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When Should We Not Love?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It's a bad idea not to love. Love refreshes and renews the spirit. Without it, one might as well be a plant.


Miss Independent

Bad sign...really bad sign...:sorry1:

It's a bad idea not to love. Love refreshes and renews the spirit. Without it, one might as well be a plant.

I talk to my plants. They love it.

But in all honesty...the bible clearly shows that there will be enmity between the children of god and those of satan. You can slice love this way and that way...but loving your brohter means you need to be smart enough to know who your brother is in the first place.

As far as loving our enemies in general. You love your enemy by letting them reap what they sowed. You let them be, because that is what they want. You let them walk into a ditch, cause they dont want you around. They will love you for letting them be. They will hate you for trying to interfere. But interfering is love, trying to reason with them, is love, to a point, then love means...let them go, because if the only way to learn is to hit your head against an oncoming train..then that is the method of learning that they choose.

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Active Member
Taqwa does not mean fear. there is another word that means 'fear' and it is used sometimes. but Taqwa was said many times. Taqwa means reverence, awe, humility before God.

sorry, but the english translation of Surat Al- Baqarah wrote "Fear"
see link: ÇáÊÑÌãÉ

and I have included Al-Hasan Al-Basri illustration for Taqwa as follow :
which means to Avoid what Allah had prohibited and to do what Allah had imposed.

Please read carefully what i have written!

see also my own illustration :
literally, the Word Taqwa means: to make a shield of light around your heart to protect it from Satan's temptations

please read carefully what i have written once again.

i personally would not hate Satan and would not love either. "love your enemy" is about loving people who see you as their enemy. no confusion there.

I don't instigate you to hate satan and his partner , but I advise you not to ignore your enemies.

to be aware of him.

Fater [35:6]

[35:6] Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents, that they may become companions of the Blazing Fire.

Almost every muslim know this fact!


Veteran Member
sorry, but the english translation of Surat Al- Baqarah wrote "Fear"
see link: ÇáÊÑÌãÉ

and I have included Al-Hasan Al-Basri illustration for Taqwa as follow :

Please read carefully what i have written!

see also my own illustration :

please read carefully what i have written once again.

I don't instigate you to hate satan and his partner , but I advise you not to ignore your enemies.

to be aware of him.

Fater [35:6]

[35:6] Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents, that they may become companions of the Blazing Fire.

Almost every muslim know this fact!

yes, of course every Muslim knows that but we should also know that when we let hate get into our hearts, we are actually with Satan, on his side and for him. being aware of what pulls you closer to hell is not hatred. it is wisdom.

i know that many translations are saying fear for taqwa. that is wrong. Allah both used words fear and taqwa separately for a reason. but they both translated as fear. i just wanted to point out Taqwa is not fear. that's all.



Can't brain. Has dumb.
Why does religion make such a complicated mess of love.

Love is simple when it is pure.
And can be contained by no rules when it is expressed in freedom.
Alas, I need to spread more of my love around before I can give you frubals for this one :(

(And why does the dictionary for this website think "frubals" isn't a word? 0.o)


Well-Known Member
I would agree with Hen that plants are pretty cool & are loved,or act in accordance with their genetic dna in self love when seed germinates,nutrients are lovingly taken from the soil & photosynthesis occurs,all in love.

If you don't identify,accept & love then you are more of a plank of wood.An emotional plank of wood,waiting for Gepeto hopefully to create you & wish upon a star.ahem,to become a real boy like Saul/Paul.


Miss Independent
So basically, either we have to see God, or not exist?

Screwed either way again...

Hang on a minute! Nobody is getting screwed here..
A women asks a man for something small and shiny..he gets her a toaster. There is a great communication problem here.

If you dont want god in your life, or you dont think he exists...then go ahead...life it up...you know...do you thing! That shouldnt mean your screwed right? That means yeh god doesnt interfere with my life, or YEH, ive managed to make god dissapear, or YEH i have been liberated from the chains of god, cause he is only in my imagination or in heneni's imagination.:dancer:

On the other hand...if you are willing to submit, humble yourself, surrender, and open yourself up to the possibility that god is out there...he comes to you when you least expect it...on his terms, which is initially a tall order, but gods interference is so sweet, and so deep, and so liberating, that words can not describe it. No doubt it will be an uphill climb against the world and the flesh that is forever at war with your spirit...but what about the future? So full of hope and glory. That is such a loving god! To surrender a life to god, requires trusts.

Id rather be slain by god then slain by the world. He can ressurrect you, the world can only hate you.

Any young boy, who has ever believed in superman, he-man, spiderman, has the ability to believe in god. The only difference is...he is the real superhero.

In order for god to come to you, you need to thirst and hunger for him, you have to believe that he exists....and when you do....he comes to give you bread of life.

I dont know if this is what you wanted to hear...probably not...i must have given you a toaster instead.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Hang on a minute! Nobody is getting screwed here..
A women asks a man for something small and shiny..he gets her a toaster. There is a great communication problem here.

If you dont want god in your life, or you dont think he exists...then go ahead...life it up...you know...do you thing! That shouldnt mean your screwed right? That means yeh god doesnt interfere with my life, or YEH, ive managed to make god dissapear, or YEH i have been liberated from the chains of god, cause he is only in my imagination or in heneni's imagination.:dancer:

On the other hand...if you are willing to submit, humble yourself, surrender, and open yourself up to the possibility that god is out there...he comes to you when you least expect it...on his terms, which is initially a tall order, but gods interference is so sweet, and so deep, and so liberating, that words can not describe it. No doubt it will be an uphill climb against the world and the flesh that is forever at war with your spirit...but what about the future? So full of hope and glory. That is such a loving god! To surrender a life to god, requires trusts.

Id rather be slain by god then slain by the world. He can ressurrect you, the world can only hate you.

Any young boy, who has ever believed in superman, he-man, spiderman, has the ability to believe in god. The only difference is...he is the real superhero.

In order for god to come to you, you need to thirst and hunger for him, you have to believe that he exists....and when you do....he comes to give you bread of life.

I dont know if this is what you wanted to hear...probably not...i must have given you a toaster instead.


Yeah, pretty much. Though I goaded you onwards, so I guess I had it coming. However, don't feel like you need to "speak what I want to hear" because to do that would be to lie. Speak what you believe as you believe it, not as I want to hear it.

Now, let's see, how to explain what I believe...

I need some sort of... justification for trust; I don't trust an entity simply because a book tells me to or someone else describes abstracts. I need to talk to him MYSELF. And if he won't appear to me simply because I'm not "on his side", then I see no reason why I should. If he appeared to me first then it would be different. Until then, the wisdom that I learn is wisdom that I learn from my experiences and some wise words from other people that aren't spiritual but practical.

There's a Buddhist story(not sure if it's Zen but I think it is) about a Master who'd lost his key(actually I can't remember exactly what he lost, but the lesson is important, not little details like that). So he was looking for it in the bushes where the sun was brightest. A student came up to him and asked him "What are you looking for?" The Master responded, "I'm looking for my key." The student asked, "Where did you lose it?" The Master responded, pointing to the other side of the garden, "Over there." Dumbfounded, the student asked, "Then why are you searching for it here?" And the Master responded, "Because there is light over here."

So, if there's something I don't understand, let alone something I've touched before, how can I look for it if I don't know where I'm going or feeling, or what I'm looking at? Better to find wisdom where you know where to look, even if it might be in the wrong place; later, when the light is in the right place, you'll look for it there and find it quickly, having learned more from your searchings while in the light. Not to mention that it's the journey that is important, not the destination. For me, Heaven would mean an onward of learning and discovery that never stopped. I don't want some heavenly father just telling me the secrets of the universe just because I led a virtuous life; where's the fun in that? ;)


Miss Independent
Yeah, pretty much. Though I goaded you onwards, so I guess I had it coming. However, don't feel like you need to "speak what I want to hear" because to do that would be to lie. Speak what you believe as you believe it, not as I want to hear it.

Now, let's see, how to explain what I believe...

I need some sort of... justification for trust; I don't trust an entity simply because a book tells me to or someone else describes abstracts. I need to talk to him MYSELF. And if he won't appear to me simply because I'm not "on his side", then I see no reason why I should. If he appeared to me first then it would be different. Until then, the wisdom that I learn is wisdom that I learn from my experiences and some wise words from other people that aren't spiritual but practical.

There's a Buddhist story(not sure if it's Zen but I think it is) about a Master who'd lost his key(actually I can't remember exactly what he lost, but the lesson is important, not little details like that). So he was looking for it in the bushes where the sun was brightest. A student came up to him and asked him "What are you looking for?" The Master responded, "I'm looking for my key." The student asked, "Where did you lose it?" The Master responded, pointing to the other side of the garden, "Over there." Dumbfounded, the student asked, "Then why are you searching for it here?" And the Master responded, "Because there is light over here."

So, if there's something I don't understand, let alone something I've touched before, how can I look for it if I don't know where I'm going or feeling, or what I'm looking at? Better to find wisdom where you know where to look, even if it might be in the wrong place; later, when the light is in the right place, you'll look for it there and find it quickly, having learned more from your searchings while in the light. Not to mention that it's the journey that is important, not the destination. For me, Heaven would mean an onward of learning and discovery that never stopped. I don't want some heavenly father just telling me the secrets of the universe just because I led a virtuous life; where's the fun in that? ;)

I wish you all the best on your journey. :rainbow: Find the pot at the end of your rainbow....


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I wish you all the best on your journey. :rainbow: Find the pot at the end of your rainbow....

LOL! Right to my people and our traditions! :biglaugh: I love irony... (I'm about 75% Irish, a descendant of the Great Hunger)

But really... how many times have you really enjoyed a book, couldn't wait to get to the end, but when you finished you were sorry it was over?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Greetings .lava. The OP makes the statement that love is the cornerstone of religion but Mohammad_B says, no! it is to avoid displeasure of Allah. Do you agree with that. My understanding is that the Prophet Muhammed gave priority to love of Allah. Do you agree with MB about avoiding displeasure??


Veteran Member
Greetings .lava. The OP makes the statement that love is the cornerstone of religion but Mohammad_B says, no! it is to avoid displeasure of Allah. Do you agree with that. My understanding is that the Prophet Muhammed gave priority to love of Allah. Do you agree with MB about avoiding displeasure??

more you love God, more you love people. if one does not love people and says he loves God, it is not God who he loves maybe it is his ego who he loves. how could one loves God but does not love what God created? there is no chance for happiness in a life without love. we measure our love for God with our happiness in life. only if we make others happy, then we'd be happy. you can not make people happy if you don't love them.

i am not sure if i understood what 'avoiding displeasure' means but i think i explained myself.



Miss Independent
LOL! Right to my people and our traditions! :biglaugh: I love irony... (I'm about 75% Irish, a descendant of the Great Hunger)

But really... how many times have you really enjoyed a book, couldn't wait to get to the end, but when you finished you were sorry it was over?

My book doesnt have an end...but my pot at the end of my rainbow is to return to god. 75% Irish hey....interesting..who would have thought?

I hope you took my best wishes as just that...and not something else...

Irony ...i love irony.

So....how is your god doing today? What is he getting up to? What is your part in the plot?

Have you been able to love your enemy? Or dont you have any?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
The cornerstone for any religion seems to be love. That is to say, if you obey no other command, love one another. If this is true, is there ever a time when you should not love? The obvious answer seems to be no. But I can't help thinking that for those who take some scripture in the OT literally, it's hard to say that those who were ordered to kill, say, the Amalakites were acting in a loving nature. Now, I don't want to get into a debate as to why God commanded this to be done, whether God commanded it or not, or whether or not the story is historically accurate. If we assume that God did in fact do the above, does that mean that there is a time to love and a time when love is put on the back burner? On the surface, they don't appear to be loving their enemies and yet God ordered them to be killed for various reasons. Does this imply that we always love unless God commands us otherwise or can we say that this form of justice is really an act of love for reasons we can't comprehend at the time?
I would say that you would have to question you're definition of love and come up with one that would include obeying God's commandments.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
My book doesnt have an end...but my pot at the end of my rainbow is to return to god. 75% Irish hey....interesting..who would have thought?

I hope you took my best wishes as just that...and not something else...

Irony ...i love irony.

So....how is your god doing today? What is he getting up to? What is your part in the plot?

Have you been able to love your enemy? Or dont you have any?

Don't worry, I understood your best wishes to mean exactly what they are meant to mean, and I thank you. :)

And because I love my enemies, I don't have any. :D(trust me, it's not easy to forgive things like what certain political leaders on all fronts have done... but I'm trying... I think part of the trick is to not join or create a 'side')

And while I do have a patron, I don't really talk with him much so I'm mostly doing and learning things on my own, which is how I like it. Just because I believe the gods exist doesn't mean I worship them; I believe every god ever worshiped exists, and even more than them whom we don't know about or were forgotten to time, such as the Celtic gods(we do know some of their names and roles, but as far as I know no solid mythology is known about them... too bad). I worship none of them.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There is a tree at the end of that rainbow!

I had the good fortune to see a complete rainbow from one end to the other. That was awesome.

Bet that was a beautiful site, and so rarely seen.

If you look closely at my photograph you will notice that the rainbow goes behind the tree (although difficult to see, the colors can be seen a little when looking through the tree). God is there but hidden. Still recommend coming to Virginia :), or maybe, communing with nature wherever you are.