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When will Jesus return?

I accepts that with reservation. Who can restore all things but God himself? If there was a greater than Elijah why he says that he (Elijah) will smite the earth with a curse if he fails? why wont God send another? but Elijah is the last of the last aint nothing more after him but a curse Mal 4:5-6 I know it's believed that Elijah is a prophet -but he was more than just a prophet. Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit to be apon him 2 Kings 2:9-12 and he was the only one according to the scriptures that went to heaven in physical form -Jesus went to heaven only after he died it's a difference. Prov 30:4 ask the questions.
My knowlege of God is based upon what was revealed to me by him in my personal life and that of others to an extent along with my belief in his word -do you care to challenge that? Was i misinterpreted in any way? Sorry if i was.


Well-Known Member
My knowlege of God is based upon what was revealed to me by him in my personal life and that of others to an extent along with my belief in his word -do you care to challenge that? Was i misinterpreted in any way? Sorry if i was.
Sorry, I don't know who you're talking to. If it's me, don't worry. I wasn't talking to you. I was just thinking that if you didn't believe in God, you would have to be amazed at the power of self-delusion, seeing how most people believe in some sort of deity.:)


Well-Known Member
I accepts that with reservation. Who can restore all things but God himself? If there was a greater than Elijah why he says that he (Elijah) will smite the earth with a curse if he fails? why wont God send another? but Elijah is the last of the last aint nothing more after him but a curse Mal 4:5-6 I know it's believed that Elijah is a prophet -but he was more than just a prophet. Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit to be apon him 2 Kings 2:9-12 and he was the only one according to the scriptures that went to heaven in physical form -Jesus went to heaven only after he died it's a difference. Prov 30:4 ask the questions.
Okay, I understand what you're saying, but I disagree. I do think Elijah was an incredible prophet with great power. But I believe he was still just a prophet. I suppose I have never felt inclined to think of him as more than that. This is the first time I have run across this idea about Elijah. It would be nice if you would elaborate, for my sake. I just don't see why he should be considered greater than Jesus Christ.
Perhaps we can start by asking ourselves who can restore all things other than the almighty God? Now if we say Jesus then it means that he failed in his mission but he didn't because it was not his job to restore all things. And we can go on and on with the questions, but when we come to grip with the fact that only the Almighty God can restore all things then we may want to take a look at what Jesus taught his disciples when they wanted to know this very subject we discuss here today.
Okay, I understand what you're saying, but I disagree. I do think Elijah was an incredible prophet with great power. But I believe he was still just a prophet. I suppose I have never felt inclined to think of him as more than that. This is the first time I have run across this idea about Elijah. It would be nice if you would elaborate, for my sake. I just don't see why he should be considered greater than Jesus Christ.

These are the end times, which the scriptures says are great and dreadful day of the lord, if such time is at hand then I believe it probably would make sense to pay a closer look at Elijah and the work he must accomplished Mal. 4:5-6, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
These are the end times, which the scriptures says are great and dreadful day of the lord, if such time is at hand then I believe it probably would make sense to pay a closer look at Elijah and the work he must accomplished Mal. 4:5-6, don't you think?
Yeah, that makes sense I suppose. I think of Elijah's return as a visit, helping to set in motion the work of the last days. I don't really think he will be here among us, leading us or anything. So what do you think he will do? How will this work take place? I'm interested in hearing more.
I think he will be here doing the work like Jesus did -the question is, will you accept his person... I also believe it will be synonymous to that of Jesus dispensation, basically Jesus and his message was rejected, they didn't believed he was God. The ending scenario will be different i believe -the destruction of man's government, plagues, wars, pulling down of strong holes etc will be part of his work to put a complete end and to setup everlasting righteousness.


I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures.
You can't know something as a fact based on belief. The two are mutually exclusive.

What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."
More to the point, why did first century apostles like Paul and John who were supposed to have inside information straight from God go about proclaiming that they were living in the last days?

Why do people find it so hard to admit to the possibility that their religion might in fact be wrong? I mean, clearly you know from your head that something is amiss here. Why not look at the thing objectively? I think that if you do that the only conclusion that you can draw is that the Apostles were dead wrong about the whole last days business and therefore may have been wrong about some or all of the rest of what they preached.

Intelligence is better than belief every time.


What is really troubling about all of this is that Christians spend so much time worrying about a future that they cannot possibly know anything about at the expense of enjoying the present.

All this nonsense is like a gestating fetus contemplating life after birth and wondering "when will the contractions begin?". They'll begin when they begin. Worrying or wondering about it does noting to help it along or to make the wait any easier. It's the baby's business to grow in the environment in which it finds itself. So with us here. If there is life after "death" then don't you think it's best to just enjoy the life you have now, serve others, and not worry about what's next? I guarantee that if there is life after death then you and I have no capacity for understanding it any more than the fetus has the capacity for understanding a playground.


Well-Known Member
What is really troubling about all of this is that Christians spend so much time worrying about a future that they cannot possibly know anything about at the expense of enjoying the present.

All this nonsense is like a gestating fetus contemplating life after birth and wondering "when will the contractions begin?". They'll begin when they begin. Worrying or wondering about it does noting to help it along or to make the wait any easier. It's the baby's business to grow in the environment in which it finds itself. So with us here. If there is life after "death" then don't you think it's best to just enjoy the life you have now, serve others, and not worry about what's next? I guarantee that if there is life after death then you and I have no capacity for understanding it any more than the fetus has the capacity for understanding a playground.

Thanks for a very great post. You're right. All of this doesn't really matter if it's disconnected from the here and now. Discussions of when the 2nd coming will take place will never really do anyone any good if it is not connected with action. At first I was slightly taken aback by your fetus analogy. But that really is singularly insightful. We have to do our best with what we have to work with. So all of us need to take a look at what we're doing and if we can do a little better. Whatever awaits us on the other side, we know what happens here. Let's all do our best!
You can't know something as a fact based on belief. The two are mutually exclusive.
Ok i would like to rest this case, it's just not making it for me.

More to the point, why did first century apostles like Paul and John who were supposed to have inside information straight from God go about proclaiming that they were living in the last days?

Why do people find it so hard to admit to the possibility that their religion might in fact be wrong? I mean, clearly you know from your head that something is amiss here. Why not look at the thing objectively? I think that if you do that the only conclusion that you can draw is that the Apostles were dead wrong about the whole last days business and therefore may have been wrong about some or all of the rest of what they preached.

Intelligence is better than belief every time.

slave2six i respect your reasoning:
That was foresight (prophecy or vision), what would you say about John that wrote about his revelations? basically everything he said hath nothing to do with his present time -i figure it was all written for our learning by prophets who hath divine revelation from God (Rom. 15:4). If i am to believe none of these guys makes sense, their prophecies were wrong and all their inspirations were in fact wrong then bottomline God doesn't exist, his gospel doesn't exist and perhaps we should all just call it a day and say goodbye to God and his work... I'll have to think about that, but in the mean while, more justification is needed. :shrug:


slave2six i respect your reasoning:
That was foresight (prophecy or vision), what would you say about John that wrote about his revelations? basically everything he said hath nothing to do with his present time -i figure it was all written for our learning by prophets who hath divine revelation from God (Rom. 15:4). If i am to believe none of these guys makes sense, their prophecies were wrong and all their inspirations were in fact wrong then bottomline God doesn't exist, his gospel doesn't exist and perhaps we should all just call it a day and say goodbye to God and his work... I'll have to think about that, but in the mean while, more justification is needed.
I think you are on the right track. Here is what I wrote about the matter as I was coming to grips with reality. I will tell you that coming out of Christianity was almost like going through drug rehab. I was miserable for several months as the reality of the thing hit me full force. But, having come through it, I would not go back to Christianity for any reason particularly when I compare my life today with my life back then.

Forgive any typos or grammatical errors. I haven't had it edited yet.

If you are serious about looking for more justification, this ought to keep you busy for a while. :)
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I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."

MY COMMENTS: Indeed, I believe Jesus will return to the earth as Messiah, to restore the kingdom to Israel, based on the Word of God.

As to when, that is in the hands of God the Father, even as Jesus told his disciples on the day he ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives:

"Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel? He replied, 'It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority." Acts 1:6-7, NRSV.

Christ will return to the earth according to the will of God the Father. All power will be his to accomplish this.

As to impatience in waiting: as believers today, we, both Jews and Gentiles, are one new man in the body of Christ.
Even as the apostle Paul believed, we are exhorted to live as if the church/body could be 'raptured' to the heavens today. So, keep looking up.
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Well-Known Member
"So, keep looking up."

Not a good idea. Strains the neck.

Try looking straight ahead. That's where the future is. You going to spend the rest of your life there.