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When Jesus died.Did his spirit go to the center of the earth?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father's human memories state our brother became a theist after body and mind star fall changes.

Physical causing phenomena. Gas burning.

Natural conscious is innate aware as healers survival instincts changed.

So as you say God the stone as bone is a body inherited within. My life human bio heavens water.

A theist about his self review a human body.

Instead of saying I own two types of living bodies as one human. One below one above. Advice.

He didn't.

So he says as I get power energy out of stone in thesis science for technology....I too own the powers of God within.

Yet bones came out of minerals in water.

How a theist in a type of chemical drugged brain mind began fancifying human advice. About being God owner and power owner personally.

Why the testimony concluded by a healer human no man is God.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
You didn't answer my questions. How did the Son of God leave part of himself in heaven yet remain the same person?
Probably what needs to be clarified is whether that cell that Jesus became had a memory. A "dormant" memory of a previous existence does not mean that he has carried his previous nature with him.

Think for example of the resurrection of Lazarus. His flesh may have already begun to decompose, but the miracle managed to recover it and make him conscious again as if he had woken from a dream. Then he will have regained the memory of him...
What is "Gods Form" that Jesus existed in on earth?
The passage says that Jesus had had "God's form" in heaven and had shed it to take on a new form...so he DID NOT KEEP the God's form that he had had.
I can't fathom how the Son was in existence as a young human child but not fully aware of his divinity, his power or authority. He didn't start his public teaching until 30+ .
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that he regained his memory when he received the holy spirit at the time of his baptism. We believe that was the moment when he really began to function as Messiah.


Well-Known Member
Probably what needs to be clarified is whether that cell that Jesus became had a memory. A "dormant" memory of a previous existence does not mean that he has carried his previous nature with him.

Think for example of the resurrection of Lazarus. His flesh may have already begun to decompose, but the miracle managed to recover it and make him conscious again as if he had woken from a dream. Then he will have regained the memory of him...

The passage says that Jesus had had "God's form" in heaven and had shed it to take on a new form...so he DID NOT KEEP the God's form that he had had.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that he regained his memory when he received the holy spirit at the time of his baptism. We believe that was the moment when he really began to function as Messiah.

I would say the personality of Jesus retained his divine nature.

So the JW concept of Jesus was a reincarnated Jesus from heaven down to a human with no memory of a past life until the holy spirit downloaded it into him?

-----> although he was existing in God’s form, did not even consider the idea of trying to be equal to God.

Thats talking about Gods form during his earthly existence.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Those who believe that Jesus is God are obsessed with the idea that he was god as well as human...Nature is the form of the body, not the ideas within the mind.

Being God is not the same as having a divine nature. The term GOD as absolute refers to the individual person who is the Majesty of the Universe, Almighty, Most High and God of gods. God stayed in heaven when Jesus was born as a human.


Well-Known Member
Those who believe that Jesus is God are obsessed with the idea that he was god as well as human...Nature is the form of the body, not the ideas within the mind.

Being God is not the same as having a divine nature. The term GOD as absolute refers to the individual person who is the Majesty of the Universe, Almighty, Most High and God of gods. God stayed in heaven when Jesus was born as a human.
Son of God, a divine being who is like his Father but not the eternal God absolute. Weather in his rightful place in heaven or on earth he always refers to God as his Father.

The preexistence and divinity of Jesus isn't an obsession like JW's are obsessed with their special interpretations and revisions of the Bible. Spending much of their time looking down on Christians. For me I've always intuitively known Jesus is divine. And considering the totality of the scripture story he was no ordinary person.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Jesus, the man, was not divine, since he was just a human being.

As a human being he experienced hunger, thirst, pain, and finally death. There was nothing divine about it.

Divine beings are spirits that are not tied to physical needs, because they are not made of flesh like us. It should be easy to understand from a simple intuition, but preconceived ideas do not allow that to happen in the minds of some people.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, the man, was not divine, since he was just a human being.

As a human being he experienced hunger, thirst, pain, and finally death. There was nothing divine about it.

Divine beings are spirits that are not tied to physical needs, because they are not made of flesh like us. It should be easy to understand from a simple intuition, but preconceived ideas do not allow that to happen in the minds of some people.
When a divine being comes down from heaven and takes on the human form, as you have already acknowledged, then he will need to eat. Living out the human experience as required for sovereignty of his own creation, Jesus voluntarily experienced all that man experiences, even death! Then he returned from the death of his former body on his own as he said that he would, but in a new form.

You can file a complaint with God and explain how he cant to things becuse you don't believe in them.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Do you have any biblical support of any of that, or it is just a figment of your imagination?

Nobody who knew Jesus in real life thought ever that he was divine.

Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any biblical support of any of that, or it is just a figment of your imagination?

Nobody who knew Jesus in real life thought ever that he was divine.

Have a good one.
Yes, I've provided scripture but you just ignore it or run it through the JW reinterpretation machine which spits out some contorted explanation.

Indeed Jesus was anonymous up until his public teaching when he was still cryptic about his identity. He even told his apostles who were figuring things out themselves NOT to tell anyone what God revealed to them about the true identity of Jesus. It wasn't until he returned from apparent death they finally realized the divinity of Jesus.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Yes, I've provided scripture but you just ignore it or run it through the JW reinterpretation machine which spits out some contorted explanation.
Well, it seems that you don't know what consistency means. Since your interpretations are inconsistent with the context of the passages you quoted as I show you, your interpretation is incorrect and you must realize that without blaming others ...
Indeed Jesus was anonymous up until his public teaching when he was still cryptic about his identity. He even told his apostles who were figuring things out themselves NOT to tell anyone what God revealed to them about the true identity of Jesus.
So? You are talking about God, and still thinking Jesus was "divine", so ... maybe you have to define what being divine means to you and check later if the human-Jesus fits on your definition. Anyway it will be your own definition of "divine" and nothing else.
It wasn't until he returned from apparent death they finally realized the divinity of Jesus.
According to whom? Are you sure you are not imagining things?


Well-Known Member
Well, it seems that you don't know what consistency means. Since your interpretations are inconsistent with the context of the passages you quoted as I show you, your interpretation is incorrect and you must realize that without blaming others ...

So? You are talking about God, and still thinking Jesus was "divine", so ... maybe you have to define what being divine means to you and check later if the human-Jesus fits on your definition. Anyway it will be your own definition of "divine" and nothing else.

According to whom? Are you sure you are not imagining things?



  1. of, from, or like God or a god:
Are you sure that you aren't doubting things, Thomas?

My interpretations aren't inconsistent, its just that YOU want them to be becuse you are invested in JW doctrine. You use "context" as license. But I realize that's what they did to you and you are trying to do it to me.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Is that all? A statement of amazement that mentions God and the trinitarians mean to interpret that Thomas believed that Jesus was Jehovah God?

They even forget that Thomas was a monotheistic Jew, and that a short time before Jesus had sent this message to his brothers:

John 20:17 Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.’”

Did you know that the fact that the Greek definite article appears before Lord and then appears again before God (in John 20:28) is a grammatical indicator that both (God and Lord) are two different persons?

These things achieve preconceived ideas: people forget reality completely and become engrossed in a non-existent fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Is that all? A statement of amazement that mentions God and the trinitarians mean to interpret that Thomas believed that Jesus was Jehovah God?

They even forget that Thomas was a Jew and that a short time before Jesus had sent this message to his brothers:

John 20:17 Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.’”

These things achieve preconceived ideas: people forget reality completely and become engrossed in a non-existent fantasy.
Thomas's doubts fell away and he realized Jesus was God. He never said Jehovah, that word was invented centuries later.

Yes, that's correct, the divine Son has a divine Father, it's not rocket science and perfectly consistent. The Creator Son Michael is from the Father. As a divine being the Father is in him.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Thomas's doubts fell away and he realized Jesus was God. He never said Jehovah, that word was invented centuries later.

Yes, that's correct, the divine Son has a divine Father, it's not rocket science and perfectly consistent. The Creator Son Michael is from the Father. As a divine being the Father is in him.
In your imagination. Take care.


Veteran Member


Well-Known Member
Jesus prayers were heard by G-d and he was miraculously saved a cursed death on the Cross. Right?

No, wrong. The Fathers answer was yes, you must drink of this cup. Israel was then cursed for a time. The mortal body of the Son was unjustly murdered. The spirit Son returned in a new form as he said he would. Being God he could do such things.


Jesus in me
When Jesus died.Did his spirit go to the center of the earth?:)

I think yes.Because of these bible verses:

Matthew 12:40


Ephesians 4:9

Do you not agree?

If so can you say why with bible

I believe not. I believe He went to the graves.


Jesus in me
In Matthew 12:40 it mentions the heart of the earth.If I was talking about the heart of an apple.I wouldn't say the heart of an apple was it's surface.

I don't believe an apple has a heart. It has a core but that is different. If He wanted to say core, He could have. My heart is pretty near the surface but then I am not round.