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When I Die


Well-Known Member
Heaven and hell were invented as carrot and stick approaches by religion to keep believers in line, and for money making purposes also.


:ignore:Heaven and hell were invented as carrot and stick approaches by religion to keep believers in line, and for money making purposes also.

oh i'm sorry, and you know this as fact because?

I don't think George Carlin knew any better then you- well perhaps he knows now, why don't you ask him:run:


Well-Known Member
oh i'm sorry, and you know this as fact because?

I don't think George Carlin knew any better then you- well perhaps he knows now, why don't you ask him:run:

There is no "fact" with regards to religion. Crystal knows no more fact about it than YOU do, Tennis_hero.

"Fact" has no place in religion. Hence the term "faith". Faith is the absence of fact, so don't try to tip-toe around the "fact" that your religion holds no weight in "fact", by making other people seem as they don't know what THEY are talking about because they have no "facts".


What do you think will happen to me?

I'm a Pagan. I do not and will not follow nor worship the Abrahamic god. I believe there is a possibility that there is a god whom some have taken to be the Abrahamic god, but don't think that god is what it's believers think it to be. I doubt the existence of the man named Jesus Christ.

I use ritual and prayer combined (magic) in cast circles.

I'm a stay-at-home mom of two little children. I play with them, take care of them and tuck them in at night. I make dinners, pay our bills, and clean the house.

I served my country in the U.S. Navy and am proud of that fact.

I prevented my ex-brother-in-law from commiting suicide.

I live with the father of my children and am in a loving relationship with him, but we are not legally married.

I donate food, baby formula, clothes, coats and so on to the local women and children's shelter.

So, according to your ideas/faith/religion what will happen to me when I die?
(Atheists are excluded from this question as I believe we already know the clear cut answer ;) )
I think your essence will enter a state of consciousness that is total peace. You don't have to be a christian or any other faith to live a loving caring life. We should all live as selfless as you do and stop the petty arguments over details that don't matter about whose religion is THE religion.:)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member

Justice is when the punishment fits the crime, so to suggest that every single human has done something worthy of burning in hell forever is obscene and absurd. And to have the desire to severely punish and torture good and innocent people for petty and trivial reasons does indeed make god a sick and demented little monkey. Could god not simply remove people's souls from existence instead of indulging in sadistic delights? Does he find the screams of the damned arousing? A God that wants to light people on fire for not licking his toes cannot possibly be just and merciful, but rather a tinpot tyrant with a serious ego issue, what with needing constant worship and glory just like an addict needs their crack fix. Is such a need not a weakness and a flaw? Wouldn't a real god be above all that?

Even if there was a God, Hell would still remain nothing more than some fabricated revenge fantasy of men.


Not your average Mormon
Oh and if anyone deserves anything after they die, it's animals. I'd like to go to their heaven and play with them for eternity. :D
At the risk of sounding preachy, stacey, I think you're in for a very, very pleasant surprise after you die. You and I can take care of the animals together, and I promise I won't say, "I told you so."

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
At the risk of sounding preachy, stacey, I think you're in for a very, very pleasant surprise after you die. You and I can take care of the animals together, and I promise I won't say, "I told you so."

Ditto. :D Erm...well I guess not really since I won't see you. But ditto nonetheless! :p


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I was listening to a sermon today, and it shed light on this matter- and if i may I'd like to share

Can someone be considered "good", in the eyes of man perhaps....

but to be good is to not be bad, and to be bad is to sin, and sin is what God hates.

by the life you've lived no matter who you are on the planet today, you deserve to be condemned to hell (and im talking about everyone reading this)

i deserve to be condemned to hell and so do you

why? because I've sinned.

the greatest person you may have known, someone you grew up with- perhaps your mother, or a friend who lived a life of a saint, who saved countless lives with charity work.... they've sinned- they deserve to go to hell

there isn't a case of, "it's okay because you saved your brother in law from suicide- so that cancels out some of the other sins you've committed"

no, its a simple case of- have you broken God's law? have you sinned? everyone reading this knows in their own hearts the answer is yes, they've sinned, they deserve to go to hell (and bear in mind, becoming angry with someone, hating someone, that is sin- concealing it in your heart- that is sin- God is holy, he is perfect- God hates sin)

and the only thing that will save you is that God loves us all enough he would take all those sins- all that condemnation that we've done, and his own son would endure it for us

salvation through Christ.

thats why Christianity is different, thats why no matter what you'll do in life- no matter how many great deeds, or great acts of piety.... if you go to your grave without accepting Christ, your sins are going to condemn you when you come before our Lord God.

and I'm sorry if that sounds horrible to you, or if you know anyone who you considered as good but they didn't accept Christ- guess what, they sinned as well... they broke God's laws, they did what he hates and they have no defense to it

you have the choice, you have been granted such great things from God, the intelligence to reason, to comprehend, to understand so much- but you know as well as anyone else- you're only guarantee is that you're going to die one day, and unless you believe as atheists do that you're final destination is worm food and that you have no soul, then there will more to it then just death

I wasn't born a Christian, I was as far removed from being one as you could imagine. I scoffed and laughed myself at Christian thought that another man dying for me or shedding his blood was going to make all the difference in my life- my family is a Muslim family.... i didn't know anyone who was truly a Christian untill i came online and met some- my only experience of Christianity were agnostic christians (in name only) who themselves knew less of the bible then i did (and i hadn't read it yet)

but even i knew then- i sinned, and i knew God hated sin- i had no guarantee and only worry that no matter what i did (my works) it would never be enough to cancel out my sins.... if anything i was trying to buy my way into heaven by doing good, whilst still doing bad things, still getting angry unfairly, still feeling hate sometimes, still getting into arguments- its all sin

Accepting Christ isn't a get out of jail free card, no- truly accepting Christ in your heart does one thing to you- it makes you hate the sin you used to consider was fine before (those little sins we all do, that we think is no big deal), it changes you- and it does truly have a profound efect upon your life. im by no means perfect, but i'm trying... and if i've sounded harsh before i truly appologise, i'm still trying to walk the path and it isn't easy

From my standpoint, you have offered nothing more acceptable than a prescription for living a meaningless existence.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Tennis_hero, your title makes absolutely zero sense. "Love Jesus, hate religion"? I mean really. That's like saying "Love spaghetti, hate Italian." Besides, every religion can say "Love <insert relevant religious figure here>, hate religion." Belief and worship of Jesus cannot be sustained outside of a religious context.
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Tennis_hero, your title makes absolutely zero sense. "Love Jesus, hate religion"? I mean really. That's like saying "Love spaghetti, hate Italian."

Spaghetti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese noodles pre-date Italian pasta, and Arab traders probably became introduced to them due to their trade routes with China. Historically, people in Italy ate pasta in the form of gnocchi-like dumplings – pasta fresca eaten as soon as it was prepared. It has now been asserted that the Muslims who populated Southern Italy (around the 12th Century) were the first to develop the innovation of working pasta from grain into thin long forms,[2][3][4] capable of being dried out and stored for months or years prior to consumption (see Peter Robb's Midnight in Sicily pp 94-96 for details). Or Muslim traders with links to Arab trade routes to china, may have been introduced to pasta or noodles that way. Legend has it that Cicero, the famous Roman orator was fond of "laganum," an ancient tagliatelle.[5] The Saracens, originally from North Africa, invaded southern Italy in the 9th century and occupied Sicily for 200 years

Love Jesus hate religion because

Even an atheist can appreciate how awesome JC was- when i was a Muslim i appreciated how awesome JC was. Not just because he was a prophet of Islam but because he seemed so unlike all the other prophets...

the reason why i hate religions is because, learned great men will differ and bicker over small issues and forget the big issues they agree on. So many divisions and sects in Christianity itself when everyone can agree they believe in Christ as their lord and savior, so thats why i love Jesus and hate religion

If you asked me if i was a Christian, i'd say no, i'm a christ follower- technically i am a Christian but i don't choose any specific sect, i just love JC

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Spaghetti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese noodles pre-date Italian pasta, and Arab traders probably became introduced to them due to their trade routes with China. Historically, people in Italy ate pasta in the form of gnocchi-like dumplings – pasta fresca eaten as soon as it was prepared. It has now been asserted that the Muslims who populated Southern Italy (around the 12th Century) were the first to develop the innovation of working pasta from grain into thin long forms,[2][3][4] capable of being dried out and stored for months or years prior to consumption (see Peter Robb's Midnight in Sicily pp 94-96 for details). Or Muslim traders with links to Arab trade routes to china, may have been introduced to pasta or noodles that way. Legend has it that Cicero, the famous Roman orator was fond of "laganum," an ancient tagliatelle.[5] The Saracens, originally from North Africa, invaded southern Italy in the 9th century and occupied Sicily for 200 years

Interesting, but irrelevant. The point of my analogy was obvious.

Love Jesus hate religion because

Even an atheist can appreciate how awesome JC was- when i was a Muslim i appreciated how awesome JC was. Not just because he was a prophet of Islam but because he seemed so unlike all the other prophets...

I liked him better when he was called Krishna, or Horus.

the reason why i hate religions is because, learned great men will differ and bicker over small issues and forget the big issues they agree on. So many divisions and sects in Christianity itself when everyone can agree they believe in Christ as their lord and savior, so thats why i love Jesus and hate religion

If you asked me if i was a Christian, i'd say no, i'm a christ follower- technically i am a Christian but i don't choose any specific sect, i just love JC

But that's still religious belief, organized or not.