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When will science discover the whole universe ?


Well-Known Member
Its also amazing how much we have learned in a short amount of time and that is growing exponentially.


The Lost One
shawn001 said:
Its also amazing how much we have learned in a short amount of time and that is growing exponentially.

Yes, we have learned so much, and we will continue to learn more.

And it is newer technology that help us learn more.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Not possible; the whole universe cannot be detached from the theoretical universes. So then, even if it were possible (which it is not) for our knowledge to expand throughout the entirety of existence itself, there are an infinite number of more things to discover.


Well-Known Member
Well right now if things don't change the universe is expanding faster then light.

So its not likely will ever get there.

The whole article is pretty interesting.

The End of Everything

"End of Cosmology – 3 Trillion Years from Now
The Universe acts as a natural time machine. Since light moves at the speed of, well, light, we can look at distant objects and see them how they looked in the past. Look to the very ends of the visible Universe, and you see light that was emitted billions of years ago, shortly after the Big Bang.
It’s handy, but there’s a problem. That mysterious dark energy force, which is accelerating the expansion of the Universe is making the most distant galaxies move faster and faster away from us. Eventually, they will cross an event horizon and appear to be moving away from us faster than the speed of light. At this point, any light emitted by the galaxy will cease to reach us. Any galaxy that crosses this horizon will fade away from view, until its last photon reaches us. All galaxies will disappear from view forever."

The End of Everything


Well-Known Member
Literally impossible.

No its impossible for matter to go faster then light but not the expansion of space.

Speed of Universe's Expansion Measured Better Than Ever

Speed of Universe's Expansion Measured Better Than Ever | Hubble Constant | Spitzer | Space.com

"How could the universe expand faster than the speed of light? That seems impossible!"

"The speed of light is only a constraint for objects that exist within space-time, not for space-time itself."

How could the universe expand faster than the speed of light? That seems impossible! » Scienceline

How Can Galaxies Recede Faster than the Speed of Light?

How Can Galaxies Recede Faster than the Speed of Light?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
No its impossible for matter to go faster then light but not the expansion of space.

Speed of Universe's Expansion Measured Better Than Ever

Speed of Universe's Expansion Measured Better Than Ever | Hubble Constant | Spitzer | Space.com

"How could the universe expand faster than the speed of light? That seems impossible!"

"The speed of light is only a constraint for objects that exist within space-time, not for space-time itself."

How could the universe expand faster than the speed of light? That seems impossible! » Scienceline

How Can Galaxies Recede Faster than the Speed of Light?

How Can Galaxies Recede Faster than the Speed of Light?

Two particles, no matter how far away in the universe, if they have mass, may NOT exceed the speed of light.

Though we also don't "know" if it is possible for the universe to expand faster than the speed of light.


Well-Known Member
Two particles, no matter how far away in the universe, if they have mass, may NOT exceed the speed of light.

Though we also don't "know" if it is possible for the universe to expand faster than the speed of light.

I hope you read the articles.

as I said Mass can't go faster then light.

But space can, in fact it is by our measurements.

Its also part of inflation theory.

What is the universe expanding into?

"Let me begin by saying that "expanding" isn't really the best word to describe what is happening to the universe, although that is the word that is often used - a word choice which I think leads to a lot of unnecessary confusion regarding what is already a difficult topic! A more accurate word for what the universe is doing might be "stretching".

The difference between "expanding" and "stretching", for me at least, is that an "expanding universe" conjures up an image where there is a bunch of galaxies floating through space, all of which started at some center point and are now moving away from that point at very fast speeds. Therefore, the collection of galaxies (which we call the "universe") is expanding, and it is certainly fair to ask what it is expanding into."

"Instead, the galaxies are in some sense stationary - they do not move through space the way that a ball moves through the air. The galaxies simply sit there. However, as time goes on, the space between the galaxies "stretches", sort of like what happens when you take a sheet of rubber and pull at it on both ends. Although the galaxies haven't moved through space at all, they get farther away from each other as time goes on because the space in between them has been stretched."

Curious About Astronomy: What is the universe expanding into?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I hope you read the articles.

as I said Mass can't go faster then light.

But space can, in fact it is by our measurements.

Its also part of inflation theory.

What is the universe expanding into?

"Let me begin by saying that "expanding" isn't really the best word to describe what is happening to the universe, although that is the word that is often used - a word choice which I think leads to a lot of unnecessary confusion regarding what is already a difficult topic! A more accurate word for what the universe is doing might be "stretching".

The difference between "expanding" and "stretching", for me at least, is that an "expanding universe" conjures up an image where there is a bunch of galaxies floating through space, all of which started at some center point and are now moving away from that point at very fast speeds. Therefore, the collection of galaxies (which we call the "universe") is expanding, and it is certainly fair to ask what it is expanding into."

"Instead, the galaxies are in some sense stationary - they do not move through space the way that a ball moves through the air. The galaxies simply sit there. However, as time goes on, the space between the galaxies "stretches", sort of like what happens when you take a sheet of rubber and pull at it on both ends. Although the galaxies haven't moved through space at all, they get farther away from each other as time goes on because the space in between them has been stretched."

Curious About Astronomy: What is the universe expanding into?
It appears I was mistaken. Forgive me.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
No worries and no need for forgiveness, it took me a while to look into it as well, when they discovered it. It also seems to be still accelerating. This also doesn't look good for a big crunch scenario.

I was aware of the fact that we are accelerating but I was not aware that this acceleration would at some point be able to surpass the speed of light.


Active Member
Never. Because what 'science' will explain will always be intepreted by single subjective observers and this will always interrupt 'total sight.'