"Born Eunuch"
Anonymous American Black Male
For what it's worth, the Rabbis of the Talmud tell us that this refers to God not automatically forgiving adult children who willingly adopt the same transgressive behaviors that their parents engaged in. However, God always forgives anyone who repents of their actions. And if a parent commits transgressions, which are then rejected and not repeated by their adult children (minors, of course, are not legally liable for their behavior), then the children are certainly not blamed for what their parents did. At least in Judaism (which, let's remember, is the origin of those scriptures), we don't believe in inherited sin of any kind.
Doesn't sound like it's worth alot to me, Sir/Ma'am (NO disrespect or offense meant.)
I heard that some of your Rabbi's say that Jesus is in hell burning in excrement. Do you know anything about any Rabbis saying that?