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When will Jesus return?

I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."


Well-Known Member
I thought the scriptures said that Jeus said that all things would be fulfilled in his generation, not some 2K+ years hence.


Well-Known Member

Be catious of what you believe to be the truth.
I admire your resolve but you can not 'know' what you have claimed.

Saying that, maybe you haven't looked deeply enough. What makes you think, considering what christians believe, that Jesus will look the same when he arrives the second time. What makes you think he will do as good of a job? Actually, what makes you think you know what he was like the first time around?



Resident Liberal Hippie
Read them again. He said nothing of the sort.
Luke 21:25 There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
32 I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Uhhh... yes, he did.;)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My understanding is like Logicians. The early Christians believed God would establish His kingdom on earth "before this generation passed away." Since then it seems every generation's cited signs and portents presaging Jesus' imminent return.
But doesn't the Bible also say that no man, or even angels, knows the day or hour of His return?

Of course there are those who maintain He has returned. Perhaps you just missed Him, HouseofIsrael.
When you studied the Baha'i faith, for example, why did you reject its claims?
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Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
According to the Jehova's witnesses, it is very near the time when he will come. They call it the "end times", when we shall all be judged - and given the chance to acknowledge Christ as our saviour. And for those who do, it's back to the Garden of Eden (paradise), where we can live hapilly ever after, with no fears or needs.


Democratic Socialist
According to the Jehova's witnesses, it is very near the time when he will come. They call it the "end times", when we shall all be judged - and given the chance to acknowledge Christ as our saviour. And for those who do, it's back to the Garden of Eden (paradise), where we can live hapilly ever after, with no fears or needs.

when arent people calling it the "end times"? what makes NOW so special when it didnt happen ALL those other times?


Resident Liberal Hippie
According to the Jehova's witnesses, it is very near the time when he will come. They call it the "end times", when we shall all be judged - and given the chance to acknowledge Christ as our saviour. And for those who do, it's back to the Garden of Eden (paradise), where we can live hapilly ever after, with no fears or needs.
According to the Jehovah's Witnesses the "End Times" were to come in 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, and 1975.:rolleyes:


Industrial Strength Linguist
According to the Jehovah's Witnesses the "End Times" were to come in 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, and 1975.:rolleyes:

That's true. My grandfather was a Jehovah's Witness, and my father used to refer to him as a "burnt-out Jehovah's Witness". After a while, he stopped expecting to see the heavens part and hear Gabriel's horn. But the Jehovah's Witnesses were just one of many millenialist movements that ultimately trace their history back to William Miller's "Millerite" millennialist movement in the early 19th century. In 1845, when Miller suffered the "Great Disappointment" of not seeing the world end, he retired to obscurity. Nevertheless, there were plenty of folks who went on to keep hope alive.


Miss Independent
Hi House of Israel. Indeed he will return. The question is, what do you think needs to be restored before he comes? In my understanding it is the bride of christ that makes herself ready. Now God knows who is the bride, and when she is ready, Christ will come back for her. The bride is not everybody that calls themselves a christian. So...when she is ready, the fireworks will start.

Cant wait. MAN what a day THAT will be!


Active Member
I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."

Found this article about the second coming of Jesus (in Islam):


Peace be upon you.
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Its only a Label
Friend HouseofIsrael,

When will Jesus return?
Buddhas have been here, are here and will be here.
Jesus was just another buddha.

Problem with human MIND is that it attaches itself with physical things or if some think that the same jesus will be born again then then are victims of their delusionary minds.
Love & rgds
Hi Heneni: Yes you are right not all are. To answer your question, i think u probably can answer the question better than i do -i mean look around you does any thing seems right (wars, deaths, famine, diseases, corruption in politics and the church etc) my friend everything needs to be restored. One God, One faith, One Baptism -to create a sinless, sickless and deathless society.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Hi Heneni: Yes you are right not all are. To answer your question, i think u probably can answer the question better than i do -i mean look around you does any thing seems right (wars, deaths, famine, diseases, corruption in politics and the church etc) my friend everything needs to be restored. One God, One faith, One Baptism -to create a sinless, sickless and deathless society.

Actually, there are some things in this world that seem right. There is justice, love, happiness, freedom, etc. Perhaps we need a more balanced view of reality than that offered by certain cynical religious perspectives on human nature.
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Perhaps this is just the scripture that needs mentioning, Mathew 24:36 NLT “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.* Only the Father knows.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
According to the Jehovah's Witnesses the "End Times" were to come in 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, and 1975.:rolleyes:

Well, like all those carrying plackards with "The world will end tomorrow", some guy is going to be right.........:D