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When will we acknowledge sexism and violence against men is just as real?


I have to take back my earlier statement about eugene's statement being obvious. I don't know what i was getting from it, but when i looked back, i realize the statement "feminists created the rift between genders" is not obvious. It is very debatable. And not something i actually agree with, myself.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I shouldn't have to cope.
Gotta disagree there. You are not the arbiter of my self-expression.

The face palm is, in my opinion, worse than just calling someone stupid, because at least when you call someone stupid, you aren't hiding behind a picture.
That's your opinion, I don't share it.

Sometimes smart people say stupid things. Gene's a smart guy, but what he said was DEEPLY stupid. At best. You're a smart guy, but this little tantrum is beyond stupid, or even moronic. I think I'll go with imbecilic.

Now, you say it was intended as irony.... how would i know?
Because, presumably, you have the reading comprehension of at least a 10 year old child.

That isn't how the picture works. It leaves things wide open to interpretation, and honestly, the most obvious interpretation there, is that you are implying i'm stupid for what i said.
If there was ambiguity (which point I do NOT concede), you could have asked rather than presuming to tell me I shouldn't express my annoyance as I see fit.

As for the strawman, i realized after i said it that it was not a defensible statement, as it was a blanket statement. I wasn't upset that you called it a strawman argument, merely that you couldn't be bothered to explain yourself, hence why i said that it made it look like you were merely trying to score an easy point.
As you say, it was obvious. I rarely waste words, especially when annoyed.

I apologize if it seemed like i was putting that in your mouth. I realize that was implied, since i was responding to you. That wasn't really my intention.
Apology accepted.

And finally, I don't feel like i deserve to have you sniping at me with that stupid little picture, but hey, you aren't outright calling me stupid, so it's okay, right?
Well, here's a tip: if you want to be treated with kindness and respect, you should show some. Don't treat your equals as inferiors - tends to **** us off.


lol, i probably had the reading comprehension of a ten year old child when i was two, then it got better. I will say this, just because something is obvious to you, because you know exactly what you mean when you say it, doesn't necessarily mean i'm gonna pick up on it, even with my vastly superior reading comprehension skills.:D


As a victim of spousal abuse (mental, physical, and emotional), and a man, I have to say that even with all the progress we have made to improve everyones lot in such situations, the deck is more often than not stacked against the male when it comes to domestic violence situations. I am a very non-violent person who was repeatedly subjected to legal railroading due to my ex-wife's violent tendencies and martyr complex throughout the course of my marriage! I endured 16 years of near-constant abuse of various kinds, and am still suffering on probation (5 years plus 200 hours of community service and thousands in fines) for assault because I tried to get her to stop attacking me physically!


Hey, my friend,

That question has a lot of vagueness. What defines someone as "patriarchal", what is this divide a young man feels; is it felt by anyone else and in the same way for the same reasons; does he feel divided from other men or just women; can a new generation not feel the effects of thousands of years of customs; what do you speculate is the cause of separation/divide this man feels etc.? You may need to be more specific about these things to find answers.

Thanks, still organizing my thoughts. Will get back to ya.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Time to reanimate this thread for a strange thing going on in wacky old NYC.....
New York’s Anti-Manspreading Campaign Cost $76,707 | Washington Free Beacon

They also mentioned as part of subway etiquette to not primp or use the poles for dance routines.

The push to require women to refrain from putting handbags on adjacent seats is a good push too.

Perhaps widening all seats to accommodate for men spreading their legs wider than what they are sitting in is a better investment if men are unable to close their legs?


Veteran Member
I can't understand this manspread stuff. I used the train all the time and men sit with closed legs for the duration of the journey. Is it just New Yorkers who have a biological need to spread?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I can't understand this manspread stuff. I used the train all the time and men sit with closed legs for the duration of the journey. Is it just New Yorkers who have a biological need to spread?
I suspect it's a NYC thing. But everywhere I've taken public transportation, people typically try to take up less space when things become crowded. But ya know...when there's room, ya give the boys some air. If that "privilege" offends some sensitive types, they can just look the other way. Btw, I've also noticed that some gals like to air out the old hoo hah too. Fair's fair.


Active Member
It's become tough for men, but we had it coming. So many years of treating women unfairly, things are not gonna get perfect immediately.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's become tough for men, but we had it coming. So many years of treating women unfairly, things are not gonna get perfect immediately.
Hey, speak for yerself, bub! I've treated'm pretty well over the years....as well as I've treated menfolk. Oh.....maybe that's a problem, eh?


Active Member
You're not responsible, but people of the past have made the world the way it was and handed it to us. We are not responsible for their actions but the consequences of their actions we can not escape.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You're not responsible, but people of the past have made the world the way it was and handed it to us. We are not responsible for their actions but the consequences of their actions we can not escape.
That is true for all.
No one deserves ill treatment for the actions of others.
We're each responsible for the things we (as individuals) do.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Do you say "brit' ish" or "bri' tish"?

I think the second, but it depends which part of the country I'm visiting and the company I'm in. My accent shifts around all the time depending who I'm with and where I am. Maybe blending in is a survival mechanism. ;)


Active Member
That is true for all.
No one deserves ill treatment for the actions of others.
We're each responsible for the things we (as individuals) do.

But there are problems in the world which have been created before our time, can we just ignore them because we didn't cause them?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But there are problems in the world which have been created before our time, can we just ignore them because we didn't cause them?
I don't say to ignore problems. Just don't blame people who didn't cause the problem because of some shared trait with those who did.