrew version of the story, Satan is not there. Instead, it is just an adversary, and the term suggests in Hebrew. Later on, this character was equated with Satan by some, and I think that was just a poor happening based on a poor understanding of the language.

Just as a side note, Satan ends up turning into Lucifer, or gets Lucifer as a second name. Lucifer never becomes Satan. I believe Gnostic goes further into this.

mr black

Active Member
It must be obvious that if god and satan have been chummy enough to live together in heaven up until 1914 then they are in fact collaborators.
To those getting hung up on Lucifer and Satan, try to address the OP instead.

mr black

Active Member
Where would you say Satan was living if it wasn't in heaven?
Well apparently he has been king of earth. So if he wasn't down here tempting everybody including Jesus then what the F was he doing. Oh and I think god had something to say to him in eden. But of course, having some sort of script continuity is not part of the beliefs that you ascribe too. Now satan has been wandering around earth claiming souls willy nilly, even an attempt at Jesus' soul, but he's been living it up big in heaven with his mate god up until 1914. What sort of drugs do you need to convince yourself of this drivel?


Active Member
With the serpent in Genesis. I think it is metaphorical story, that really needs no manipulator behind the serpent. We are told that God created all the animals, and thus the serpent. It, based on it's own will (or maybe that of God), tempted Eve. There is no suggestion of Satan, or any other similar being behind the serpent.

See this page for more info on who the serpent was Revelation 12:9 The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. and read the Barnes' notes at the bottom. 2nd paragraph

As for Job, it is an interesting story. I have heard some arguments that it is believed that the sections mentioning Satan were a later addition. Either way though, when one reads a Hebrew version of the story, Satan is not there. Instead, it is just an adversary, and the term suggests in Hebrew. Later on, this character was equated with Satan by some, and I think that was just a poor happening based on a poor understanding of the language.
Satan means adversary. It actually calls him The Adversary, giving a definite article. Also, Gill's Exposition of the Bible says this: "...and Satan came also among them; which word signifies an "adversary", as in 1 Kings 11:14 but does not design here a man adversary, as there, or one that envied Job's prosperity, as Saadiah Gaon thinks, but an evil spirit, the old serpent, the devil, as in Revelation 12:9 who is an implacable and bitter enemy to men, especially to Christ and his people; and so has this name from his hatred of them, and opposition to them: Origen (k) observes, that this word, translated into the Greek language, is an "adversary"; but R. Levi (l) derives it from "to decline" or "turn aside"; and so Suidas says (m), Satan, in the Hebrew language, is an apostate...."


Active Member
Well apparently he has been king of earth. So if he wasn't down here tempting everybody including Jesus then what the F was he doing. Oh and I think god had something to say to him in eden. But of course, having some sort of script continuity is not part of the beliefs that you ascribe too. Now satan has been wandering around earth claiming souls willy nilly, even an attempt at Jesus' soul, but he's been living it up big in heaven with his mate god up until 1914. What sort of drugs do you need to convince yourself of this drivel?
Not sure if you answered this, but when was the war in heaven? Has it happened or will it happen?

mr black

Active Member
Not sure if you answered this, but when was the war in heaven? Has it happened or will it happen?
Who told you that it happened, other than Charlie? Cos he also claimed that it happened in 1878 I think, or was that a different prophecy?
Or perhaps it has happened all of the other times your doomsday cult has predicted it to happen?
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Active Member
Who told you that it happened, other than Charlie? Cos he also claimed that it happened in 1878 I think, or was that a different prophecy?
Or perhaps it has happened all of the other times your doomsday cult has predicted it to happen?

Ouch, my feelings... :polarbaby:Anyway, answer the question.